vrijdag 23 juni 2023

De Conformisten Vermomd als Democraten

 Kees van der Pijl heeft een vind-ik-leuk gegeven

🇧🇪⚡️ Remarkable intervention by Raoul Hedebouw from the PTB (Workers' Party of Belgium) in the Belgian parliament regarding the sabotage of Nordstream. The entire parliament, supposed to represent the Belgian people, is terrified at the mere thought of questioning the interests of this people or even the country’s bourgeoisie. This shows the farce that democracy is in an American colony (which is what we are). And yet, Raoul limits himself to what is conceded by the press of the colonizer, without addressing S. Hersh's thesis that it was the US who pulled off the coup. (Comment: Jean Bricmont; English subs of the video provided by Deepl & me) #belgium #belgique #ukraine #ukrainewar #nato #nordstream #NordStream2 #belgië
0:04 / 3:19

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

There's no doubt in my mind that Nordstream was blown up by or with the help of the U.S.
Biden publicly said he would do that as soon as the Russians would invade Ukraïne.
For a country that needs to reïndustrialise a weakened European competitor (because of expesnsive gas) is a bonus.

Lying Authorities

  https://x.com/21WIRE/status/1906106116368687296 Patrick Henningsen @21WIRE . @RealCandaceO speaks truth. Those she is referring to are al...