zaterdag 13 juli 2019

Volkskrant Fake News

Deleted from internet. Saved copy of message about it.
July 22nd 2014, Dutch newspaper Volkskrant had copied part of an article that had appeared in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, that contained an interview with a separatist. I read italian and looked up the original article. The most part was about the separatist thinking they had shot down the plane, because he heard on their radio about a plane being shot down. But the separatist concluded they did NOT shoot down the plane, because they didn't have such high reaching missiles.
Next day however, July 23rd 2014, Volkskrant published an article that simply stated: "A 31 year old militant admitted to the italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, that his militia was responsible for the disaster with the Malaysian airliner"
So I confronted Volkskrant with that (I saved a copy of that email, see picture). I didn't receive a response, then. But now, when I searched for the online article, I have to conclude it has been deleted. 
CItation Corriere della Sera: "Ovvio che non siamo stati noi ad abbattere l’aereo. Non disponiamo di missili capaci di sparare tanto in alto. Questo è un crimine commesso dai banditi che obbediscono al governo di Kiev."
"Obvious, it wasn't us who took down the plane. We don't have missiles with such a high reach. It was a crime committed by the bandits that follow the orders of the government in Kiev".

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