maandag 13 april 2020

Stephen Hawking: Stupidity And Greed

Stupidity And Greed Are What Will End The Human Race – Stephen Hawking


A lot of scientists have been alerting that we might be getting close to a critical point. The loudest of them was Stephan Hawking.
We’ve all heard about him. He had one of the most powerful minds of all times.
He was a scientist who had studied at Cambridge and Oxford. His work in physics and science was excellent. Stephan developed the theories of the black holes that endanger the world, and the theories of the origin of the Universe, which have completely changed the modern concept of the universe.
Stephan was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, and spent most of his life paralyzed. He died at the age of 76.
He was extremely beneficial for science (cosmology, quantum gravity and general relativity). He left behind a lot of wise words and inspirational sayings.
His words are of great meaning, so as his warnings. He blamed young generations to only be self-centered and selfish, not caring for the world.
Stephan spent his whole life warning people about the future, stating we can’t go back from where we’ve reached. He considered people destructive, stupid and greedy.
In his interview with BBC, he stated that global warming is inevitable. He always pointed out the threats that we might be facing in the following decades.
Stephan talked about the air pollution which is getting worse by the day. He also said that a back-up planet is maybe the only way to save ourselves.
Hawking talked about how people are constantly pursuing artificial intelligence. He was sure we picked the wrong time to use artificial intelligence, since it can be difficult to stop, and it may very easy turn into our worst enemy.
People are being exposed to machines all the time, and these machines are becoming more and more intelligent on one hand, and people more and more stupid on the other. So, the machines control people, and not the other way around as it should be.
Thus, we have to prepare and avoid the possible risks. He considers artificial intelligence to be the worst event in our history, because it brings a lot of dangers.
He was criticized for his way of thinking, however, that didn’t stop him to express his thoughts.
He published his work of popular science, discussing his theories. He wrote the bestseller“Brief Answers to The Big Questions”, which was published after he died.
There, he wrote about his hopes that people will change their ways of thinking and determine to make this world a better place to live.
So, he was optimistic about us. Let’s show him he was right! It’s never late to make him proud!

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