Kort gesteld is de overtuiging van Ben Knapen zoals die naar buiten kwam in zijn NRC-columns de volgende:
hoewel de bourgeoisie weet dat de democratie een wassen neus is waarbij de rijken rijker worden terwijl de armen armer worden zweeg deze klasse als het graf zolang ze nog genoot van de 'rechtsregels' noodzakelijk voor haar 'toegang tot goed onderwijs, eerlijke rechtspraak, bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer, van openbare orde.' Maar nu er sprake is van 'onzekerheid in het gezin als het gaat om de vraag of de kinderen het straks beter zullen krijgen dan de ouders,' brokkelt haar vertrouwen in het huidige systeem af
aldus de toekomstige CDA staatssecretaris van Buitenlandse Zaken. Ben Knapen doet me altijd denken aan Marcello, de conformist uit Alberto Moravia's gelijknamige roman:
The epilogue briefly explores Marcello’s conflicted responses to his role in the murders of Quadri and Lina, including his attempts to rationalize away his culpability. The epilogue takes place years later, on the night that Mussolini falls from power. Giulia reveals that she has long suspected that Marcello was involved in the murders, but her sorrow is more for their own safety than for Marcello’s victims or his duplicity.The two go out for a drive and walk that evening, and while Giulia tries to convince Marcello to make love to her in a wooded area, a stranger arrives and calls to Marcello by name. Marcello is floored to see that it is Lino. Marcello shows real emotion for the first time in the book when he screams at Lino and blames him for ruining his life by taking his innocence. Lino defends himself by arguing that the loss of innocence is inevitable and is merely a part of the human experience. This speech leads Marcello to the beginning of acceptance of his own non-conformity.
The novel’s closing passage has Marcello, Giulia, and their daughter driving to the mountains to evade possible reprisals for Marcello’s role with the government. En route, they drive into an air raid, and their car is strafed with bullets. Giulia and the daughter are killed in the first wave, and Marcello falls out of the car, wounded. Realizing his wife and daughter are dead, he waits for the second wave to return. The novel ends with Marcello hearing the plane’s approach.
Major themes
Marcello spends the entire novel in a search for what he perceives to be a normal life - normal activities, a normal appearance, normal emotions, and so on. However, he confuses normality with conformity, and in his quest to conform, subjugates his already-repressed emotions. When the natural course of his life presents him with ethical dilemmas - the assignment to betray Professor Quadri, his attraction to women other than his wife - he is ill-prepared to deal with them. Moravia also intimates a connection between sexual repression and fascism.
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1 opmerking:
Yupp, Moraalridders het beste bewijs van vijn aanwezigheid bij Bilderberg in 1991, hij zegt het zelf daar.
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