vrijdag 26 juni 2009

Iran 300

Layla Anwar - A Thousand Nedas

Neda Agha Soltani is the name of the young woman assassinated with a bullet in her heart by the Iranian government Basij Militias. No family funeral was allowed for Neda.

Her family and fiancé were interviewed and the video of her ruthless murder has not ceased circulating across the globe…

All the media outlets have been talking about Neda. That is fine with me. But how come no media outlet has spoken of the thousands of Nedas in Iraq that have been brutally murdered by the Iraqi Shiite Militias trained, armed and funded by Iran?

Hundreds of Iraqi women have suffered a worst fate than that of Neda, and only in total 3 articles and a couple of videos were circulated in their names. Not even.


Are we the black sheep of the international community? Or maybe we are just the children of Hagar, who Sarah, Abraham's first wife, banished away from the tribe…and Hagar was left wandering in a merciless desert for Water…searching for anything to quench her thirst…

Excuse me, but why is Neda more important?

Is it because Iraq is a "fait accompli", a done deal that no one cares to talk about anymore?

Not so. Not in my book. Never in my book.

The charade in Iran will calm down. Musavi has retreated. The protesters will eventually shut up. And everything will return to normal. Everything will return to the status quo.

Why is that? Because America has every interest to keep the status quo intact in Iran despite the rhetoric to the contrary.

How come? Because as I previously mentioned in one my latest posts, Obama has been having direct talks with Khameini - the "supreme guide".

Why is that so? Because Iran is still needed in Iraq and sorely needed in Afghanistan.

What is it needed for?

In Iraq: to finish off any form of resistance to the occupation as it has done in the past, to ensure the continuity of the American occupation, to root out "saddamists", to keep the lid on its militias until further notice, to activate them when needed, to ensure that the puppet government tows the American line and delivers the oil deals, to keep supporting the Kurds in their separatist/secessionist ambitions, to ensure that the partition plan will keep unfolding despite and in spite of the official claims to the contrary…

And lately, Iran has been calling Great Britain "the Great Satan" — no longer America. All analysis confirm that Obama's criticisms of the Iranian clamp down is mitigated, weighed with caution…and with " balance"

Great Britain will play for a while the role of that "Great Satan", and while all eyes are turned to Iran, the real stuff will be happening in Iraq…

What real stuff?

More ethnic/sectarian cleansing. The grounds are being prepared by the so called "Al-Qaeda" which has been allegedly targeting Shiites strongholds . Every other day, a few dozen die in some blast and in "predominantly Shiite" areas…

Everyone knows in Baghdad, forget the Green Zone - am talking of the Red Zone here, and everyone knows in the Red Zone, that Iran and America are behind Al-Qaeda in Iraq. And some would even say, it is Iran funding Al-Qaeda elements in Iraq. A permanent state of insecurity/instability. The carrot and the stick for the Americans - forcing them to reckon with Iran's actual sphere of influence and maneuvering in Iraq.

But Iran hardly needs to do that. The above is just a constant reminder…
It hardly needs to do that because ALL of the major players in the Iraqi puppet government of the American occupation are DUAL Iraqi Iranian nationals. And to give you just a few examples.

- Maliki himself is one and has 60 Iranian advisers in his cabinet.

- The ministry of Interior is run by Iranians and sectarian Shiites Iraqis whose main loyalties lie with Qum.

- The Ministries of Health and Education are run by pro Iranians.

- The Ministry of Finance is run by an Iranian - Solagh Jabr. He is the ex minister of Interior and he kept his men in place there. The ministry of Interior is STILL a torture dungeon in its basements.

- The Ministry of oil is run by an Iranian - Al-Sharistani.

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