zondag 21 december 2008

Obama 71

Obama en zijn regering zijn gekozen om de blanke middenklasse te redden die onder acht jaar Bush zwaar geleden heeft. Een feit dat de Nederlandse commerciele massamedia nooit serieus geanalyseerd heeft. Omdat de VS economisch niet kan concurreren met de rest van de wereld hoopt de Amerikaanse elite dat nieuwe zogeheten groene technologie de Amerikaanse economie uit het slop zal trekken. Vandaar dat woordvoerders van de elite als Thomas Friedman nu ineens een ecologische evangelie verspreiden. Of het zal lukken is niet duidelijk, maar de koers die men gaat varen is helder.

'Biden To Chair White House Middle Class Task Force

KEVIN FREKING December 21, 2008 12:51 PM EST
WASHINGTON — As vice president, Joe Biden will oversee an Obama administration effort to find ways of building up the ranks of the middle class, that ambiguously defined segment of society most Americans identify with.
The task force will include four Cabinet members as well as other presidential advisers, the Obama transition team announced Sunday.
The goal is to recommend proposals to ensure the middle class is "no longer being left behind," Biden said. The proposals could include executive orders and legislative plans.
"Our charge is to look at existing and future policies across the board and use a yard stick to measure how they are impacting the working and middle-class families," Biden said in a statement released Sunday. "Is the number of these families growing? Are they prospering? President-elect Obama and I know the economic health of working families has eroded, and we intend to turn that around."
Overseeing a task force has become tradition for vice presidents.
Dick Cheney led a task force on energy. Al Gore had the task of reinventing government. George H.W. Bush, while serving as Ronald Reagan's vice president, oversaw a task force charged with reducing government regulation. While all of those efforts resulted in some accomplishments, it's also clear that the issues they confronted were so large and systemic that many could and did question the progress they made.
Biden said the measure of economic success in an Obama administration would be whether the middle class was growing.
The transition team promised the task force's work would be transparent, with annual reports on its findings and recommendations. Also, any submissions from outside groups are to be posted on the Internet. By comparison, Cheney, a former oil man, fought to keep the White House energy task force's deliberations secret.
Story continues below
Task force members will include the secretaries of labor, health and human services, education, and commerce, as well as the directors of the National Economic Council, the Office of Management and Budget, the Domestic Policy Council and the head of the Council of Economic Advisers.
In an interview broadcast Sunday on ABC's "This Week," Biden took care to define his role as vice president as going beyond a particular task. He said that when he discussed the job with Barack Obama during the campaign, he told Obama he didn't "want to be the guy that goes out and has a specific assignment." Rather, he wanted to have a voice in every matter of importance.'

1 opmerking:

yelamdenu zei

"Omdat de VS economisch niet kan concurreren met de rest van de wereld"

Ja en nee, ik zou het een beetje anders zeggen, "omdat de VS decennia heeft geleefd op de pof van m.n. Azië, het Midden-Oosten en Europa, en die daar eigenlijk geen zin meer in hebben.." ;-)

Zie voor die invalshoek de briljante econoom/financiaal historicus Michael Hudson in diens Superimperialism en Global Fracture.

PS Hudson is deze maandag te gast op het globalresearch.ca radioprogramma.


Zionist Jews Enjoy Their Own Private Holocaust

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