zondag 9 juli 2006

Amerikaanse Oorlogsmisdaden 30

CBS bericht: '5 U.S. Soldiers Charged In Rape-Slay.

Four U.S. soldiers have been charged with rape and murder and a fifth for dereliction of duty in the March 12 rape-slaying of an Iraqi teenager in Mahmoudiya, the U.S. military said Sunday. The five were accused Saturday following an investigation into allegations that American soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division raped the teenager and killed her and three members of her family at her home south of Baghdad. The military initially said only four soldiers had been charged but later issued a correction to say there were five. Ex-soldier Steven D. Green was arrested last week in North Carolina and has pleaded not guilty to one count of rape and four counts of murder. The U.S. statement said the four soldiers still on active duty will face an Article 32 investigation, similar to a grand jury hearing in civilian law. The Article 32 proceeding will determine whether there is enough evidence to place them on trial. One of the soldiers was charged with failing to report the attack but is not believed to have participated in it directly, the statement said. The names of the four soldiers were not released. The March 12 attack on the family was among the worst in a series of cases of U.S. troops accused of killing and abusing Iraqi civilians. U.S. officials are concerned that the alleged rape-slaying will strain relations with the new U.S.-backed government and increase calls for changes in the agreement that exempts American soldiers from prosecution in Iraqi courts.' Lees verder:

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