vrijdag 22 december 2023

Palestine Facts


All of the below facts have been linked to their relevant sources which are based on the British Mandate, the UN, the NYTimes, or the Zionist archives:

  1. It wasn't Arabs but Europeans who took turns persecuting their Jewish citizens in the millions. Does that explain why they eagerly voted for partitioning Palestine in late 1947?
  2. Theodor Herzl (the founder of Zionism) created Zionism after he saw how the center of European liberalism (Paris) persecuted Alfred Dreyfus (French Jewish officer), see Dreyfus Affair for details.
  3. Theodor Herzl died thinking Israel would be in Uganda; not in Palestine. Is it possible that was the case because Herzl knew that Palestine wasn't empty and its people wouldn't abandon their homes without a fight?
  4. The Middle East was always a refugee to Europe's Jews. Ironically, Jewish historians still associate the Jewish Golden Age, not in Europe; not in the United States of America; but in Arab-ruled Spain (Andalusia) and Muslim Turkey.
  5. Pre-Dreyfus Trial European Jews often identified themselves with Chazers (a.k.a. Khazars), and Palestine became the source of identity to Jewish nationalists (a.k.a Zionists) ONLY a century ago. It should be noted that the hardline Jewish Nationists (who dominated Zionism after Herzl's death, i.e. Jabotinsky, Weizmann, and Ben-Gurion) were all against Herzl when he proposed Uganda (instead of Palestine) as a scheme to save Eastern European Jews in the early 20th century. Don't you find it odd how the "only democracy in the Middle East" banned DNA testing, and if you did it is double illegal to share the results online? Here are a few video clips (of American & Israeli Jews sharing their DNA results) that went viral on social networks.
  6. Most Jewish religious establishments were anti-Zionist until Ben Gurion (the founding father of the "Jewish state") bought them off (with money & power over civil courts) after Nakba.
  7. UN map (updated Aug. 1950) showing Palestinians still own 94% of the lands
    The overwhelming majority of the Jewish religious establishment petitioned the UN against partitioning Palestine in 1947 and against the creation of the "Jewish state".
  8. Palestinians were 89% of citizens (67% of the population) in Palestine as of 1948 and after the war of Nakba, they were reduced to 16%. It should be noted that 2/3 of Jews in Palestine arrived recently as refugees who escaped European persecution. Therefore, Nakba wasn't only about colonizing Palestine, but most importantly it was almost a complete replacement of the indigenous population.
  9. Palestinians still own 94% of the lands in Palestine, and Israel's proper Palestinian citizens of Israel are restricted to under 3% of the land! Here it is on the UN's website. Pay attention how the map was updated two years after Nakba.
  10. To this date, we have seen only a few land deeds for the Jewish citizens of Palestine. On the other hand, Palestinians have tens of thousands of their land deeds that prove their land ownership, here is our growing list. In a nutshell, Israeli Jews are mostly nothing but a bunch of colonial squatters living on Palestinian lands.
  11. One of the most important founding fathers of the "Jewish state", Arthur Ruppin, was a strong believer in race theory, eugenics, and guess what else? Yes; you've guessed correctly: apartheid. Ruppin was also very proud of his Prussian roots and turned to Zionism only once he was rejected in Germany. With some people old habits died hard. Pay attention to Wikipedia's page to see how Ruppin was exchanging notes on race theory with his Nazi counterparts, birds of feather flocks together. Does this explain why Israel doing compulsory contraception for its Falasha citizens for decades?
  12. Pretending being Jewish (when you aren’t) is a crime in Israel; but not the other way around. Similar laws exist against mixed marriages & segregated living! This is necessary since state services are designed to empower Jews ONLY. Guess who had similar race laws in the 1930s? Does this explain why Zionists NEVER condemned the Nuremberg Race Laws?
  13. Palestine (the most important land bridge) was neither empty nor destitute. Don't take our word for it, here is David Ben-Gurion stating a similar fact as late as 1966! Pay attention to how Ben-Gurion admitted that Zionists were a minority amongst Jews as of 1914! What the heck, even AP quoted Ben-Gurion admitting that Palestinians are the original Israelites who converted to Christianity and Islam over time! Therefore, Zionism to its founding fathers wasn't about "race per se" and it was all about power and ideology!
  14. Zionist Jews never made deserts bloom; actually, deserts' surface areas have increased & the Dead Sea almost disappeared. All could be easily verified via Google's satellite view. It should be noted that the Negev desert hasn't bloomed since the ice age! To our surprise, we've discovered that as late as 1938, Ben-Gurion wrote to his son Amos about his plans (more like a dream) of blooming the Negev desert (meaning it wasn't blooming at the time) and most importantly David admitted it was barren and it was thinly populated by Jews.
  15. Weaponizing Antisemitism in defense of Israel By Donna Level Weaponizing Antisemitism in Defense of Israel By Donna Level
    Zionism is all about creating a Jewish majority & when that was impossible (since European Jews voted with their feet & immigrated to the Americas), Zionists ethnically cleansed & dispossessed the majority, and airlifted Arab Jews to populate the emptied country. David Ben Gurion defined Zionism best in Baltimore in 1944: Zionism is a TRANSFER of the Jews. Regarding the TRANSFER of Arabs, this is much easier than any other TRANSFER (Expulsion of The Palestinians, p. 159)
  16. The Israeli government in the late 1970s censored for 4 decades an important paragraph in Yitzhak Rabin's book (Soldier of Peace) when he dared to admit that it was Ben-Gurion who ordered him to ethnically cleanse 75k-90k Palestinians out of their homes in Lydda & al-Ramla. You won't believe it until you read it in the NY Times. Let that be our gift to those who still deny that Nakba ever happened.
  17. Fake Valor: Why Did Zionist Jews Hoist Nazis Flag on Their Ships in the 1930s?
    Palestinians have every right to resist those who dispossessed & ethnically cleansed them. Sadly, that was done by Holocaust survivors & their descendants. Therefore, Palestinians aren’t antisemitic. The true antisemites are those who turn antisemitism & the Holocaust into weapons to justify oppressing the indigenous people!
  18. Haim Arlosoroff (2nd to David Ben-Gurion in the Jewish Agency) repeatedly articulated for over a decade before his assassination in 1933 that Palestinians do exist and fear imminent dispossession and displacement. Most importantly, he laid the blame squarely on Ze'ev Jabotinsky (el Douche Mussolini's disciple in the Holyland) for instigating the 1929 riots.
  19. Zionists often make Palestinians to be collectively responsible for Mufti Hajj Amin’s alliance with Nazis in late 1941, although it was done by a few Palestinians. On the other hand, most European nations and leaders were given a free pass 3 years after the Holocaust ended although Europeans murdered millions of Jews! As you shall discover soon, Mufti is Zionists' patsy!
  20. Contrary to what we've pointed out earlier, let's assume that Palestinians did heed Mufti's call for Jihad against the British during Erwin Rommel's offensive in Egypt, then it would have been plausible that Palestine could've become Nazi-occupied. In such a situation: what will be the difference between (King) Chaim Rumkwaski and David Ben-Gurion? Does that explain why most Kapos were Zionist activists? If you wonder why, well here are the boring details.
  21. It wasn't Palestinians who weaponized Jewish pain & suffering --in the displaced persons (D.P.) camps-- after WWII was concluded. Don't take our word for it; here it is from NY Times' Jewish editor in late 1946 exposing the impostering heroes.
  22. Adolf Eichmann & company coined a special gold Mendelian in the honor of Nazis' Haavara relationship with Zionists!Adolf Eichmann & company coined a special Gold Medallion in the honor of Nazis' relationship with Zionists! Do you've any ideas why he visited Palestine in 1937?
    It was David Ben-Gurion who was 4+ years ahead of Hitler endangering Europe's Jews when he wished death upon the German Jewish children who were airlifted to Britain in a hurry a month after the Kristallnacht Pogrom (late 1938). A hint, the Zionist movement never thanked the British people for their quick response and David never retracted his antisemitic remark. Here are the details from the NYTimes quoting Ben-Gurion's biographers.
  23. It wasn't Palestinians or their evil Mufti who stole 2/3 of the budget that was allocated for rescuing Jews at the height of the calamity.
  24. It was Zionist Jews who were FIRST to normalize trade and relations with Hitler between 1933-39; YES 7 years of non-stop wheeling & dealing with Hitler (even after the Nuremberg Laws and the Kristallnacht pogrom). YES, 9 years ahead of Mufti & Vichy. Well, here are the hidden facts about the Haavara (Transfer) Agreement from Zionists & Israeli sources PLUS the NYTimes.
  25. Which hate speech is more antisemitic: Hitler's hate speech at the Reichstag on Jan 30th, 1939, or Ben-Gurion's hate speech a month after the Kristallnacht pogrom in December 1938? You be the judge!
    When American Jews attempted to investigate Zionists' policies and actions during the 1930s and 40s, they were nixed! That was 40+ years ago and since then it was smothered; here are the details from the NYTimes.
  26. When Adolf Eichmann visited Palestine in 1937, did he come to coordinate with Mufti Hajj Amin, or with Zionists' Haganah? You wouldn't think Zionists would use Mufti (their favorite patsy) to deflect away from their deeds in the 1930s and 40s? Here are the boring details.
  27. Zionists were considered an extreme fringe in Jewish politics which was dominated by BUND who were assimilationist Jews, socialists, liberals, and against the nation-state concept (Albert Einstein was a great example).
  28. Zionists often shamelessly portray themselves as a Jewish Nationalist Liberation Movement. Let's state the hard facts: Zionists never fought or confronted antisemites; that is why they allied themselves with every fascist you could name. On the contrary, Herzl's marching order was not to confront antisemites where Jews were being persecuted and to cooperate with them for the sake of the creation of the "Jewish state" (The Transfer Agreement, p. 226). Can you honestly name one European antisemite whom Zionist Jews (from all shades of color) didn't work hand over fist with? Does that explain why many of Europe's Zionist activists became kapos in the ghettos during WWII? Does this explain why a few of the so-called yishuv saw action as WWII was winding down? Don't worry guys; it was a friendly fire! What is tragically funny is that Arab Jews never asked to be liberated, and if ever they did (God forbid) that wouldn't be where they didn't live!
  29. For seven-plus decades, the Western media and Zionist Jews rebuffed Palestinians' version of the story that Israeli leaders used chemical and germ warfare to induce their flight out of their homes, and portrayed it as an "antisemitic conspiracy". Guess what? Now even prominent Israeli historians found evidence that such crimes happened. 
  30. Just in case you have made it all the way here and you are still high on your Hasbarah supply, please watch this short click that will expose you to this farce of a fascist state.
Palestinian Refugees fleeing Jaffa, in April or May 1948

To put it simply: Zionism is a colonial Jewish nationalist project based on dispossessing & ethnically cleansing the indigenous people. Pre-WWII, Zionists were a fringe minority and the mass majority of European Jews were against their fascist ideology. Sadly after Shoah, BUND (who dominated European Jewish politics) was destroyed, and Zionism hijacked Judaism, and now it is much closer to a cult! Albert Einstein was correct to call Zionists a Nakba upon Jews as early as April 10th, 1948. The question you need to ask: Was Moshe Sharett (the 1st Israeli Foreign Minister & 2nd Israeli PM) accurate when he wrote in 1956:

"I have learned that the state of Israel cannot be ruled in our generation without deceit and adventurism. These are historical facts that cannot be altered" (Simha Flapan, p. 52-53)

Can Zionism survive without lying?
Can Zionism survive without Hasbarah (gaslighting)?

That is why lying is deeply ingrained with Zionists; and when you refuse to go along with their lies, then you are the antisemite, you are the hater: Zionists' most effective weapon!

Before we leave you, we urge you to watch Yuula (an Israeli who recently renounced her Israeli citizenship) for 5 minutes; she just had it with Zionists' fascism and lies:

Related Links

Haifa, Palestinians are crowded on ships to take them to Acre soon after they were ethnically cleansed by Zionist Jewish forces, April 1948.

Dont listen to any israelis like @Brian. Free palestine! Thanks for spreading the truth!

the FIRST ten words in this article, clearly stated that each fact is linked to its source. Did you bother to read it? If you did, please understand it first?

I see zero bibliographic references to support your ideas. As such, this looks like one big anti Israel rant.

You would be taken much more seriously if you could back up your claims with sources. Then again, this comment will probably never get published
Fake Valor: Why Did Zionist Jews Hoist Nazis Flag on Their Ships in the 1930s?

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