dinsdag 13 oktober 2009
De Israelische Terreur 970
U.S Sept 11: Israel, The Chief Axis of Evils?
Written by (Author ) World Oct 12, 2009
Every day the world hears about a lot of crimes and related stories. News
reports do not immediately spot the real criminals or culprits of any
illegality or mischief but the when truth is detected and reported for the
public scrutiny it would have been very late. Enough damage has already
been done in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan in terms of slaughter of
millions of Muslims in these Muslim nations in retaliation for unproven
reports of so-called Islamic terrorism in USA in 2001.
Although the hidden hands of Pentagon-CIA are discernible in the Sept11 in
USA, the role of another notorious global terror organization Mossad with
its poisonous tentacle spread across the globe has remained a top secret.
Not even the US strategists want to reveal the truth, because they all are
hands in glows in GST. But many similar state terrorists like Hindu India
also stage-managed several such terror gimmicks to terrorise Muslims in
India and Kashmir and blame Pakistan.
Sept11 has brought enormous problems for the very survival of Muslims in
the world. Upon the fall of USSR, the capitalist block of rogue nations-
anti-Islamic by character- sought to defame Islam by crippling Islamic
institutions, their economies and kill Muslims. The fact that the Bushdom
rogues of USA, including media, quickly announced Osama and associates and
Afghanistan as perpetrators of the Sept11 event and refused to consider the
nations that in fact had suffered gravely because of US terrorisms, like
Germany and Japan, for example, vindicates the hunch about American hidden
agenda for invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Iran and other
Islamic nations for ensuring the energy and other securities for the West.
Bush Sr., the former CIA chief planed to control energy and human resources
of Mideast nations. The plan was put into practise when he became US
president but followed by his son Bush Jr. Jews aided the Americans in
their nasty endeavours. The western rogue states under US banner want to
control the Arab world and contain them as the next enemy after the fall of
Soviet Union.
Sept/11 terrorism is traceable directly to the US-Israeli relationship and
the failure of US policy-makers to free America from this enemy within.
US-led NATO had a though planning Afghan-Iraq-Iran attacks much before the
Sept 11. A decade of pre-staging was required to plausibly induce the US to
invade Iraq, a similar strategy is now underway to persuade the US to
invade Iran or to support and condone an attack by Israel. The US Defence
Policy Advisory Board was infested by self-professed Zionists and one of
them Samuel Huntington became its chairman in 2001 and a key adviser to
Israeli hawkish Prime Minister Netanyahu. He laid the required foundation
for removing Saddam Hussein as part of a Greater Israel strategy. A mass
murder, articles, books, think tanks and Pentagon insiders, supportive
policy-makers are also required to lend the appearance of legitimacy and
credibility to an operation justified by intelligence fixed around a
pre-determined agenda. Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman, a Jewish
Zionist from Connecticut, and Jon Kyl, a Christian Zionist from Arizona
played tier roles. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, another Zionist
insider. They generated a public mindset by calling for the removal of
Saddam Hussein — three years before 9/11. Bill Clinton supported Zionist
agenda and signed that agenda into law 1998 October 31. After 9/11, McCain
and Lieberman became inseparable travel companions and irrepressible
advocates for the invasion of Iraq.
When terrorists attacked in the USA, the Bushdom rogues did not suspect
Russia or Germany or Japan that could be suspected of such nefarious
actions against American as revenge against US actions against them. Israel
knew Bush guys would attack Afghanistan and Iraq. With a well-planned
provocation, the anticipated response can become a weapon in the arsenal of
the agent provocateur. With fixed intelligence, Mossad calculated rightly,
it was difficult to redirect that response to wage a long-planned war in
Iraq which under Saddam Hussein was fast moving towards a strong power in
Islamic world– not for US interests, but to advance the agenda of Greater
Israel. With the televised murder of 3,000 Americans, a shared mindset of
shock, grief and outrage made it easier for US policy-makers to believe
that a known Evil Doer in Iraq was responsible, regardless of the facts.
The strategic displacement of facts with induced beliefs, in turn, requires
a period of “preparing the mindset” so that “the mark” will put
their faith in a pre-staged fiction.
Four days after 9/11, in a principals’ meeting at Camp David, the hard
Jew, Paul Wolfowitz proposed that the US invade Iraq. At that time, the
intelligence did not yet point to Iraqi involvement and Osama bin Laden was
thought to be hiding in a remote region of Afghanistan. But Bush had
another agenda on Islamic Afghanistan for which Saudi Arabia lent its
support. By 2001, the Israeli Mossad had agents at work for a decade in the
northern Iraqi city of Mosul. Frustrated that President George H W Bush
declined to remove Saddam Hussein during the 1991 Gulf War, Wolfowitz
proposed a no-fly zone in northern Iraq. Mosul again emerged in November
2004 as a center of the insurgency that destabilised Iraq. The fictions
accepted as generally accepted truths included Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction, Iraqi ties to Al-Qaeda, Iraqi meetings with Al-Qaeda in
Prague, Iraqi mobile biological weapons laboratories and Iraqi purchases of
uranium “yellowcake” from Niger. All were disclosed as false, flawed or
fixed, but only after the war began.
One fails to understand the logic in US shielding a fascist Israel and help
the Jewish criminals escape punishment for their ghastly genocides and
destructions like devils in Palestine. The failure of US policy-makers to
free America from this enemy within is the gravest problem US leadership
has been facing for decades now. By skillfully playing the USA against
Mideast nations, the Zionist regime has become a state terrorist with
enormous arms arsenals, including nukes and stolen resources. It looks the
Mossad, perhaps in coordination with CIA-Pentagon, is planning another Sept
11 to reset the Obama mindset and make him anti-Islamic and proceed for a
war with Iran. Israel has been trying to re-generate immediate sympathy for
Israel by all possible means and actions from which only Israel would
benefit. Mossad and CIA spread rumours about a possible Clash of
Civilizations as a prelude to their hidden state terrorism on Sept11, 2001.
To Continued
Dr. A R Colachal
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