zaterdag 23 oktober 2010

Israel as a Rogue State 130

Weimar in Jerusalem: the rise of fascism in Israel

By  Uri Avnery

23 October 2010

Uri Avnery warns that fascism will overwhelm Israel unless progressive forces “awake from the coma, understand what is happening and where it is leading to, protest and struggle by all available means ... in order to arrest the fascist wave that is threatening to engulf us”.

In Berlin, an exhibition entitled “Hitler and the Germans” has just opened. It examines the factors that caused the German people to bring Adolf Hitler to power and follow him to the very end...

[S]ince childhood, precisely this question has been troubling me. How did it happen that a civilized nation, which saw itself as the “people of poets and thinkers”, followed this man, much as the children of  Hamelin followed the pied piper to their doom.

This troubles me not only as a historical phenomenon, but as a warning for the future. If this happened to the Germans, can it happen to any people? Can it happen here, in Israel?
“This week, a new bill was tabled. It would prohibit non-citizens from acting as tourist guides in East Jerusalem... The bill is intended to deprive Arab Jerusalemites of the right to serve as tourist guides at their holy places in their city, since they are apt to deviate from the official propaganda line.”
As a nine-year old boy I was an eyewitness to the collapse of German democracy and the ascent of the Nazis to power. The pictures are engraved in my memory – the election campaigns following each other, the uniforms in the street, the debates around the table, the teacher who greeted us for the first time with “Heil Hitler”. I resurrected these memories in a book I wrote (in Hebrew) during the Eichmann trial, and which ended with a chapter entitled “Can it happen here?” I am returning to them these days, as I write my memoirs.

Fascism – no longer a taboo

I don’t know if the Berlin exhibition tries to answer these questions. Perhaps not. Even now, 77 years later, there is no final answer to the question: why did the German republic collapse?

This is an all-important question, because now people in Israel are asking, with growing concern: is the Israeli republic collapsing?

For the first time, this question is being asked in all seriousness. Throughout the years, we were careful not to mention the word fascism in public discourse. It raises memories which are too monstrous. Now this taboo has been broken.

Yitzhak Herzog, the minister of welfare in the Netanyahu government, a member of the Labour party, the grandson of a chief rabbi and the son of a president, said a few days ago that “fascism is touching the margins of our society”. He was wrong: fascism is not only touching the margins, it is touching the government in which he is serving, and the Knesset, of which he is a member.
Not a day – quite literally – passes without a group of Knesset members tabling a new racist bill. The country is still divided by the amendment to the law of citizenship, which will compel applicants to swear allegiance to “Israel as a Jewish and democratic state”. Now the ministers are discussing whether this will be demanded only of non-Jews (which doesn’t sound nice) or of Jews, too – as if this would change the racist content one bit.
This week, a new bill was tabled. It would prohibit non-citizens from acting as tourist guides in East Jerusalem. Non-citizens in this case means Arabs. Because, when East Jerusalem was annexed by force to Israel after the 1967 war, its Arab inhabitants were not granted citizenship. They were accorded only the status of “permanent residents”, as if they were recent newcomers and not scions of families that have lived in the city for centuries.

The bill is intended to deprive Arab Jerusalemites of the right to serve as tourist guides at their holy places in their city, since they are apt to deviate from the official propaganda line. Shocking? Incredible? Not in the eyes of the proponents, who include members of the Kadima Party. A Knesset member of the Meretz party also signed, but retracted, claiming that he was confused.
“The Knesset members act like sharks in a feeding frenzy. There is a wild competition between them to see who can devise the most racist bill.”
This proposal comes after dozens of bills of this kind have been tabled recently, and before dozens of others which are already on their way. The Knesset members act like sharks in a feeding frenzy. There is a wild competition between them to see who can devise the most racist bill.
It pays. After each such bill, the initiators are invited to TV studios to “explain” their purpose. Their pictures appear in the papers. For obscure MKs, whose names we have never heard of, that poses an irresistible temptation. The media are collaborating.

Israel’s place in the international club of fascists

This is not a uniquely Israeli phenomenon. All over Europe and America, overt fascists are raising their heads. The purveyors of hate, who until now have been spreading their poison at the margins of the political system, are now arriving at the centre.

In almost every country there are demagogues who build their careers on incitement against the weak and helpless, who advocate the expulsion of “foreigners” and the persecution of minorities. In the past they were easy to dismiss, as was Hitler at the beginning of his career. Now they must be taken seriously.

Only a few years ago, the world was shocked when Jörg Haider’s party was allowed Into the Austrian government coalition. Haider praised Hitler’s achievements. The Israeli government furiously recalled its ambassador to Vienna. Now the new Dutch government is dependent on the support of a declared racist, and fascist parties achieve impressive election gains in many countries. The “Tea Party” movement, which is blooming in the US, has some clearly fascist aspects. One of its candidates likes to go around wearing the uniform of the murderous Nazi Waffen-SS.

So we are in good company. We are no worse than the others. If they can do it, why not us?

But there is a big difference: Israel is not in the same situation as Holland or Sweden...

The German republic carried the name of Weimar, the town where the constituent assembly adopted its constitution after World War I. The Weimar of Bach and Goethe was one of the cradles of German culture.

It was a shiningly democratic constitution. Under its wings, Germany saw an unprecedented intellectual and artistic bloom. So why did the republic collapse?

Generally, two causes are identified: humiliation and unemployment. When the republic was still in its infancy, it was forced to sign the Versailles peace treaty with the victors of World War I, a treaty that was but a humiliating act of surrender. When the republic fell behind with the payment of the huge indemnities levied on it, the French army invaded the industrial heartland of Germany in 1923, precipitating a galloping inflation – a trauma Germany has not recovered from to this day.

When the world economic crisis broke out in 1929, the German economy broke down. Millions of despairing unemployed sank into abject poverty and cried out for salvation. Hitler promised to wipe out both the humiliation of defeat and the unemployment, and fulfilled both promises: he gave work to the unemployed in the new arms industry and in public works, like the new autobahns, in preparation for war.

And there was a third reason for the collapse of the republic: the growing apathy of the democratic public. The political system of the republic just became loathsome. While the people were sinking into misery, the politicians went on playing their games. The public was longing for a strong leader, to impose order. The Nazis did not overthrow the republic. The republic imploded, the Nazis only filled the void.

In Israel there is no economic crisis. On the contrary, the economy is flourishing. Israel did not sign any humiliating agreement, like the Treaty of Versailles. On the contrary, it won all its wars. True, our fascists speak about the “Oslo criminals”, much as Hitler ranted against the “November criminals”, but the Oslo agreement was the opposite of the Versailles treaty, which was signed in November 1919.

If so, what does the profound crisis of Israeli society stem from? What causes millions of citizens to regard with complete apathy the doings of their leaders, contenting themselves with shaking their heads in front of the TV set? What causes them to ignore what’s happening in the occupied territories, half an hour’s drive from their home? Why do so many declare that they do not listen to the news or read newspapers anymore? What is the origin of the depression and despair, which leave open the road to fascism?
“... the genetic code of the Zionist movement is pushing towards the annexation of the whole of the historical country up to the Jordan River, and – directly or indirectly – the transfer of the Arab population.”
The state has arrived at a crossroads: peace or eternal war. Peace means the foundation of a Palestinian state and the evacuation of the settlements. But the genetic code of the Zionist movement is pushing towards the annexation of the whole of the historical country up to the Jordan River, and – directly or indirectly – the transfer of the Arab population. The majority of the people is evading a decision by claiming that “we have no partner for peace” anyhow. We are condemned to eternal war.
Democracy is suffering from a growing paralysis, because the different sectors of the people live in different worlds. The secular, the national-religious and the Orthodox receive totally different educations. Common ground between them is shrinking. Other rifts are gaping between the old Ashkenazi community, the Oriental Jews, the immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Ethiopia, and the Arab citizens, whose separation from the rest is increasing all the time.

For the second time in my life, I may have to witness the collapse of a republic. But that is not predestined. Israel is not the goose-stepping Germany of those days, 2010 is not 1933. The Israeli society can yet sober up in time and mobilize the democratic forces within itself.

But for that to happen, it must awake from the coma, understand what is happening and where it is leading to, protest and struggle by all available means (as long as that is still possible), in order to arrest the fascist wave that is threatening to engulf us.

11 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

De Brave Nerlander:

"And there was a third reason for the collapse of the republic: the growing apathy of the democratic public. The political system of the republic just became loathsome. While the people were sinking into misery, the politicians went on playing their games. The public was longing for a strong leader, to impose order. The Nazis did not overthrow the republic. The republic imploded, the Nazis only filled the void."

We zijn rijp.

Sonja zei


Sonja zei

Fascism is already here

If protesters didn't exist, Netanyahu, Livnat and Sa'ar would have to invent them. After all, these figures are the last living proof of a democratic regime in Israel.

By Yossi Sarid 03.09.10

Sonja zei

Mr. Sicko speaks again:

Wilders wil dat Israël Jordaanoever volbouwt

(Novum) - PVV-leider Geert Wilders wil dat Israël de Westelijke Jordaanoever volbouwt met nederzettingen. "Judea en Samaria zijn Israël dus hoe meer joodse nederzettingen daar hoe beter", twitterde de politicus zaterdagavond.

Verzwegen door onze zelfbenoemde "kwaliteitspers":

21.10.10 'Viva Palestina' activists deliver tons of aid to Gaza Strip

21.10.10 Rechtzaak Rachel Corrie, dag 1

Sonja zei

23 oktober 2010 Katholieke Kerk vraagt VN einde te maken aan Israëlische bezetting

De bisschoppensynode voor het Midden-Oosten, verenigd in het Vaticaan in aanwezigheid van de paus, heeft de internationale gemeenschap, en de Verenigde Naties in het bijzonder, gevraagd een einde te maken aan de Israëlische bezetting van 'de verschillende Arabische gebieden', via de toepassing van de VN-resoluties daaromtrent. De synode, die op 10 oktober van start ging, deed die oproep zaterdag in haar eindmededeling

Sonja zei

Iedere burger moet deze waanzin financieren:

Kamerbrief inzake beantwoording vragen van het lid De Roon over vermeende verkrachtingen van vredesactivistes door Palestijnen in Judea en Samaria

Vraag 2
Is het waar dat vrouwelijke vredesactivisten die naar Judea en Samaria gaan om steun te betuigen aan Palestijnse verzetsgroepen, daar systematisch worden gemolesteerd en verkracht door leden van die groepen?

Vraag 5
Erkent u dat de linkse activisten kennelijk alles uit de kast halen om Israël te veroordelen met betrekking tot de "bezetting", maar zelf crimineel gedrag verdoezelen en zelfs bevorderen door de verkrachtingsslachtoffers het recht te ontnemen aangifte te doen omtrent het aangedane leed? Erkent u dat daarmee die linkse activisten in feite zelf medeplichtig worden en dus crimineel?

Sjuul van Dissel zei

Door Google vertaald:
Dit is niet een uniek Israëlische fenomeen. Overal in Europa en Amerika, zijn openlijke fascisten het verhogen van hun hoofden. De verspreiders van haat, die tot nu toe zijn het verspreiden van hun gif in de marge van het politieke systeem, komen nu in het midden.

In bijna elk land zijn er demagogen, die de opbouw van hun carrière op het aanzetten tegen de zwak en hulpeloos, die pleiten voor de verwijdering van "buitenlanders" en de vervolging van minderheden. In het verleden waren ze makkelijk te ontslaan, als was Hitler aan het begin van zijn carrière. Nu moeten ze serieus worden genomen.

Slechts een paar jaar geleden werd de wereld geschokt toen Jörg Haider's partij was toegestaan in de Oostenrijkse regeringscoalitie. Haider prees Hitler's prestaties. De Israëlische regering woedend zijn ambassadeur teruggeroepen naar Wenen. Nu de nieuwe Nederlandse regering is afhankelijk van de steun van een aangegeven racistische en fascistische partijen te bereiken indrukwekkende verkiezingen winsten in vele landen. De "Tea Party" beweging, die bloeit in de VS, heeft een aantal duidelijk fascistische aspecten. Een van de kandidaten gaat graag rond met het uniform van de moorddadige nazi Waffen-SS.

In de nrc> woedt deze discussie:
115 reacties tot nu toe. De mijne heeft nummertje 71

Sonja zei

Ter attentie: Oude wijn in nieuwe fascisten

Sonja zei


De discussie wordt aangezwengeld door Steven de Jong van de NRC. Hij begint zijn column al meteen met 3 leugens. Die heb ik 2 keer neergezet, en zijn 2 keer 'niet goedgekeurd'. Terwijl hij Wilders zo bejubelt omdat hij "concreet" is.

Hier komen de gecensureerde reacties:

"een volledig gesubsidieerde workshop om hoogopgeleide, linkse mensen PVV-retoriek te leren bestrijden."

Dit werkje begint al met wel drie keer misleiding. De workshop had ten doel om mensen de technieken van Wilders aan te leren - dus niet tegen hem te gebruiken. Ten tweede kostte een kaartje 12,50 euro, dus was hiet niet "volledig gesubsidieerd". En was het voor iedereen toegankelijk, dus niet voor "hoogopgeleide, linkse mensen". De rest heb ik niet gelezen, bah, wat een propaganda weer. Lux et libertas? Je grootmoeder op een houtvlot.

Sonja zei

Gecensureerde reactie 2 (op een ander IP-adres):

Graag zou ik van Steven de Jong willen weten waarom hij zijn bericht al begint met drie dikke vette leugens - of desgewenst: volledig uit de duim gezogen feiten.

1. "een volledig gesubsidieerde workshop" Gelogen, aangezien de toegang 12,50 euro kostte;
2. " hoogopgeleide, linkse mensen..." Gelogen, aangezien iedereen welkom was (tenzij uitverkocht);
3. "...PVV-retoriek te leren bestrijden" Gelogen, aangezien Arminius meldde dat het ging om net zo te leren debatteren als "rasdebater Geert Wilders", en er gepraat ging worden over de techniek 'framing'.

Met welk doel liegt de auteur? Stemmingmakerij? Leg het me eens uit alstublieft?

Sonja zei

Na mijn email aan De Jong staat de tweede er opeens wel, en reageert hij er ook nog op.

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