zondag 14 oktober 2012

The Empire 835

Accumulatie van Kapitaal. Via slavenarbeid en de inzet van kinderen wisten de Amerikaanse grote concerns rijk te worden. Pas in 1938 werd in the promised land kinderarbeid aan banden gelegd. 'Child labor began to disappear only during the Great Depression of the 1930s, a period of high unemployment, when adults competed for even the lowest-paying jobs held by children,' Russel Freedman. Kids At Work.

1 opmerking:

Sonja zei

Pas in 1938 werd in the promised land kinderarbeid aan banden gelegd - behalve in de landbouw. Human Rights Watch (2010):
US: Child Farmworkers’ Dangerous Lives
End Legal Double-Standard That Fails to Protect Children Working in Agriculture

TIME (2011): Dirty Work: The Creeping Rollback of Child-Labor Laws

The US-backed Indonesian Genocide Sixty Years Later

  Operaçao Jakarta: The US-backed Indonesian Genocide Sixty Years Later Roger Peet March 16, 2025 F or the past fifteen years, I have had a ...