Occupation Magazine July 3, 2012 (and a selection of articles posted on earlier days)
Mount of Olives as real estate
Save My Village!
Nasser Nawajah - AVAAZ -I`m 30 years old and live in a Palestinian village called Susiya.(...) 7,266 signers so far. Let`s reach 10,000
Nasser Nawajah - AVAAZ -I`m 30 years old and live in a Palestinian village called Susiya.(...) 7,266 signers so far. Let`s reach 10,000
Israeli authorities demolish stores in Old City
JERUSALEM (Ma`an) – Local residents told Ma`an that four stores were being demolished. The stores were set ablaze suspiciously about a week ago, they noted. One of the owners, Samir Salaymah, said, "the owners were surprised when they saw large numbers of Israeli police officers escorting laborers who started to demolish the stores without prior notice."
JERUSALEM (Ma`an) – Local residents told Ma`an that four stores were being demolished. The stores were set ablaze suspiciously about a week ago, they noted. One of the owners, Samir Salaymah, said, "the owners were surprised when they saw large numbers of Israeli police officers escorting laborers who started to demolish the stores without prior notice."
Military college at a sensitive spot in East Jerusalem
Hagit Ofran - Peace Now Settlement Watch - I believe that one can’t think of Mount of Olives as real estate. It is important for the three monotheistic religions. On top of all this holiness, Mt. of Olives is under dispute between us and the Palestinians, and we will have to solve this dispute only through an agreement. Bringing the Military Academy to this spot is quite insensitive and if I may add, not so smart, of our Government.
Hagit Ofran - Peace Now Settlement Watch - I believe that one can’t think of Mount of Olives as real estate. It is important for the three monotheistic religions. On top of all this holiness, Mt. of Olives is under dispute between us and the Palestinians, and we will have to solve this dispute only through an agreement. Bringing the Military Academy to this spot is quite insensitive and if I may add, not so smart, of our Government.
Army invades Rafah area, uproots Farmlands
Saed Bannoura - IMEMC - On Tuesday at dawn a number of armored Israeli military vehicles, accompanied by military bulldozers, invaded an area east of Rafah city, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and bulldozed Palestinian farmlands.
Saed Bannoura - IMEMC - On Tuesday at dawn a number of armored Israeli military vehicles, accompanied by military bulldozers, invaded an area east of Rafah city, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and bulldozed Palestinian farmlands.
Settlers destroy olive trees in a Nablus village
Ma`an - Residents of Havat Gilad settler outpost entered a private field owned by Nayif Raihan, from Tell village south of Nablus, and chopped down 41 trees. Havat Gilad has a long a record of violence against its Palestinian neighbors. It was one of the outposts declared illegal under Israeli as well as International law, but its continued existence assured by a "deal" with the government.
Ma`an - Residents of Havat Gilad settler outpost entered a private field owned by Nayif Raihan, from Tell village south of Nablus, and chopped down 41 trees. Havat Gilad has a long a record of violence against its Palestinian neighbors. It was one of the outposts declared illegal under Israeli as well as International law, but its continued existence assured by a "deal" with the government.
Israel to begin recording settler land claims, deny Palestinians` right of appeal
Chaim Levinson - Haaretz - The registry process is supported by deputy attorney general Mike Blass, along with Defense Ministry legal adviser Ahaz Ben-Ari, Civil Administration head Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz and Defense Ministry settlement adviser Eitan Broshi. The registry process is expected to receive Defense Minister Ehud Barak`s approval later in the month. The need for such a land registry process grows out of Israel`s continued control of the West Bank. In 1967, when IDF forces first occupied the territories, land ownership arrangements enforced by the Jordanians became void. To justify the lack of a formal land ownership registry process, Israel claimed that the occupation in the territories was temporary, whereas such a land registry is a permanent procedure.
Chaim Levinson - Haaretz - The registry process is supported by deputy attorney general Mike Blass, along with Defense Ministry legal adviser Ahaz Ben-Ari, Civil Administration head Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz and Defense Ministry settlement adviser Eitan Broshi. The registry process is expected to receive Defense Minister Ehud Barak`s approval later in the month. The need for such a land registry process grows out of Israel`s continued control of the West Bank. In 1967, when IDF forces first occupied the territories, land ownership arrangements enforced by the Jordanians became void. To justify the lack of a formal land ownership registry process, Israel claimed that the occupation in the territories was temporary, whereas such a land registry is a permanent procedure.
Visualizing Occupation: Distribution of Water
Michal Vexler - +972 - Israel controls the access to water from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Its disproportionate allocation of water, the settlements’ takeover of natural springs, and the prohibition against maintaining and constructing water cisterns in the West Bank without Israeli permits make water a sparse commodity for Palestinians. This illustration is the sixth in a series of infographics on Palestinian civilian life under occupation.
Michal Vexler - +972 - Israel controls the access to water from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Its disproportionate allocation of water, the settlements’ takeover of natural springs, and the prohibition against maintaining and constructing water cisterns in the West Bank without Israeli permits make water a sparse commodity for Palestinians. This illustration is the sixth in a series of infographics on Palestinian civilian life under occupation.
Culture Shock
Kevin William - MIFTAH/The Palestine Telegraph - Imagine being black—or a minority—in the southern United States. Then imagine getting pulled over by the police, and their only purpose is to make your life difficult. Then imagine having to go through this every day just to get to work, or just to go see friends and family. That is the reality of the situation here.
Kevin William - MIFTAH/The Palestine Telegraph - Imagine being black—or a minority—in the southern United States. Then imagine getting pulled over by the police, and their only purpose is to make your life difficult. Then imagine having to go through this every day just to get to work, or just to go see friends and family. That is the reality of the situation here.
An immigrant in his own country
Sami Michael - If we don’t find a solution besides the machine-gun and the tank, which we have already seen are helpless in the face of a barefoot boy with a stone in his hand, we could lose everything. The State of Israel could turn out to be a transient phenomenon like the First Temple and the Second Temple.
Sami Michael - If we don’t find a solution besides the machine-gun and the tank, which we have already seen are helpless in the face of a barefoot boy with a stone in his hand, we could lose everything. The State of Israel could turn out to be a transient phenomenon like the First Temple and the Second Temple.
Video - Hebron: Border Police officer kicks Palestinian child, 2012
B`Tselem - "A B`Tselem video volunteer documented an Israeli Border Police officer kicking a Palestinian child while another officer held the boy. The incident took place on the 29th of June 2012 near the Tomb of the Patriarchs, in Hebron`s H2 area. The child, Abd a-Rahman Burqan, [...] is nine years old"
B`Tselem - "A B`Tselem video volunteer documented an Israeli Border Police officer kicking a Palestinian child while another officer held the boy. The incident took place on the 29th of June 2012 near the Tomb of the Patriarchs, in Hebron`s H2 area. The child, Abd a-Rahman Burqan, [...] is nine years old"
‘I Am an Illegal Alien on My Own Land’
David Shulman - NYR Blog - "Earlier this year, in February, a settlers’ NGO called `Regavim` (literally `clods of soil` — the name aptly represents the romantic fantasy of belonging that settlers typically cultivate), petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court, demanding that demolition orders issued years ago by the Civil Administration for Palestinian Susya be carried out immediately. The petitioners, many of whom live on stolen land, had the temerity to refer to Palestinian Susya, the last remnant of the ancient village, as an `illegal outpost`”
David Shulman - NYR Blog - "Earlier this year, in February, a settlers’ NGO called `Regavim` (literally `clods of soil` — the name aptly represents the romantic fantasy of belonging that settlers typically cultivate), petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court, demanding that demolition orders issued years ago by the Civil Administration for Palestinian Susya be carried out immediately. The petitioners, many of whom live on stolen land, had the temerity to refer to Palestinian Susya, the last remnant of the ancient village, as an `illegal outpost`”
Jerusalem’s light rail: Judaizing Palestinian space, privatizing Jewish space
Sahar Vardi - +972 - Activists disrupt the operation of the Jerusalem Light Rail to protest the deal with the operating company, which effectively bans public gatherings in Zion Square in the heart of West Jerusalem
Sahar Vardi - +972 - Activists disrupt the operation of the Jerusalem Light Rail to protest the deal with the operating company, which effectively bans public gatherings in Zion Square in the heart of West Jerusalem
Bombing or the Bomb
David Ignatius--A popular new slogan making the rounds among government ministers here is that in dealing with Iran, Israel faces a decision between “bombing or the bomb.” In other words, if Israel doesn’t attack, Iran will eventually obtain nuclear weapons. dn
David Ignatius--A popular new slogan making the rounds among government ministers here is that in dealing with Iran, Israel faces a decision between “bombing or the bomb.” In other words, if Israel doesn’t attack, Iran will eventually obtain nuclear weapons. dn
The Wall 10 Years on
Haggai Matar--After a long run-down of the wall’s history and effects, and as the series nears its end, I wish to share a collection of thoughts and notes on the aesthetics of the barrier and on the way it fits into the Israeli and Palestinian landscapes, all gathered while wandering along its route. dn
Haggai Matar--After a long run-down of the wall’s history and effects, and as the series nears its end, I wish to share a collection of thoughts and notes on the aesthetics of the barrier and on the way it fits into the Israeli and Palestinian landscapes, all gathered while wandering along its route. dn
U.S. sends message to Israel, Iran, schedules joint military exercise with IDF
Natasha Mozgovaya and Reuters--In an apparent attempt to signal to Israel and Iran that the United States means business with regards to Israel`s security, a top U.S. military officer said on Friday that the United States and Israel are expected to hold a delayed, joint military exercise sometime around October or November, after postponing it earlier this year. dn
Natasha Mozgovaya and Reuters--In an apparent attempt to signal to Israel and Iran that the United States means business with regards to Israel`s security, a top U.S. military officer said on Friday that the United States and Israel are expected to hold a delayed, joint military exercise sometime around October or November, after postponing it earlier this year. dn
Report by British jurists reminds of the horrors of Israeli child detention
Yossi Gurvitz - +972 - The report itself is measured and careful, and in and of itself, contains little that is new to anyone familiar, for instance, with B’Tselem’s report on the issue: the invasion of a home at night; the dragging of a child out of his bed; handcuffing and blindfolding him, even though he is no threat to the armed-to-the-hilt gunmen who detain him; dragging him away into a far interrogation facility, without the presence of a relative; a hostile interrogation, often including threats of violence and sometimes actual violence; the demand to incriminate others; the prevention of contact with a relative or a lawyer.
Yossi Gurvitz - +972 - The report itself is measured and careful, and in and of itself, contains little that is new to anyone familiar, for instance, with B’Tselem’s report on the issue: the invasion of a home at night; the dragging of a child out of his bed; handcuffing and blindfolding him, even though he is no threat to the armed-to-the-hilt gunmen who detain him; dragging him away into a far interrogation facility, without the presence of a relative; a hostile interrogation, often including threats of violence and sometimes actual violence; the demand to incriminate others; the prevention of contact with a relative or a lawyer.
Israel’s Education Dilemma: Reflections from a Former IDF Soldier in Hebron
Yehuda Magid - Tikkun - While Israel’s youth are graduating from elementary and secondary schools at impressive numbers, an increasing number are graduating with a nationalist fervor but without a foundation of the values upon which Israel’s democracy was founded. Though non-violent actions carried out by the Left to combat the Occupation (rallies, petitions, non-violent resistance in the occupied territories, etc.) are important, winning the long term ideological battle in Israel requires that Israel’s youth be educated in a way that supports and fosters notions of tolerance, understanding, and a basic respect for the other and stranger in their midst. This is, in fact, a foundational biblical value.
Yehuda Magid - Tikkun - While Israel’s youth are graduating from elementary and secondary schools at impressive numbers, an increasing number are graduating with a nationalist fervor but without a foundation of the values upon which Israel’s democracy was founded. Though non-violent actions carried out by the Left to combat the Occupation (rallies, petitions, non-violent resistance in the occupied territories, etc.) are important, winning the long term ideological battle in Israel requires that Israel’s youth be educated in a way that supports and fosters notions of tolerance, understanding, and a basic respect for the other and stranger in their midst. This is, in fact, a foundational biblical value.
22 Elected Legislators Still Imprisoned By Israel
IMEMC & Agencies "Farawna said that Israel released, over the past five days, five legislators identified as Anwar Zboun, Ayman Daraghma, and Mohammad At-Til, in addition to Ar-Rabaey and Abdul-Jawad. He added that 22 legislators are still imprisoned by Israel, 19 of them are members of the Hamas Change and Reform parliamentary bloc, in addition to the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, legislator Ahmad Saadat, legislator Marwan Barghouthi and legislator Jamal At-Terawi, both members of Fateh movement." ca
IMEMC & Agencies "Farawna said that Israel released, over the past five days, five legislators identified as Anwar Zboun, Ayman Daraghma, and Mohammad At-Til, in addition to Ar-Rabaey and Abdul-Jawad. He added that 22 legislators are still imprisoned by Israel, 19 of them are members of the Hamas Change and Reform parliamentary bloc, in addition to the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, legislator Ahmad Saadat, legislator Marwan Barghouthi and legislator Jamal At-Terawi, both members of Fateh movement." ca
Does Shin Bet exploit family to pressure detainees?
Elior Levy - Ynetnews - The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) has released a report claiming that Israeli security agents arrest and threaten to arrest or hurt detainees` relatives – who often have no connection to the crimes allegedly committed by the suspects – in order to entice the detainees to cooperate with the investigation.-rh
Elior Levy - Ynetnews - The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) has released a report claiming that Israeli security agents arrest and threaten to arrest or hurt detainees` relatives – who often have no connection to the crimes allegedly committed by the suspects – in order to entice the detainees to cooperate with the investigation.-rh
Veteran Israeli Soldiers Speak out about Service
Breaking the Silence - The Palestine Chronicle - "I saw me running after people, I saw myself pointing a gun at a 3-year-old girl, I saw me and my friends cuffing people, checking people, detaining people, questioning people, arresting people. In most cases, it was for nothing."-rh
Breaking the Silence - The Palestine Chronicle - "I saw me running after people, I saw myself pointing a gun at a 3-year-old girl, I saw me and my friends cuffing people, checking people, detaining people, questioning people, arresting people. In most cases, it was for nothing."-rh
Thousands block highway, attack banks in J14 protest
Haggai Matar - Some 4,000 demonstrators clashed with police for more than four hours last night in the streets of Tel Aviv, blocking roads, smashing a few bank windows and besieging the local municipality. More than 80 were arrested in the most energetic and enraged J14 protest yet.-rh
Haggai Matar - Some 4,000 demonstrators clashed with police for more than four hours last night in the streets of Tel Aviv, blocking roads, smashing a few bank windows and besieging the local municipality. More than 80 were arrested in the most energetic and enraged J14 protest yet.-rh
A Palestinian Village Tries to Protect a Terraced Ancient Wonder of Agriculture
Isabel Kershner - NYT - "“The work of human beings there needs to be valued. It is the work of centuries.” Israel says its barrier, a system of fences and walls, razor wire and patrol roads, is essential to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers from reaching Israeli cities." - id
Isabel Kershner - NYT - "“The work of human beings there needs to be valued. It is the work of centuries.” Israel says its barrier, a system of fences and walls, razor wire and patrol roads, is essential to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers from reaching Israeli cities." - id
Israel Approves 180 New Units For Settlers In Jerusalem
Saed Bannoura - IMEMC - "Israel previously approved the construction of 440 units at the expense of Palestinians in Sur Baher." - id
Saed Bannoura - IMEMC - "Israel previously approved the construction of 440 units at the expense of Palestinians in Sur Baher." - id
`Abusive` officer promoted to commander post
Yoav Zitun - Ynet - "Despite recommendation to dismiss him, officer accused of beating soldiers moves up in ranks." - id
Yoav Zitun - Ynet - "Despite recommendation to dismiss him, officer accused of beating soldiers moves up in ranks." - id
Crazy Country
Another emergency call from Al Aqaba. Five more houses got demolition orders in this tiny village, living under constant threat in the north-east corner of the West Bank. Haj Sami Sadek, the Mayor, is particularly concerned about the Jaber Family and their ten children who have nowhere else to go.
TOI-Billboard - the 'ezine' of THE OTHER ISRAEL, a peace-oriented news service existing since 1983, editors Adam Keller & Beate Zilversmidt. The billboard includes relevant articles from the Israeli mainstream press as well as alternative sources - mostly from what was collected inOccupation Magazine from within Israel/Palestine & from international media. You also find Adam Keller's comments, in his Crazy Country blog. Since November 2009 there is no longer a bi-monthly printed issue. An archive of old issues covering 26 years of peace movement struggles is under construction.
All issues of The Other Israel from 1994 until 2009 are now online in a searchable format, as well as the six first issues, starting July 1983. The digital recovery of issues from '84-'94 is still in process. Access at http://toibillboard.
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