Kabul, Afghanistan - One of America's closest allies says the war on terrorism fails to address its root causes.
Experts agreed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, saying Friday the major military offensive against the Taliban will not fix Afghanistan's larger crises - a lack of reconstruction and jobs, a booming drug trade, and a weak government.
"You won't win unless you can convince people that progress is being made," said Marvin Weinbaum, a former State Department analyst now a scholar at the Washington-based Middle East Institute.
"One of the things we recognize is that we have failed to improve on the development side, especially in the south. In the areas with the greatest need, we have not gotten the reconstruction that was necessary."
On Thursday, a clearly frustrated Karzai criticized the coalition's anti-terror campaign, deploring the deaths of hundreds of Afghans and appealing for more help for his government. The coalition has killed hundreds, mostly Taliban militants, since May.
Karzai spokesman Khaleeq Ahmad said Friday the president wanted the international community to reevaluate its approach.' Lees verder:
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/world/AP-Afghan-Karzai.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Of:
Het ware probleem is dat Afghanistan een bodemloze put is, gerund door krijgsheren. Het kostte Europa ongegeveer 1000 jaar om de parlementaire democratie op te bouwen, met vallen en opstaan heeft het Westen iets dat op democratie lijkt. 1000 jaar, van de opkomst van de eerste stadstaten tot de huidige EU. Nog zes decennia geleden gebeurde Auschwitz en Hiroshima. Nederland gaat nu de democratie opbouwen in Afghanistan. Hoe lang gaan de Nederlandse gevechtseenheden daarover doen?
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