vrijdag 20 augustus 2021

Mujahadin Fighters in White House


This photograph is from 1983, when Reagan and the CIA were dancing around the idea of arming Mujahadin fighters in order to fight back against Soviet incursion in Afghanistan. The result was a well-armed, well-trained group of jihadis who resisted (some say defeated) the onslaught of superior Soviet weaponry. 

Once the Soviets retreated, the U.S. lost interest and pulled the funding. Osama bin Laden took interest, and filled the vacuum, later fathering the Taliban.

The rest, as they say, is history.

1 opmerking:

Mvk zei

ja en de mujahedeen als good guys in hollywood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ5PvhSFkQ0

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