What’s Behind Big Pharma’s Freak-out Media Blitz Over Measles?
Global Research, February 11, 2015
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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” – Upton Sinclair, anti-fascist, anti-imperialist American author who wrote in the early 20thcentury
“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable...for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when children die or are disabled from vaccine injuries.
”The AAP leadership knows very well that vaccines cause autism. We need not waste anymore efforts in trying to educate them; we need to indict them.” – Dr David Ayoub
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses .... the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic.” - Dresden James
”In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.“ – George Orwell
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton
”The AAP leadership knows very well that vaccines cause autism. We need not waste anymore efforts in trying to educate them; we need to indict them.” – Dr David Ayoub
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses .... the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic.” - Dresden James
”In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.“ – George Orwell
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton
Everybody is well aware of the fear-based, 24/7 media freak-out over the 150 cases of red measles in the US, an unreported number of which had already been fully or partially vaccinated against measles. Some of them may possibly have been exposed to a recent vaccinee who was still actively shedding the live virus from that inoculation.
No conscientious truth-telling person in a position of authority has been allowed to come forward with all the facts that we need to know before ignorant non-scientist legislators go off half-cocked and pass laws demanding that every child everywhere be forced to get every CDC-recommended shots that keep the “well-child” clinics humming (despite the fact that the “crisis” is only about measles).
The blitz has all the markings of an orchestrated campaign, perhaps a good example of “crisis capitalism” revealed to us in Naomi Klein’s seminal work, “The Shock Doctrine”. Whomever the hidden persuaders are, we know who will benefit from the freak-out. They are the Big Pharma megacorporations, their shareholders and others who are trying to shine up the honor of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Practice, and other medical trade organizations, all of which are highly dependent on Big Pharma’s largesse (in the form of advertising revenues and financial support for their medical conventions).
The 150 measles victims that everybody is talking about reside in the most highly vaccinated nation in the world. With 320,000,000 people as of January 1, 2015, there are still 320,000,850 unaffected people, many of whom have never been vaccinated against measles. I’m one of them, having gotten natural wild measles in childhood, which confers lifetime immunity, whereas the inoculations that contain the live measles virus does not confer lifetime immunity. A lot of people will take their chances, especially since the shots have become more and more unaffordable ever since corporations like the pharmaceutical companies have come to rule the nation, have bribed most of the politicians and have bought up most of the media.
At noon today (Monday, Feb 9) I heard Dr Michael Osterholm, MA, PhD give a speech on MPR about his perceived need for the American government to spend more money and effort preparing for the massive number of. infectious diseases that might theoretically threaten the US in the future. He claimed that more vaccines are needed and they might need to be forcefully administered to reluctant subjects. I didn’t hear him say anything about the need for optimal nutrition, the main factor that made all the other infectious disease epidemics essentially disappear before the vaccines for them came on the market (see chart immediately below for one example).
Dr Osterholm is a non-physician epidemiologist, a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and a former director of the Minnesota Health Department who once worked with Merck Vaccine chief Dr Julie Geberding. Geberding did the revolving door thing – leaving her post as Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for a more lucrative position at Merck (one of the largest vaccine producers in the world and the company responsible for 60,000 cardiac deaths – with unknown millions more sickened – from their now banned blockbuster arthritis pill Vioxx).
I was offended when I heard Osterholm accuse as frauds and charlatans those well-respected and well-informed physicians and scientists like those listed below who are far more knowledgeable that he is about the neuroscience of the over-vaccination programs that our vulnerable and innocent children are subjected to. I’m sure the millions of vaccine-injured families were equally offended when he dismissed them as hysterical and misinformed by the internet research they have done.
I suspect that Dr Osterholm has never listened to any parent of a vaccine injured child, nor has he read the lectures and writings of such courageous, knowledgeable and articulate physicians and scientists like Dr Russell Blaylock, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Suzanne Humphries, Dr Kenneth Stoller, Dr Andrew Wakefield, Dr Mark Geier, or Dr Joseph Mercola, to name only a few.
I challenge my readers, and Dr Osterholm, to honestly study the research and insights of those scientists. But I doubt that he ever will, because, as Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary and job depend upon his not understanding it!“
Even On Point Radio has Joined the Cacophony
Also today I heard a very one-sided panel discussion on On Point Radio, one of my favorite public radio programs, hosted by the usually well-informed Tom Ashbrook, who today seemed quite cozy with the vaccine establishment. Ashbrook had a totally unbalanced panel of pro-vaccine professionals and apologists who did not reveal their financial or professional conflicts of interest. I very much doubt that Ashbrook will be inviting Dr Blaylock, Dr Tenpenny, Dr Humphries, Dr Stoller, Dr Wakefield, Dr Geier, or Dr Mercola to appear on his program. (In fairness to Ashbrook, he did say that he had invited Barbara Loe Fisher, the director of the National Vaccine Information Center (www.nvic.org) to join the panel, but she wisely declined to appear unless she was given adequate time (the full hour, which is actually woefully inadequate) to state her case about the unpleasant truth about the dangers and lack of efficacy of many vaccines.
One of the panel members on today’s On Point Radio was a Democratic Party California state Senator from Sacramento, Richard Pan, who once was a practicing pediatrician.
Dr Pan’s contribution to the program was actually a repetition of the old pro-vaccine talking points that supported non-individualized mass vaccination programs for any and every vaccine approved by the FDA. This was actually irrelevant because the hour was supposed to be about the outbreak of measles cases at Disney World.
Probably a good politician and a good speaker, Dr Pan did sound like he was just spewing memorized talking points from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Big Pharma’s lobbyists, who use the same arguments over and over again in order to convince ignorant legislative policy-makers in DC and in most of the state capitals. Dr Pan failed to reveal that the AAP and the medical journals he reads are heavily subsidized by amoral and very wealthy pharmaceutical corporations.
He also failed to reveal that many unnamed pharmaceutical corporations invested in his political campaigns or that the AAP strongly supported his campaigns, presumably also by financial contributions. Like most politicians who are beholden to their paymasters, Dr Pan is – not surprisingly – likely paying back his corporate supporters by introducing favorable legislation to deny parents (who may know the truth about the lethal and disabling vaccine injury epidemic) the chance to exempt their children for philosophical or religious reasons. Some observers would call that pharmacofascism.
A second panelist on the On Point Radio show was non-physician, biostatistician and computer science professor at Johns Hopkins University, Dr Steven Salzberg, who apparently blogs a lot but obviously knows far, far less that the Vaccine Truth group mentioned above (lately derogatively labeled “anti-vaxers”. Salzberg uttered a number of typical pro-vaccine talking points as well, but then also failed to reveal any possible conflicts of interest.
The third panelist was Liz Szabo, another non-physician, and a health reporter for USA Today. Szabo has written many fear-inducing USA Today articles about vaccines. To cast doubt on the veracity of her reporting, it should be noted that USA Today earns huge fees from Big Pharma advertising. Those advertisers would not appreciate Ms Szabo doing any balanced reporting by, say, interviewing any of the parents of the millions of vaccine damaged children who are now permanently disabled because of their products. Unless she wants to risk losing her job, she will also not do any unbiased interviews with any of the aforementioned Vaccine Truth physician/scientist experts like Blaylock, Tenpenny, Humphries, Stoller, Wakefield, Geier, or Mercola. (See links to some of their work farther below.)
Thinking persons should be alarmed that the mainstream media is offering no balanced coverage, no real journalism, just one-sided propaganda and ad hominem attacks, and the pro-vaccine groups are doing exactly the same. The minority – and truthful – view gets excluded from the airwaves or shouted down when they are ever given a chance to speak truth to power.
DemocracyNow did a More Balanced Discussion on the Issue
Last week on NPR’s Democracy Now, Amy Goodman actually had a Vaccine Truth activist on the program, although she was sandwiched between two pro-vaccine folks, including Dr Paul Offit. The guest was an Age of Autismhttp://www.ageofautism.com/vaccines/ consulting attorney named Mary Holland, who is the mother of a child who unequivocally regressed from total normalcy into severe autism following an MMR vaccination. Ms Holland is the co-author of “Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health and Our Children.” Her website is VaccineEpidemic.com
The DemocracyNow program can be heard at: (http://www.democracynow.org/2015/2/5/inside_the_vaccine_war_measles_outbreak?autostart=true). The Age of Autism’s comments about the program can be heard athttp://www.ageofautism.com/kim_stagliano/ .
Holland’s segment was followed by a nearly hysterical rant by BigPharma’s favorite son, the very biased Dr Offitt, who has made millions of dollars developing, licensing and selling Rototeq, a rotovirus vaccine that sheds in the stool for weeks after the shot. Rototeq has caused 350 deaths and was once found to be contaminated with pig viruses. Offit’s vaccine was taken off the market temporarily because it caused occasionally fatal intussusception in infants. The highly compromised Offit is obviously working hard to save his honor and to justify his proposal that forced vaccinations be begun for infants for each and every infectious disease that Big Pharma can think of making a vaccine for.
Many Vaccine Ingredients Qualify for Hazardous Waste Designations
Incredibly, Dr Offit once proclaimed that vaccines are so safe that an infant could be given a thousand vaccine doses without harming the child! And yet, a few years ago, when there was an $10,000 reward offer for any physician who would swallow the contents of a typical vaccine after being informed of the toxic ingredients. There were no takers. After all, why would a healthy person want to swallow such toxic stuff (and yet physicians are quite willing to inject the same toxic ingredients into their well babies!). It is interesting to note that if vaccines were to be dumped in an EPA monitored landfill, they would have to be labeled as hazardous waste, because of the presence of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, propylene glycol (antifreeze), squalene, viral particles and many other contaminants of many of the vaccines.
Offit’s forced vaccination proposals, if enacted, would be disastrous for the neurologic, psychiatric and immunologic health of America’s babies. Fully vaccinated American children are already among the most chronically ill group of children in the world (some say that, congruent with the autism epidemic, nearly 50% of America’s over-vaccinated children have vaccine-induced chronic illnesses such as diabetes (both type I and type II), autistic spectrum disorders, ADHD, conduct disorders, brain damage, food allergies, asthma, arthritis, immune deficiency disorders, mitochondrial disorders, inflammatory bowel disorders and cancer and are doomed to be permanent disabled patients, having to see doctors regularly and take prescription drugs for the rest of their lives.
Since Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 bill into law, absolving every vaccine manufacturer of legal responsibility for death or damage caused by their vaccines, the Big Pharma has pumped out dangerous, poorly tested and often contaminated products, knowing that they will have no liability for the damage they might cause (we taxpayers are responsible for the damages!) Many of Big Pharma’s vaccines are manufactured in China, which has a reputation for poor purity standards. The autism epidemic started just a few years after Reagan’s law and the incidence of autistic spectrum disorders has risen precipitously – congruent with the increasing number of inoculations.
Dr Tenpenny says that the vaccine industry has 200 new vaccines in development at the present time. That will surely make things intolerably worse for our children, but the drug companies will profit immensely if Dr Offit’s and Dr Pan’s self-serving plan to force all parents to have their kids get inoculated.
Big Pharma’s vaccine makers and marketers are worried about the bleak future for new patentable drugs in their “pipelines”, and they see vaccines as their major growth potential. Big Pharma and their co-opted federal “regulatory” agencies also want to get the public’s eyes off of an important, potentially explosive whistleblower lawsuit against Merck over false efficacy claims for the mumps portion of their MMR shot. That trial is certain to damage Merck’s and the CDC’s reputations. (For more information, see:http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/judge-lawsuit-against-mercks-mmr-vaccine-fraud-to-continue/ ).
Getting patients and legislators to believe Big Pharma’s aggressive propaganda is essential for it and also important for the stock portfolios of many physicians and for-profit medical corporations. Share price is central to the industry and no bad news can be tolerated, especially in this volatile stock market.
When big money is involved, corporations are known to lie, cheat, steal, name call, threaten, smear and destroy other people’s reputations in order to get their way or beat the competition (see information about the Dr Andrew Wakefield case by reading his two books “Callous Disregard: The Truth Behind a Tragedy” and “Waging War on the Autistic Child” or actually listening to his testimony about how the British Medical Journal, the Rupert Murdoch pseudo-journalist Brian Deer, GlaxoSmithKline (Murdoch’s son was on Glaxo’s board of directors) conspired together to smear and destroy Wakefield’s profession for his “Crime” of doing honest research and publishing – along with a number of co-authors - a peer-reviewed Lancet journal article that proved a direct connection between Glaxo’s MMR vaccine and a dozen disabled (with autism, chronic diarrhea and abdominal pain) autistic children whose bowels and lymph nodes were found to be infected with the vaccine’s proliferating measles viruses. A lawsuit in Britain totally exonerated one of Wakefield’s co-authors, but Wakefield, now an ex-patriot in America, was unable to afford legal counsel and therefore remains “guilty” of the trumped up charges.
The Plausible but Unproven Theory of Herd Immunity
When I went to medical school in the mid-1960s, we were taught the “plausible” theoretical concept of herd immunity. The theory says that if a certain majority of the population was immune to a communicable disease, there would be a decreased likelihood of epidemics for that disease. In the 1960s the goal to reach was 60 or 75%. Nowadays the goal has crept up to 90 or 95%, depending on how much the thought-leaders are influenced by the medical trade associations or the special interest lobbyists for the vaccine industry.
Exposing Big Pharma’s Deeply Flawed Vaccine (Pseudo)science
Below is a collection of established vaccination information that ethical journalists need to know before blindly accepting – and then regurgitating – the disinformation that is coming from the mainstream media, the CDC, the US Public Health system, the AAP, the AAFP and the AMA. I am ashamed to see how low the professional organizations that I used to revere have stooped. Follow the money.
Immediately below are comments and research reports from 8 very knowledgeable (and therefore black-listed) physicians who have considerable expertise and experience regarding the dangers and lack of proof of efficacy of America’s childhood (over)vaccination program.
These physicians have exposed as deeply flawed the perverted science of Big Pharma’s “studies”, the FDA’s lapdog approvals and the CDC’s propaganda campaign promoting America’s obscenely profitable, immunotoxic and neurotoxic vaccination program.
Essential Reading and Viewing for Every Unbiased Person Who is Truly Searching for the Truth About Vaccines
Dr Russell Blaylock’s video, “Vaccines & Brain Development” can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjVR12DZ2oI . Blaylock’s evaluation of the scandalous and illegal Simpsonwood Conference can be found at: http://www.whale.to/a/blaylock.html .
Dr Kenneth Stoller, MD – Video, entitled “Autism, Vaccines, Mercury and the Culpability of the American Academy of Pediatrics” -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36_qz2beMaE
Dr Sherri Tenpenny, video lecture, entitled “What the CDC documents say about vaccines” at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1VwVBmx0Ng. This is the most thorough expose of the perverted science of America’s vaccination program.. It is understandable to laypersons as well as medical professionals.
Dr Suzanne Humphries: Video presentation at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFQQOv-Oi6U Article at:http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2013/11/12/vaccines-a-peek-beneath-the-hood-by-roman-bystrianyk-and-suzanne-humphries-md/
Richard Gale, co-author (with Gary Null) of review article – “Vaccine McCarthyism”; posted at http://www.globalresearch.ca/vaccine-mccarthyism-what-if-the-vaccine-paradigm-itself-is-deliberately-flawed/5427768
Dr Andrew Wakefield – videos of this tragic vaccine/autism researcher who was falsely vilified and smeared by BigPharma (especially GlaxoSmithKline, the British pharma giant and manufacturer of the MMR vaccine – and other pro-vaccine profiteers).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q62DcaNs_ Another lecture is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra0QtTUuFIc
Dr Meyer Eisenstein debunks the mythical “36,000 flu deaths per year” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_HyPezYzmw . (Dr Eisenstein’s Chicago-area Home First Clinic does not force vaccinations on his patients and he has had ZERO autism patients and very few chronically ill patients among those he has served over several decades!)
Dr David Ayoub wrote an article about the dangers of giving mercury-laden flu shots to pregnant women (and therefore to the brains and bodies of their highly vulnerable unborn babies) http://www.vaccinationcouncil.org/2009/05/22/pregnancy-and-the-myth-of-influenza-vaccination-is-it-safe-is-it-effective-is-it-necessary/
Dr Mark Geier Video on the dangerous pseudoscience of the vaccine industry and the resultant willful ignorance of the medical profession about the dangers and lack of proof of effectiveness of most vaccines -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFPVviqOJ6Q
Dr Joseph Mercola Video lecture on Influenza and Vit D prevention”
From NaturalNews.org: Video: “What toxic chemicals are in vaccines?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AgKBVaPKWo
The Autism Epidemic Began in 1988 Widely Believed to be Caused by Environmental Factors
10 inoculations for infants up to age 15 months was the norm back in 1986, when the incidence of autism was 1/10,000. This was just prior to Ronald Reagan’s National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that absolved a bunch of very relieved Big Pharma corporations of responsibility for vaccine injuries or death.
Between 1988 and 1996, the following vaccines were eagerly added to the CDC schedule for children in the first 15 months of life, doubling and tripling the neurotoxic ingredients. Without any medico-legal liability restraining them, vaccine manufacturers saw huge economic opportunities to fast track vaccines through the “watchdog/lapdog” federal agency, the FDA. Each added vaccine increased the toxic burden on every baby to unsustainable levels and the autism and chronic illness epidemics began with a vengeance.
· HiB – Improved Hib conjugate vaccine licensed in December 1987, and single dose added to childhood schedule in 1988.
· DTaP – Additional dose at younger age added around 1990.
· HiB – Three additional doses added to schedule in 1991.
· Hep B – Three doses – Added to childhood schedule in 1992.
· Chicken Pox – Approved in 1995, added to schedule in 1996
And today the CDC mandates 36 vaccines by the age of 18 months, 68 vaccines until age 12 and the rate of autism, chronic illnesses and other neurodegenerative diseases has predictably soared from 1 out of every 10,000 to 1 out of every 88 American children. The guilty parties can be seen on every news report right now (even on NPR and PBS), desperately trying to convince the easily duped public that they are innocent of these crimes against humanity and also trying to convince the public that the vaccine damaged children and families are idiot conspiracy theorists rather than good, caring parents who know what really happened to their children and who did it to them.
Don’t fall for it. Be skeptical of those opinion leaders who are on the side of the amoral corporations, who have done so much damage to America’s kids. Do your independent research, starting with the above internet links.
Dr Kohls has spent many hours researching the obscenely powerful and profitable pharmaceutical industry and the many false claims that their lobbyists have been making. He knows many families whose lives have been devastated by vaccine injuries, including regressive autism that unequivocally began with routine vaccination. He practiced holistic mental health care for the last decade of his career. He writes a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, an alternative newsweekly published in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. The last three years of Dr Kohls’ columns are archived at http://duluthreader.com/articles/categories/200_Duty_to_Warn.
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