maandag 12 oktober 2015

USA and ISIS 2

Iraq: Caliph Not Killed But Still A 4+1 Intelligence Room Success

By Moon Of Alabama

October 11, 2015 "
Information Clearing House" - The Islamic State Caliph Baghdadi was nearly killed today. This also happened on two earlier occasions one last year and one in April this year. But today at least a few IS honchos found their end. The probably decisive difference was the involvement of the 4+1 intelligence operations room in Baghdad on which I reported here ten days ago.
How the news developed:
Conflict News @Conflicts
BREAKING: #Iraq says their air-force has struck the convoy of #ISIS leader al-Baghdadi. More to come. 
Borzou Daragahi @borzou
Iraq claims "many Daish leaders killed" in air force bombing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's convoy in Anbar.
The Iraqi air force struck a convoy of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in western Anbar province close to the Syrian border on Sunday, a military statement said.
"Iraqi air forces have bombed the convoy of the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi while he was heading to Karabla to attend a meeting with Daesh commanders," the statement read, using the Arabic acronym for Islamic State.
"The location of the meeting was also bombed and many of the group's leaders were killed and wounded. Fate of murderer al-Baghdadi is unknown and he was carried away by a vehicle. His health condition is still unclear," the military said.
More from my stream:
Max Abrahms @MaxAbrahms
Even if Baghdadi survived, it seems likely other high-level ISIS guys may have been killed in the Iraqi attack. 
الجغايفة Al-Jughayfa @haditha_tribe
#Iraq #AlBaghdadi #ISIL leader killed in #Qaam city and his body now in #Bokamal and isis talking who is going to take his position #USA

Fer G @FGunay1
HUGE! Tribe loyal to Iraqi gov claims ISIS leader Baghdadi is dead! Airstrike in result of Iraq-Iran-Russia coop
Fer G @FGunay1
Iran-Syria-Iraq-Russia cooperation resulted in a strike of the convoy. Reports indicate Baghdadi was present

Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai#Iraq : #ISIS leader Baghdadi hit by airstrike around Ramadi. He was the Military ops main target (in my [earlier] article) 
Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai
An Eye inside Russia/Iraq/Syria/Iran/Hezbollah (4+1) operational room. My take via @AlraiMediaGroup
Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai
#Baghdadi convoy was on its way to a meeting in Karabla when they hit it. He may be in or not in but tt is the result of the intel ops room

Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai
It is confirmed that #USA led coalition was not involved in this intelligence gathering about Baghdadi or his leadership.

Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai
If killed, it will create a hoo-ha among all those who gave his Ba'ya (to d man not to d organisation). Interesting time ahead (if killed).

Fer G @FGunay1 .@FGunay1
A joint operation room runned by Irak-Iran-Syria-Russia designated 50 targets among them a convoy in Ramadi w Baghdadi present

Fer G @FGunay1 .@FGunay1
While its still unknown whether Baghdadi himself was killed local sources claim he is in fact hit & killed by z airstrike

Max Abrahms @MaxAbrahms
Iraqi military releases statement after airstrike against presumed Baghdadi convoy: "His health status is unknown."

Dion Nissenbaum @DionNissenbaum
US military says can't confirm Iraqi reports of strike on ISIS leader Baghdadi's convoy.

Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai
Baghdad claim that #ISIS leaders "Abu Saad al-Karbuli and Abu Omar al-Qabissi were killed in the airstrike". No independent confirmation. 
Elijah J. Magnier @EjmAlrai
It seems #ISIS leader wasn't in the convoy hit in #Iraq.

Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng
#BreakingNews ISIS leaders killed in airstrike but not the militants’ head Baghdadi: hospital sources and residents
Even if this was only a near miss and not a lethal hit on the Caliph himself the operation is a success for the recently revealed intelligence cooperation between Syria, Iraq, Russia, Iran and Hizbullah. That the U.S. was not involved in and not even informed of the operation is a sign of the increasing mistrust the Iraqi government develops against it.
The believe in Baghdad is that the U.S. does not want to kill off the Islamic State but is silently supporting it. There are some facts, the DIA 2012 analysis and the lack of U.S. airstrikes against IS, that support such thinking.
The death of several high Islamic State leaders is a huge moral lift for the Iraqi and Syrian forces and likely a loss of impetus for the various Jihadi groups in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.

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