zondag 6 juni 2010

Israel as a Rogue State 10

And in the meantime elsewhere on the ship 9 peace-activists were killed, 6 of them at close range. The peace-activists didn't return fire while they could have done so to protect themselves against Israeli terror as some wapons had been confisquated from the attackers of the so called 'Jewish state'.

Hurriyet photos of disarmed Israeli commandos receiving medical care

by PAUL WOODWARD on JUNE 6, 2010

(Photo via
Ali Abunimah)

On the Mavi Marmara, the ship that Benjamin Netanyahu has dubbed “the hate boat”, Israeli soldiers who had been hurt were given medical aid. But some of the civilians who had been shot ended up dying because the Israelis refused to have them evacuated.

Accounts provided by activists on board claim that the first Israeli commandos to land on the ship were forcibly disarmed and then taken below deck for their own safety. Photographs now published by Turkey’s leading newspaper, Hürriyet, support this claim.

Soldiers from any military force rely on their weaponry to maintain their image of power. The Israeli military is no different from any other in wanting to avoid having the vulnerability of its own elite soldiers highlighted. What these photographs reveal, however, is that once these particular soldiers were no longer able to defend themselves, they were not lynched. On the contrary, they were taken out of harms way.

Given the terror that Israelis experience when faced with the risk of having soldiers taken hostage, it appears that one element in the over-reaction of the remaining armed commandos was that they thought it inconceivable that any of their comrades could be held without coming to further harm.

Humiliation and fear.

Was this the context in which enraged soldiers decided that they would then set about teaching their adversaries a lesson?

Did nine men, many of whom were well past an age where it seems at all likely they were engaged in any kind of combat, then become scapegoats?

Were the deaths on the Mavi Marmarathe result of a few soldiers demonstrating their military muscle in a desperate effort to restore their tattered pride?


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pabelmont June 6, 2010 at 1:02 pm

Police the wor4ld over are given to “punishing” when they should be doing “law enforcement.” Soldiers, too, it seems. This is well-known and should be especially well-known in Israel.

Therefore, the orders are especially important, to see how well the officers directed the soldiers toward (or away from) restraint. The fact that there were “kill” orders given to the soldiers means that the whole action was within a context of “punishment” or “war” rather than ‘police action”. The soldiers were pre-programmed to misbehave. The night attack (the previous day or next day were surely available for ship interception, after all) and the assassination list, along with the confiscation of the activists’ videos, taken together, make it seem an operation deliberately directed toward unnecessary (and unlawful) violence.

3 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

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This image made from video provided by TVNET Friday, June 4, 2010 shows bodies shrouded in sheets and flags onboard the aid ship Mavi Marmara


Paul zei

Stan ,het IDF is ook de kluts kwijt..
PR is bende ,Jack the Wipper moet maar eens ingehuurd ,die zit toch zonder werk

The Israeli Defense Force has issued a "clarification" admitting it manipulated audio of its raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.

On Friday, the IDF released audio of what it said was an exchange between Israel Navy officers and the crew of the Mavi Marmara, the main vessel in the flotilla. In it, voices could be heard telling the Israeli soldiers to "go back to Auschwitz" and "we're helping Arabs go against the US -- don't forget 9/11, guys."

Voor professionele beveiliging belt u voortaan Teheran

Paul zei

Op US MSM,AIPAC krijgt het druk.


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