maandag 11 augustus 2014

Run For Palestine

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Sign up now for your earlybird ticket for The Run for Palestine!
Show your support and donate or sign up for the Run for Palestine before the 1st Septmeber for the earlybird price of $25 (normally $35)!!!
Run for Palestine is an initiative of the Australians for Palestine organisation that supports humanitarian efforts in Palestine.
To join us in raising awareness and important funds to assist with these efforts, we invite you to join us in - Run for Palestine!
If you can't make it on the day, donations can also be made by following the link below.
When: 9th November 2014
Where: The Tan Track - Pillars of Wisdom, King's Domain, Cnr Alexandra Ave & Swan St, Melbourne click for map
Registration: 10am
Start Time: 10.45am 2 laps/11am 1 lap
Cost for Earlybird (includes t-shirt): $25 per ticket (plus booking fee of $2.49) - all funds raised will be donated to the Red Crescent Society for Gaza Strip - to aid in the rehabilitation of disabled Palestinian children. Of course if you can't make it on the day, but would like to donate to the cause anyway, there is an option for that as well.
The day will also include a sausage sizzle and awards after the completion of the run.
Eventbrite - Run for Palestine 2014
Thanks you for your suport and we look forward to seeing you on the day!
Run for Palestine Team

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