woensdag 28 juni 2006

De Oorlogsstaat 78

De gematigde democraat John Murta, lid van het Huis van Afgevaardigden heeft het volgende verklaart: 'Murtha Says US Poses Top Threat to World Peace.

Miami - American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said to an audience of more than 200 in North Miami Saturday afternoon.
Murtha was the guest speaker at a town hall meeting organized by Rep. Kendrick B. Meek, D-Miami, at Florida International University's Biscayne Bay Campus.
Meek's mother, former Rep. Carrie Meek, D-Miami, was also on the panel.
War veterans, local mayors, university students and faculty were in the Mary Ann Wolfe Theatre to listen to the three panelists discuss the war in Iraq for an hour.
A former Marine and a prominent critic of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq, Murtha reiterated his views that the war cannot be won militarily and needs political solutions. He said the more than 100,000 troops in Iraq should be pulled out immediately, and deployed to peripheral countries like Kuwait.
"We do not want permanent bases in Iraq," Murtha told the audience. "We want as many Americans out of there as possible."
Murtha also has publicly said that the shooting of 24 Iraqis in November at Haditha, a city in the Anbar province of western Iraq that has been plagued by insurgents, was wrongfully covered up.
The killings, which sparked an investigation into the deadly encounter and another into whether they were the subject of a cover-up, could undermine U.S. efforts in Iraq more than the prison abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib in 2004, Murtha said.
"(The United States) became the target when Abu Ghraib came along," Murtha said.' Lees verder:
http://www.azstarnet.com/dailystar/dailystar/135159.php Of: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/062706J.shtml

3 opmerkingen:

chancuff zei

As of the date and time stamp of this posting the following is correct:
The original first paragraph written by Elizabeth Baier at the Sun-Sentinel has been removed. Since their original correction to their story and my constant vigilance and the constantly updated reporting at theinfozone.net, they have rewritten this entire original article.


What distinguishes this as unique is that though newspapers certainly update stories all the time, but when doing so, they are required by standard journalism practice to make clear it’s a revision, stating prominently at the top this story is a revision and updating the date of the article to the date of the revision. They have done neither.

Any impression created by this posting that this indicates that the Sun-Sentinel is covering up what they started by making all the uproar of this week over something that “never happened” is not my intent here. (legal disclaimers have become necessary)

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

stan zei

Thank you Cliff for the correction

chancuff zei

You're welcome, Stan. Hold on to your hat, it's gotten more interesting since:

Despite an email warning to Mr. Pasco to contact Sharon Rosenhause, Managing Editor at the Sun-Sentinel, irey.com continues to maintain this page.

"Is Murtha channeling Marty McFly? Congressman’s June 27 press release magically includes information from … June 28?"


In my email exchange with Mr. Pasco yesterday he attempted to float this clever headline with me in an email. I responded to him with this:

If you really want to follow this "rapid crash journalism" course of action of yours, let me assist you in doing so properly. This is John Murtha's original press release issued by Cindy Abram on June 27th.

You can understand why Cindy Abram updated Mr. Murtha's press release from the 27th now, I presume. After all, most would conclude that the Sun-Sentinel, who created this mess to start with, was in a better position to fix what Elizabeth Baier broke than theinfozone.net.

Please note: Ms. Baier as well as her editor Ms. Rosenhause are recipients of this email.

Mr Pasco(sic), perhaps they will be gracious enough to assist you towards a more lucid understanding of your "Marty McFly" insight.

Apparently Mr. Bill Pascoe puts more faith in continuing his slander strategy than makes sense.

Ms Rosenhause has her own special part in this. The Sun-Sentinel has removed their retraction ... the correction that rewrote the "the shot heard around the world" first paragraph. The Sun-Sentinel has suddenly placed it in their paid archives, removing it from public domain. The only way you will find the unethical rewrite (still in public domain) is through google cache. You may wish to contact her as well.

For the sake of clarity, inquiries regarding THIS turn of events should include the Subject Line: Mr. Bill

Bill Pascoe
phone: (724) 258-2300

Sharon Rosenhause
phone: (954) 425-1200

Cliff Hancuff
The World of Journalism Is Flat, Too

Zionist Nazi's. Punish Them

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