donderdag 7 mei 2009

De Israelische Oorlogsmisdaden 96

Ban Ki-moon's moral failure
Hasan Abu Nimah, The Electronic Intifada, 6 May 2009 

Late last week, according to the BBC Arabic news website, a report was submitted to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon about the scale of destruction Israel inflicted on UN installations in Gaza. This was also mentioned on a BBC news bulletin on 1 May, but I could find little trace of this story anywhere else.

The brief news item stated that the UN report contained secret information supplied by Israel about an incident in which more than 40 Palestinian civilians were massacred when Israeli shells fell "outside" a UN school where many Palestinians were taking shelter. The secretary-general is reportedly considering how much of the information he can release without revealing the information supplied by Israel, the news item said, adding that the UN report concluded that Hamas fighters were not inside UN buildings but close to them.

Commenting on the report, the BBC said that it was informed by a diplomatic source, that the United States has informed Ban's office that the report should not be published in full due to the damage that that could cause to the Middle East peace talks; in other words (mine, in fact) to Israel.

The point here is neither to pass any premature judgment on an unpublished report -- despite obvious inconsistencies regarding shelling "outside" a UN installation that was somehow severely damaged -- nor to predict how much of the report the secretary-general will finally decide to publish.

(As this article was being prepared for publication, details about the UN inquiry team report were published. The inquiry, led by Ian Martin, former director of Amnesty International, accused Israel of failing to protect UN facilities and civilians, dismissed as "untrue" Israeli claims that Hamas fighters had been firing from UN facilities, held Israel responsible for all deaths and injuries in six out of nine incidents, and called for further investigation into possible war crimes. Ban has rejected calls to pursue the probe, but called on Israel to pay $11 million in reparations for the damage it caused to the UN.)

But nor can we forget the dark days just past when Israel was slaughtering the innocent people of Gaza and the world stood by, even blaming Hamas -- which had scrupulously observed a negotiated ceasefire until Israel broke it -- for bringing on the apocalypse.

1 opmerking:

Sonja zei

Het lijkt mij, zolang er niet wordt geconcludeerd dat er sprake is geweest van mensenrechtenschendingen en/of oorlogsmisdaden, dat het rapport een papieren vodje is, met wat conclusies waar niemand zich iets van hoeft aan te trekken.

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