woensdag 23 november 2022

Ukraine Biolabs Used Fever Carrying Mosquitoes To Spark Dengue Pandemic In Cuba

 Biological Warfare

Ukraine Biolabs Used Fever Carrying Mosquitoes To Spark Dengue Pandemic In Cuba

Despite not denying its involvement in the Ukrainian laboratories’ cooperation, Washington did not acknowledge that it had conducted biological weapon research there. Now, as per new evidence fever carrying mosquitoes that were studied in Ukraine biolabs were used to spark dengue pandemic in Cuba.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry reported finding documents in confiscated bio labs in Ukraine that showed researchers were testing harmful pathogens with the apparent intention of using them as part of biological weapons. According to the ministry, the US provided funding for these labs for more than ten years.

According to Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Armed Forces’ Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Unit, Ukrainian biological laboratories researched fever-carrying Aedes mosquitoes, the same genus of insects that the US is thought to have used to start a pandemic of type 2 dengue in Cuba in the 1970s and 1980s.

“The facts of the use of Aedes mosquitoes as biological weapons, exactly the same species with which the US Pentagon worked in Ukraine, were recorded in a class-action lawsuit by Cuban citizens against the US government and were submitted for reviewing of the signatories to the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons”, Kirillov said.

The military branch’s head recalled that the epidemic killed 158 people and infected 345,000 individuals in Cuba. Kirillov emphasized that type 2 dengue infections had never been reported in the Caribbean region and that the only location on the island free of infections was the Guantanamo US military installation.

In response to Havana’s allegations, US authorities denied any participation in the outbreak.



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