Kijkt u even mee, en luistert u even mee. Nederlandse 'rebellen' of 'terroristen,' het is maar bij welk kamp u hoort, bidden gewapend in Syrie. Allah is groot. Nederland is klein. Amerika is groot. Syrie is klein.
En deze Nederlandse 'rebellen' dan wel 'terroristen' komen straks vol goede moed als helden naar Nederland terug om de strijd voort te zetten, waar dan ook. En dit wordt door de NAVO gefinancierd. Slaap rustig verder.
War Crimes: Syrian Rebels Regularly Execute Captives
Soldiers Or Suspects, Being Caught by Syrian Rebels Often a Death Sentence
by Jason Ditz, March 14, 2013
From soldiers who surrendered in battle to civilians perceived to be sympathetic to the Assad government, Syria’s various rebel factions take a lot of prisoners. Many of them don’t live very long, however.
It is just one of many examples in the new report (pdf) detailing the growing number of human rights violations by the Western-backed Syrian rebels, including torture and arbitrary detentions.
Free Syrian Army officials didn’t dispute the report, but denied that it was a problem, insisting that revenge killings “happen in wars all over the place” and that each of these cases should be treated as “individual cases” instead of the broad trend that it indeed is.
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