donderdag 7 mei 2009

Martelen 104

Revealed: U.S. Interrogators May Have Killed Dozens of Detainees
By John Byrne, Raw Story
Posted on May 6, 2009, Printed on May 7, 2009

In all, 98 detainees have died while in U.S. hands, with 34
identified as homicides, at least eight of which were tortured to death.

United States interrogators killed nearly four dozen detainees during
or after their interrogations, according a report published by a
human rights researcher based on a Human Rights First report and
followup investigations.

In all, 98 detainees have died while in U.S. hands. Thirty-four
homicides have been identified, with at least eight detainees -- and
as many as 12 -- having been tortured to death, according to a 2006
Human Rights First report that underwrites the researcher’s posting.
The causes of 48 more deaths remain uncertain.

The researcher, John Sifton, worked for five years for Human Rights
Watch. In a posting Tuesday, he documents myriad cases of detainees
who died at the hands of their U.S. interrogators. Some of the
instances he cites are graphic.

Most of those taken captive were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. They
include at least one Afghani soldier, Jamal Naseer, who was
mistakenly arrested in 2004. “Those arrested with Naseer later said
that during interrogations U.S. personnel punched and kicked them,
hung them upside down, and hit them with sticks or cables,” Sifton
writes. “Some said they were doused with cold water and forced to lie
in the snow. Nasser collapsed about two weeks after the arrest,
complaining of stomach pain, probably an internal hemorrhage.”
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