Clayton E. Swisher, a former Marine reservist and federal criminal investigator, was educated as the University of Pittsburgh, Georgetown University, and is director of programs at the nonprofit Middle East Institute in Washington, D.C. Swisher is the author of "The Truth about Camp David" (Nation Books, 2004). This article first appeared in The Daily Kos on 12 July 2006 and is reprinted with the author's permission.
Even before the Lebanese-based Hezbollah took two Israeli prisoners of war today, I ended my trip to Beirut last week with the feeling that, beneath the beautiful, vibrant country there remained serious political tectonic plates waiting for any excuse to slip. I had conversations and visits over a two week period with Lebanese people of all stripes ? from the pro-democracy/anti-Syrian political elite, to Hamas, to the downtrodden Palestinian refugees, to the average Mohammad ? and I left with the unmistakable impression that American interests are screwed.
Israel's invasion today into South Lebanon and the ongoing air strikes against Lebanon's infrastructure exceeded my worst predictions. Whether you agree or not, three points below explain the context of what is happening now in Lebanon and why the US-Israeli response is bound to cast America deeper into the Mideast abyss, further undermining the (albeit badly) damaged image of US forces while crippling our efforts to sway the global recruits from the growing appeal of Bin Laden.
First, the Bush Administration does not stand for genuine democracy. For months people in the Arab and Muslim world have watched the US and Israel punish the entire Palestinian population for casting its ballot in the January parliamentary elections in which the Hamas party won a majority of seats. The Bush Administration has overtly promoted a soft coup to bring down the Hamas government via economic strangulation. The Palestinians are badly suffering what the United Nations describes as a "humanitarian crisis" and, rather than blaming Hamas ? as Bush's NSC policy brainchildren envisioned ? the whole Arab and Muslim world is squarely blaming not only Israel but the United States. Many Lebanese people blame Palestinians for ruining their country, yet are still repulsed by America's treatment of Hamas. They are distancing themselves from Washington politicians who once heralded Lebanon for its democratic advancements following the so-called "Cedar Revolution." Alliance with America is the kiss of death as the Islamists continue to win popularity with the Arab street all over the Middle East.
Second, the Bush Administration does not stand for genuine freedom as it believes that the Arab people have no right whatsoever to defend themselves and resist the violent and oppressive Israeli occupation. For the past three weeks, people in the Arab and Muslim world have had their TV sets on, and not just to see the World Cup. One would have to be hidden in a remote cave to not see the constant stream of new and increasingly horrific images beaming in from not only Iraq but Gaza, where the US' strongest ally ? Israel, using American-made weapons ? pummel the 1.4 million Palestinians of Gaza for the kidnapping and taking of a single Israeli POW during a Hamas military operation. The Hamas operation was in response to the daily shelling of northern Gaza in which a girl lost her entire family during a picnic at the beach. For once, Hamas sidesteps its abhorrent terror tactics, launches a military operation against a military target and takes a military hostage. America issues the usual condemnation, blames Hamas, Iran, and Syria, and offers Israel a free hand to continue "defending herself." Lees verder: http://listserv.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0607&L=justwatch-l&D=1&O=D&P=39480
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