vrijdag 16 oktober 2015

Saudi Fascism 4

Anoniem heeft een nieuwe reactie op je bericht "U.S. and Saudi Terror" achtergelaten: 

Inside Saudi Arabia: Butchery, Slavery & History of Revolt // Empire_File005 

'Meet the new head of the United Nations panel on Human Rights: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abby Martin takes us inside the brutal reality of this police-state monarchy, and tells the untold people's history of resistance to it. With a major, catastrophic war in Yemen and looming high-profile executions of activists, The Empire Files exposes true nature of the U.S.-Saudi love affair.' 

Amerika, Saoedi-Arabië en mensenrechten... Nederland, kijkt, huivert en zwijgt want ambieert 'n zetel in de VN veiligheidsraad? 
Betrekkingen Nederland - Saoedi-Arabië Rijksoverheid.nl:

'Nederland onderhoudt goede politieke betrekkingen met de Golfstaten, waartoe Saoedi-Arabië behoort. Het land is kansrijk voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven, vooral op het gebied van waterbeheer, infrastructuur, onderwijs en energie.[..] Saoedi-Arabië streeft naar een goede relatie met de andere Golfstaten en naar regionale stabiliteit, waarbij de zorgen van Saoedi-Arabië vooral voortkomen uit de situatie in Jemen en de verhouding met Iran.'

4 opmerkingen:

Hans zei

Oekraine zit nu ook in de Veiligheidsraad.

Anoniem zei

Yemen. Even wat anders dan gearresteerd worden om je zelfgebouwde klok op school te laten zien. Dit ben ik dus nergens tegengekomen in de mainstream media., Prodigy is alvast éen arm en éen been kwijt!
Hoe men aan die cijfers die genoemd worden komt weet ik niet, of alle vermelde feiten kloppen ook niet. Welke westerse journalist waagt zich er op te houden... de foto's in de timeline en de begeleidende teksten spreken boekdelen over drama van gigantische proportie dat zich er voltrekt.

Yemen News Today update 15/10
'The update this week has to include something about the royal family in Saudi Arabia, because that has been so much in the news. They have managed to stop an independent UN investigation, although significant groups such as Amnesty and Human Rights Watch have said that there is evidence of war crimes. There are also reports of other planned human rights abuses within the kingdom – the death by crucifixion of a peaceful demonstrator, the flogging of a British man aged 74 for brewing wine, and the British government pulling out of a deal to modernise the Saudi penal system – the government saying that those two news items have nothing in common. Hmmm.

There have also been reports of Saudi selling off overseas assets to fund the war, Saudi princes’ protests against the King Salman and his favoured son, the reckless defence minister. There have been reports of King Salman developing a dementing illness, and Saudi princes leaving the kingdom – taking their money with them – so much that KSA is attempting to stop their wealth flight. Not good news for the Saudi monarchy.

I found two articles today that are directly related to this, well worth a read – partly because they coincide with my own views on the vulnerability of Saudi Arabia and the trap the Yemen war is posing for them. One is “The campaign to undermine Saudi Arabia and the US dollar” by Jeff Berwick, and “Saudi Palace intrigues” by Stig Stenslie. The links are at the bottom of this article.

There are further reported additions to the Saudi-Israeli alliance. As well as the meetings between Saudi and Israeli officials at the beginning of the war, and the visit earlier in the year of Prince Waleed to Jerusalem where when he was reported as saying nice things about Israel, and the Israeli weapons found in the Saudi embassy, there is now a story about an air corridor from Djibouti to Riyadh now used by Israel, reported as providing weapons to Saudi Arabia to help their war effort. More amazingly, this week the Saudi foreign minister directly appealed to Israel to join the war, saying it was the only way of winning it. Funny that, seeing that Israel has yet to win the war in Gaza after 67 years, and despite using some very nasty tactics against Palestinians. '

Anoniem zei

The Campaign to Undermine Saudi Arabia and the US Dollar - Jeff Berwick

Anoniem zei

World National Debt Clocks Staat niet stil die klok. Growing, growing, what else.
En de 1% bezit nu 50% van de rijkdom in de wereld maar dat groeit ook. Ik had ook nog niet eerder dan deze week van de term 'Plutony' (businesses that serve the wealthy) gehoord. Waar doet het mij toch aan denken behalve plutucratie? Iets met n' verwoestende ontploffing's potentie.


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