donderdag 18 november 2010

Ted Rall

Don't forget Thursday evening . . .

THURSDAY, November 18, 7:00
Author Reading

"The Anti-American Manifesto"
by Ted Rall
Award-winning nationally syndicated cartoonist/columnist Ted Rall has written a manifesto "for an America heading toward economic and political collapse. While others mourn the damage to the postmodern American capitalist system created by the recent global economic collapse, Rall sees an opportunity..."
For a preview, check out Ted Rall on TV, and his cartoons HERE.


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FRIDAY, November 19, 7:00
open mic
Every third Friday of the month at Revolution Books, an open-mic like no other. Audience members give feedback to the artist. This month feature performers include: Mio Fujii, Kevin Miller, Chris Cajigas and Rachel Burrell.
Produced by Price Tags Entertainment and Revolution Books. $5 cover
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Friday, November 26, 11:30am till 8pm
Books and Things, Days and Nights
to Change the World.
Gifts that matter.
Great books, artworks, pins, globes, jewelry, t-shirts, mugs, rare books, non-routine (and some beautiful) things fit for thinking people... Buy your gifts where it will count for the future-- Save Revolution Books.
It all starts the day after Thanksgiving... Red Friday!
Holiday Days and Nights
Take the Holy out of Holidays!
Check back for our packed December schedule, days and nights to change the world...

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November 20, Saturday, 5-8pm
Potluck Dinner/Fundraiser
to promote the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in
North America
(Draft Proposal)

constitution constitucion

at St. Mary's Church, 521 W. 126th St.
(Broadway & Amsterdam, 1 train to 125)

$10 with a dish or beverage; $15 if you come without, kids under 5 free;
Rsvp to: More information, Revolution Books, 212-691-3345.

Revolution Books
146 W. 26th Street, near 7th Ave.

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

'This is holiday, think different future'
om maar even een bruggetje te maken met iets
dat we anno-nu wellicht een nuclear test mogen noemen:

'For about 20 minutes in April, a state-owned Chinese telecommunications firm rerouted massive amounts of Internet traffic, including from U.S. military and government networks, through Chinese servers before sending it on its way, according to a Congressional commission report out today.'


Sonja zei

Wie vertegenwoordigt wie in de Amerikaanse democratie?

Helft congresleden VS is miljonair

Ongeveer de helft van de Congresleden in de VS is miljonair. Van deze 261 miljonairs hebben er 55 zelfs een vermogen dat de 10 miljoen dollar overstijgt. Acht van hen bezitten zelfs meer dan 100 miljoen dollar. De Californische Republikein Darrell Issa overtreft iedereen met ruim 300 miljoen dollar.

Bovendien is hun vermogen tussen 2008 en 2009 zelfs met 16 procent toegenomen, ondanks de recessie. Dat heeft het Center for Responsive Politics donderdag bekendgemaakt in een studie. "Maar erg weinig parlementsleden hebben te maken met de financi?le nood waarmee miljoenen Amerikanen kampen", zei Krumholz, directeur van het Center for Responsive Politics.

Van de 'gewone' Amerikaanse burgers is hooguit 1 procent miljonair.

The Real Terror Network, Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda

De hypocriete suggestie dat het genocidale geweld tegen de Palestijnse bevolking in feite pas op 7 oktober 2023 begon, zoals de westerse mai...