donderdag 7 april 2022

'The Bucha Massacre. Ukraine Fake News'


The Bucha Massacre. Ukraine Fake News

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Russian troops evacuated Bucha on March 30. Ukrainian National Police began entering Bucha on March 31, and that same day the mayor of Bucha announced that the town was fully under the control of Ukrainian officials. 

At no time was there any suggestion by the mayor (watch video below) or any other Ukrainian official of mass killings undertaken by Russia. Given that they are claiming bodies litter the streets they could hardly have escaped the attention of the Mayor!


It took four day for claims of a “war crime” to emerge (3rd April).

Film of alleged victims on the roads in Bucha look suspicious, with “bodies” moving. (we know this has happened in other staged and acted films provided by Ukraine’s propaganda) It is claimed that civilians had been shot and buried in shallow graves. We know from the behaviour of NATO allies in the Yugoslav war that in Racak dead soldiers were dressed up as civilians and then paraded as the victims of “a massacre” which was later debunked.

There is also the possibility that those civilians in Bucha who were accused of cooperating with Russian forces could have been executed by Ukrainian forces following the Russian exit on 30th March.

It is also both unprecedented and suspicious that the U.K. Chair at the UN Security Council refused an emergency meeting called by Russia on 3rd April to discuss the Bucha claims. 

A Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva has accused the Ukrainian SBU [Security Service of Ukraine] of fabricating (with the help of MI6) the Bucha “crimes”. (see youtube unless it has been censored already!)

If only we could say that “time will tell” which side is telling the truth! But there is certainly no doubt about the self-filmed Ukrainian crimes in this post (see below).

The Cynical Sacrifice of Ukraine

In an interview with CNN ON 20th March, Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy said of Joe Biden and the NATO leadership (the interview)

“I requested them personally to say directly that we are going to accept you into NATO in a year or two or five, just say it directly and clearly, or just say no,” Zelensky said. “And the response was very clear, you’re not going to be a NATO member, but publicly, the doors will remain open,”

Nothing shows the cynical sacrifice of Ukrainians more than this duplicitous treatment of Zelensky by NATO. PrivatelyNATO and the Biden administration were telling Zelenskyy Ukraine was never going to be in NATO, yet they told him they were going to act publicly as if the possibility existed. The latter position (together with Zelensky’s remarks about developing nuclear weapons) they knew would provoke Russia into war.

The German President has every reason to be angry at this given that he promised Zelensky before the war that if he rejected NATO membership the Russians wouldn’t attack.

The evident (at least 8 year long) intent of the USA and NATO to provoke Russia into an attack was confirmed by Biden’s intemperate admission (on his visit to Poland) that he wanted regime change in Moscow. As Madeleine Albright (recently deceased) said in 1998

“If we have to use force, it is because we are America! We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see further into the future.”

According to recent polls, one-third of the American people were enthusiastic about the idea of nuclear war with Russia. Even though as one commentator pointed out most of them would be Democrat supporting inhabitants of major cities which would be nuclear bomb targets! After years of wall to wall Russophobic bigotry and lies about Ukraine blasted out by tech companies, politicians and the mainstream media this mad mass psychosis is no surprise.

David Sanger reported for the New York Times that the Biden administration

“seeks to help Ukraine lock Russia in a quagmire without inciting a broader conflict with a nuclear-armed adversary or cutting off potential paths to de-escalation … CIA officers are helping to ensure that crates of weapons are delivered into the hands of vetted (!!!) Ukrainian military units, according to American officials.”

In fact (as happened with US weapons provided to Syrian rebel forces) hundreds of tanks and anti tank weapons have found their way into the hands of the Russians as Ukrainian troops have defected, been killed or captured.

The Mindless Western and Ukrainian War Propaganda

Here are some examples of the blatantly distorted media and image war. A picture of an injured child from Damascus is used again as anti Russian propaganda in Ukraine:

Here a “heartbreaking” image of a Ukrainian soldier leaving his loved one to go to war turns out to be from fiction film “The War of Chimeras”.


The BBC broadcast on the World Service the news that somewhere called “Tarkov” was resisting the Russians. Pity it is a fictional city from a computer game!

A film of a rocket ostensibly shooting down a Russian aircraft also turned out to be a scene from a commercial film!

Russian Civilians Killed in East Ukraine Don’t Make News

This DONETSK bombing by Ukrainian troops which killed 20 civilians was not reported in the western media. The missile was one used only by Ukrainian forces. See this.

Indeed there is a report that a far greater crime had been intended with civilians drawn by false information to an Administration building with fake text messages.

The very next day, Monday March 14th, at about 12:20 in the afternoon, the ukrops (Ukrainian forces) launched a Tochka-U ballistic missile with a 1,000 pound anti-personnel cluster bomb warhead at the Administration building in the city center.

The Nazis sent text messages and posted on social media (under fake pro-DPR accounts) for mothers, wives and sisters of our soldiers to gather at the administration building at noon on Monday to get information about their men. THIS was the intended target of the missile. 

As many civilian women as possible. And it is not a rumour, I can confirm I have seen the text message myself sent to the daughter of one of my comrades. Our air defence intercepted the missile and prevented it from reaching the target, but some of the cluster bomb cassettes fell on University Avenue in downtown Donetsk (where the 20 civilians were killed).

Ukrainian War Crimes and Propaganda

As befits a regime headed by a comedian and actor, never has one side in a war used so many actors to fake scenes for propaganda purposes. The most common has been the use of actors to fake dead bodies. The most recent being claims related to areas where Russian troops have withdrawn since 30th March.  Here a “body” moves and after the car goes by, starts to get up.

A similar film was taken a couple of weeks ago ostensibly from a morgue where some 30 “bodies” were lined up. Unfortunately some of them moved while the filming was going on!

Ukrainian Psychopaths

But such fakes are nothing compared to the treatment by Ukrainian soldiers of captured Russians in an infamous video.

At the beginning of the video, we can see Ukrainian soldiers shooting newly arrived prisoners through their legs. Needless to say they are not treated. Shock could have killed them due to the pain. In the rest of the video Russian POWs lying on the ground with bullet wounds in their legs. Some of them have their legs broken. It takes psychopaths to film their own atrocities and then make it public. All of this was filmed by Ukrainian soldiers themselves.

Article 13 of the Third Geneva Convention states: “Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated.” Here Ukrainian soldiers call up the mothers and wives of soldiers they have killed, mocking them

Ukrainian Soldiers Film Themselves Calling Up Mothers of Russian Soldiers Killed in Action And Mocking Them





Crimes in the Donbass

“Tatyana accompanies me to the hospital. She has also lived in Volnovakha most of her life. “The Ukrainians deliberately destroyed us. They needed the land. And then, it seems, the land was no longer needed, so they just beat us out of anger,” she says, pointing to holes blown into the hospital by shells and shrapnel-scarred asphalt. Then she takes me to the morgue, a small building that has also been noticeably damaged by shooting. The door turns out to be unlocked, and I see the morgue is completely filled with dead bodies. They lie in the corridor stacked up in two or three layers.

According to Tatyana, the National Guard soldiers siphoned diesel fuel from the hospital’s generators, so all the old people who depended on artificial ventilation devices died. “

The Ukrainian military allegedly said they would “leave nothing” in Volnovakha if they were ousted by pro-Russian forces.

See this.

When Fox News’ Bret Baier asked President Zelensky on Friday about reports of Azov Battalion committing atrocities, Zelensky appeared to brush them off by saying, “They are what they are, they were defending our country.” Fox then censored their report!

See this.

The main reason why so many civilian buildings have been damaged and destroyed in Ukrainian towns is because Ukrainian soldiers have used those buildings and the civilians in and around them as human shields. Here is a report from Odessa which although not yet the centre of Russian operations its preparing for an attack. Ukrainian troops have apparently taken up positions in Schools and hospitals.

See this.

Odessa native (Lev Vershinin) living in exile in the EU wrote in this article in Russian:

  • Nazi/Ukr-soldiers taking positions in schools, hospitals:
  • school no.1 at Mikhailovskiy-Place 10
  • school no. 57 at Yamchinkiy street 7
  • school no. 59 at Maraslievskyy street 60
  • medical centre/surgery at Sudostroitelnaya 1
  • Odessa University clinic at Tenista st. 8
  • maternity clinics no.1 and no.4
  • evening school no.25 at Staroportofrankovskiy st 45a
  • Marinskiy gymnasium at Lev-Tolstoy-st 9

Aidar-leader Maksim Marchenko in a document of 16/3/2022 ordered his troops to prevent civilians from leaving the city (apparently a document with his stamp & signature exists). This has been the norm which is why the humanitarian corridors offered by the Russians were for a long time a dangerous failure. Only the Ukrainians have the incentive to bottle up civilians as human shields in the cities to which they have retreated. They know the Russians don’t want to destroy such heritage but are forced to fire on buildings which protect Ukrainian gun positions. Would the British Government station guns in St Paul’s Cathedral?

Oles Yanchuk – former mayor of Odessa, now leader of Nazi-battalion “Bratstvo” – said about Odessa: the city will be destroyed (by us): “if they come to Odessa, they will receive it only burned down and destroyed.”

Other buildings used by Ukrainian troops have been a synagogue and the famous Pecherskaya Lavra monastery in Kiev. See this.


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Featured image is from Freenations

1 opmerking:

Yearly zei

Framing the situation as revolving around "Ukrainian psychopaths" is misleading and fails to describe the TRUE big picture. Which is...

“Ever since serious protest broke out in Ukraine in February THE WESTERN MAINSTREAM MEDIA, particularly in the United States, has seriously downplayed THE FACT that the usual suspects – THE US/EUROPEAN UNION/NATO TRIUMVIRATE – HAVE BEEN ON THE SAME SIDE AS THE NEO-NAZIS” (William Blum, US Historian, in 2014)

Blum's account of 2014 is, of course, still true today ...

And THE US/EUROPEAN UNION/NATO TRIUMVIRATE "Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII" ...

With the (ongoing) CURRENT Ukraine ploy the ruling psychopaths (especially "THE US/EUROPEAN UNION/NATO TRIUMVIRATE") effectively brainwashed OVERNIGHT/INSTANTLY the "intelligent" "thinking" members of herd stupidity into believing and "thinking" THEY are the "good guys" -- what a stellar display of the "intelligence" of the dumb insane masses (virtually everyone). It's true that people never learn from history, why is that? Meet “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room” ....

With the demise of the Covid Scam (see last cited source above) came that more and more people STARTED to mistrust the official narrative on Covid (the official lies). That led to a broad MIStrust in the official authorities (especially "THE US/EUROPEAN UNION/NATO TRIUMVIRATE"). With the Ukraine ploy the ruling psychopaths (especially "THE US/EUROPEAN UNION/NATO TRIUMVIRATE") regained public trust in them, overnight.

For that purpose the elite psychopaths used an ancient fake tactic, "divide and conquer"... along the line of Russia vs. the US. The TRUE DIVISIVE WAR has always been .. between the ruling psychopaths vs the non-ruling masses of people --- see last cited article above.

Who won with the Covid scam? The ruling psychopaths (especially "THE US/EUROPEAN UNION/NATO TRIUMVIRATE") increasing their wealth and power. Who lost in the Covid scam? The non-ruling public, losing money, livelihoods, and power.

Now.. guess who is losing in the long-staged Ukraine ploy, or the sanctions against Ukraine? The psychopathic US regime, psychopath Putin, psychopath Biden, psychopath Trump? Mmm... that's a real head-scratcher.

The Ukraine ploy DISTRACTION is a way for the psychopathic rulers of the THE US/EUROPEAN UNION/NATO TRIUMVIRATE REGIME to regain authoritative power over the idiotic public hive mind to be able to continue with their end goal achievement to totally enslave and control everyone in a digital prison, which the Covid SCAM was/is an instrument to help them implement that evil plan of dictatorial world control.

"With fairly few exceptions, the people who now hold Putin as a devil figure are the same ones who held the unvaxxed as devil figures: The process has been the same, just the devil figures have changed." --- Paul Rosenberg, Author

Zionist Nazi's. Punish Them

  Mitch @everyonetalks21 This you? 3:28 a.m. · 12 mrt. 2024 · 194 Weergaven