zondag 13 februari 2011


 Non Aligned Press Network

The Division of Egypt: Threats of US, Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention?
 The Division of Egypt: Threats of US, Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention?
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya | Ottawa (Canada) | Focus | In this final article of our series on Mubarak’s Egypt, this expert on the Middle East reviews the different scenarios that could emerge from the intensifying popular rebellion, which range from disastrous to optimistic. Beyond that, Nazemroaya warns of a much darker agenda which may be afoot. Unable to control the situation, the U.S. and Israel are now working on the destabilization and division of Egypt to thwart a possible strategic challenge and to accelerate their long-standing goal of dividing the whole Arab world, as already achieved in the Sudan.

Washington Faces the Arab Revolts: Sacrificing Dictators to Save the State

Washington Faces the Arab Revolts: Sacrificing Dictators to Save the State

by James Petras | New York (United States) | In an effort to capture the deep complexity, nuances and far-reaching ramifications of the Egyptian uprising, Voltaire Network has started publishing a series of analytical pieces offering its readers varying perspectives. Providing historical breadth, this essay by James Petras considers the reasons behind Barack Obama’s hesitation waltz, when Hosni Mubarak is clearly seen to have outlived his usefulness as a U.S. tool and his removal has allegedly been on the cards for some time, all except Israel’s.

  Egypt’s Revolution: Creative Destruction for a ’Greater Middle East’?

Egypt's Revolution: Creative Destruction for a 'Greater Middle East'?
by F. William Engdahl | Frankfurt (Germany) | Controverting majority opinion, F. William Engdahl maintains there is nothing spontaneous about the mass protest movements in Arab countries and sees them as a replay of the US-orchestrated colour revolutions that triggered regime change in post-Soviet countries. The same script and cast of characters are at hand: local opposition leaders coached by the NED and other US-funded organizations in the art of staging "spontaneous" uprisings. The contours of the underlying US strategy for the region have been clear for some time. The question is: will it work?

Egypt on the brink of a bloodbath

Egypt on the brink of a bloodbath
by Thierry Meyssan | Beirut (Lebanon) | The mainstream media are enthralled by the demonstrations in Egypt and are heralding the advent of a Western-style democracy throughout the Middle East. Thierry Meyssan refutes this interpretation. According to him, antagonistic forces have been set in motion, the outcome of which will turn against the order imposed by the United States in the region.

Thierry Meyssan awarded Human Rights Prize at Tehran film festival

News in Brief Thierry Meyssan awarded Human Rights Prize at Tehran film festival
Egypt: Speeding police vehicle plows into protestors (video)

News in Brief Egypt: Speeding police vehicle plows into protestors (video)
CIA: Frank G. Wisner arrived in Cairo

News in Brief CIA: Frank G. Wisner arrived in Cairo
The British freeze assets of foreign TV channel

News in Brief The British freeze assets of foreign TV channel
The Palestinian Authority rallies its partners against the media

News in Brief The Palestinian Authority rallies its partners against the media
Nasrallah warns Tunisians against a U.S. conspiracy

News in Brief Nasrallah warns Tunisians against a U.S. conspiracy

UN human rights expert Richard Falk under fire for 9/11 comments
UN human rights expert Richard Falk under fire for 9/11 comments
by Anthony J. Hall  | Lethbridge (Canada)  | Controversies  |
An advocacy group affilitated with the American Jewish Committee, in league with the U.S. State Department, has whipped up a campaign to get law Professor Richard Falk sacked by the UN for his skeptical views on 9/11. In the same move, they would conveniently be getting rid of an outspoken critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians. Canadian Professor Anthony Hall shares his notes on his conversation with the UN Special Rapporteur exploring these burning issues (videos below).

Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East "peace process"
Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East "peace process"
London (United Kingdom)  | Controversies  |
Qatar-based Al-Jazeera came into possession of a trove of confidential documents drawn up by the Palestinian Authority over a ten-year period in the context of the so-called "peace process". They were transmitted to the Guardian for authentication. They lift the lid both on the magnitude of this farce and the covert and continuous role played by the British secret services. The related article published by the Guardian is reproduced below.

« Current Concerns», Vol V, n° 12, June 2010
The Money and Debt “Monster”

92. The Money and Debt “Monster”

Zurich (Switzerland) | Man-Made and therefore Tamable. Why the freedom to transfer capital funds ought to be limited again / Results of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development (Part 2) / Germany Must Become Democratic, by Karl Mueller / Albert Anker: Close to the People, Close to Everyday Life and to the Common Good. Art Exhibition at the Art Museum in Berne on the Occasion of the 100th anniversary of Albert Anker’s death, by Urs Knoblauch / Budgeting in Times of Economic Downswing / Independent and Subject to Nobody. Translating General Guisan’s attitude into the (...)

  Underwater Fiber Optic Cable Reaches Cuban Shores

by Cuban Agency News | SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba, Feb 9 (acn) Cuba and Venezuela are now physically connected by an underwater fiber optic cable that reached Cuban shores on Wednesday, in the Siboney beach of the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba.

Book with Fidel’s Reflections Published in Japanese

by Cuban Agency News | HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 10 (AIN) The information sent from Tokyo that 22 reflections by the leader of the Cuban Revolution have been translated into Japanese for the book “Fidel dice” (Fidel Says) has had great impact in many Web sites, including Cubadebate.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's speech to his nation

Diplomatic Wire Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s speech to his nation
President Barack Obama's speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Diplomatic Wire President Barack Obama’s speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Speeches by Ali Khamenei dealing with revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt

Diplomatic Wire Speeches by Ali Khamenei dealing with revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt

US aid to Egypt intended for Gaza siege
US aid to Egypt intended for Gaza siege
Documentary Watch  |


“We Just Do What the Israelis Want Us to Do”

  “We Just Do What the Israelis Want Us to Do” The Scourging of Gaza: Diary of a Genocidal War Jeffrey St. Clair December 21, 2024 + On Dece...