vrijdag 17 april 2020

Geert Mak's 'Grote verwachtingen' 51

If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings and films and me, and there I am. There’s nothing behind it.
— Andy Warhol, The East Village Other (1966)

Maar de zwaktes — de onevenwichtigheid, de voorspelbaarheid, de juist onverwachte ontknoping, die veel meer had kunnen schrijnen dan hij doet — maken dat je verlangt naar een betere Grunberg, of een andere Grunberg.
Ik heb een voorstel voor Arnon Grunberg dat hem en zijn publiek op weg zal helpen. Laat hij een boek schrijven over de joodse dr. Mengele, over wie de Israelische krant Haaretz op 12 december 2019 onder de kop 'America's Dr. Mengele': The Jewish Biochemist Backed by the CIA Who Experimented on Thousands’ het volgende meldde:

Sidney Gottlieb conducted tests on refugees and prisoners that were as brutal as those carried out by the Nazi doctor. 'He is undoubtedly the closest thing to Mengele in the history of the U.S.,' says author of his biography.   
During World War II, however, Gottlieb was living in quiet and safe New York City, to which his parents had emigrated. That didn’t stop him, later in life, from adopting some of Mengele’s methods of abuse or even hiring some of the same doctors and scientists who had worked in the service of the Nazi Party to the task force he assembled in his work for the CIA during the 1950s and ‘60s.  
'Gottlieb is undoubtedly the closest thing to Mengele in the history of the United States,’ asserts American journalist and researcher Stephen Kinzer, author of the new biography ‘Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control’ (Henry Holt), in a phone interview with Haaretz.   
As opposed to Mengele, Gottlieb, who passed away in 1999 at age 81, did not carry out his cruel experiments for the Nazi regime, but with the authority he received from the highest echelons of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. He blinded, shook up, electrocuted and tortured thousands of World War II refugees from foreign countries, POWs (Prisoners of War. svh) and American prisoners in a series of cruel experiments that lasted over 20 years and claimed the lives of innocent people.     
Some of the experiments were conducted surreptitiously in hospitals, universities and prisons in the United States, others in secret detention facilities overseas, mainly in Germany, Japan and the Philippines, where he operated freely without fear of exposure. 
'Gottlieb (portret links. svh) was able to ask his superiors to send him 10 people for the purpose of the experiment, and he would get them,’ says Kinzer. ‘Who were those people? Prisoners of war from North Korea, Soviet agents or simply innocent refugees without family, whose absence would not be felt by anyone, according to CIA estimates.’

Adds the author, ‘When I visited Germany in order to work on the book I arrived at a place where the first secret CIA prison facility stood at the time, in an isolated area outside Frankfurt. People living nearby testified how prisoners who were kept in the facility run by Gottlieb were buried afterward in the nearby forests, which are now the site of residential buildings and shopping centers.’

Gottlieb, who had a doctorate in biochemistry from the California Institute of Technology and was an expert in poisons, served in the CIA for 22 years, most of them as head of the special task force established by the United States government in order to create the largest and most advanced ‘thought police’ in the world.

Kinzer: 'Gottlieb had two main objectives. First, you had to blast away the existing mind the second part was to fill the vacuum that was created by creating a new mind. He succeeded in destroying the human mind, but was not successful in the second stage of the program.’

When he joined the CIA in 1951, he was ‘the first person ever to be drafted by the U.S. administration to find ways to control the human mind,’ Kinzer notes. Two years later, the mind-control project that initially was called Artichoke but later renamed MK-Ultra got underway. It was inspired by the horrifying experiments conducted by the Nazis and by the Japanese military, and included, he writes, the ‘dosing (of) unwilling patients with potent drugs, subjecting them to extremes of temperature and sound (and) strapping them to electroshock machines.’

‘Artichoke had become one of the most violently abusive projects ever sponsored by an agency of the United States government,’ writes Kinzer in his book. He quotes a CIA description of the mission: ‘the investigation of drug effects on ego control and volitional activities, that is, can willfully suppressed information be elicited through drugs affecting higher nervous systems? If so, which agents are better for this purpose?’ 

Just as the intelligence agency hoped to extract repressed information from the minds of foreign agents and others, it hoped, with those same drugs, to find the way to erase existing information from the consciousness. It even sought to erase information from the minds of CIA agents who, in the course of their work, were exposed to sensitive information and clandestine activities that could have embarrassed the United States had they become known.

There was no drug or disorienting substance that Gottlieb rejected in his pursuit of his objectives. ‘He was obsessive about LSD. He thought it was the ideal solution for destroying the existing mind and implanting a new one,’ Kinzer tells Haaretz.

Gottlieb was the first one to bring to the United States the drug that years later became one of the symbols of America’s ‘flower power' generation and anti-war protest movement, the author says, adding, ‘His obsession was so great that in 1953 he convinced the CIA to invest $240,000 and to buy the entire world inventory of LSD, which was developed in the laboratories of the Sandoz pharmaceuticals company in Switzerland.’

What did he do with such a massive quantity of the drug?

‘One of the experiments was conducted on black prisoners from Kentucky who, without their knowledge, received a triple dose of the drug every day, for two and a half months. That’s how they examined whether it’s possible to destroy the human brain with LSD. The answer is yes.’

Another experiment was more scientific in nature, but with equally devastating effects: 'Gottlieb wanted to examine how LSD affects people suffering from various medical problems. Since the CIA has no hospitals of its own, and since Gottlieb didn’t want the hospitals to know that he was turning to them on behalf of the CIA, he established several straw organizations that made contact with the various hospitals and offered them payment in exchange for participation in an experiment in which the effect of the drug was tested on patients. As a result, overnight there was a new market of civilians who had been exposed to the drug, become addicted to it, and distributed it to others.’

According to Kinzer, ‘Very few people, even in the CIA itself, knew about the MK-Ultra project. One of them was American scientist Frank Olson. But at a certain point, in 1953, Olson started to wonder about the ethics of the experiments he had been exposed to and even told his superiors that he was not willing to continue the work and was interested in leaving the agency. Shortly afterward he fell to his death from the window of his room on the 13th floor of a New York hotel. 

At the time the media described the incident as a suicide, but today there is considerable evidence that Olson did not jump to his death, but was murdered by Gottlieb and CIA agents, who saw him as too great a danger to the continuation of the program.’

How could a Jewish scientist who grew up in a religious home, a family man with dreams of an academic career, approve, order and directly supervise a cruel system of torture that today is usually associated with dictatorships?

Kinzer: 'Gottlieb is the classical version of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. On the one hand, he engaged in the most violent experiments ever conducted in the United States; on the other, he was a devoted family man, the father of four children, with great environmental awareness. A man who grew his own vegetables, and every morning before work got up to milk his goats.

In his own eyes he was a great patriot and an outstanding humanist at one and the same time. In order to understand how that goes together you have to relate to his acts in the context of his time, during the early years of the Cold War, when the United States convinced itself that it was under a major existential threat.

It’s an important lesson with implications for the present situation as well. Today we are once again convincing ourselves that we are under such a great threat that we must set aside our decency and morality in the name of defending the security of the homeland. Such thinking is a tremendous danger not only to us, but also to other countries that convince themselves that the danger confronting them is so great that it justifies terrible acts in order to defend themselves.’

Enige aanvullende informatie over de vermoorde Fred Olson: 
Frank Rudolph Olson (July 17, 1910 – November 28, 1953) was an American bacteriologist, biological warfare scientist and an employee of the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories (USBWL) who worked at Camp Detrick (now Fort Detrick) in Maryland. At a meeting in rural Maryland, he was covertly dosed with LSD by his colleague Sidney Gottlieb (head of the CIA's MKUltra program) and, nine days later, plunged to his death from the window of the Hotel Statler. The U.S. government first described his death as a suicide, and then as misadventure, while others allege murder. The Rockefeller Commission report on the CIA in 1975 acknowledged their having conducted drug studies… Netflix released a documentary miniseries, entitled Wormwood (2017), based on the mystery of Olson's death; it was directed by Errol Morris. In the miniseries, journalist Seymour Hersh says the government had a security process to identify and execute domestic dissidents (perceived to pose a risk). He said that Frank Olson was a victim of this and an ongoing cover-up after his death. However, Hersh explained that he cannot elaborate or publish on the facts because it would compromise his source.
De VPRO meldde over ‘Wormwood’:
Intrigerende mix van documentaire en drama van regisseur Morris (The Thin Blue Line, The Fog of War), die in deze zesdelige Netflixserie probeert te achterhalen waarom de militaire wetenschapper Frank Olson in 1953 uit het raam van zijn hotelkamer op de 13de verdieping viel… of sprong… of geduwd werd. De nagespeelde scènes (met Sarsgaard als Frank Olson) zijn sterk, maar het meeste indruk maakt Franks zoon Eric, die al meer dan zestig jaar obsessief op zoek is naar de waarheid omtrent de dood van zijn vader.
En wat betreft de MK-Ultra-samenzwering van de CIA: er zijn voor de geïnteresseerden verschillende uitstekende Amerikaanse studies daarover verschenen, maar hier voldoet de volgende omschrijving van Wikipedia:

Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra), also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, some of which were illegal. Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories. Code names for drug-related experiments were Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke.
The operation was officially sanctioned in 1953, reduced in scope in 1964 and further curtailed in 1967. It was officially halted in 1973. The program engaged in many illegal activities, including the use of U.S. and Canadian citizens as its unwitting test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. MK-Ultra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects' mental states and brain functions. Techniques included the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of torture.
The scope of Project MK-Ultra was broad, with research undertaken at more than 80 institutions, including colleges and universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA operated using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.
Project MK-Ultra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the United States Congress and Gerald Ford's United States President's Commission on CIA activities within the United States (also known as the Rockefeller Commission).
Investigative efforts were hampered by CIA Director Richard Helms' order that all MK-Ultra files be destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms's destruction order. In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MK-Ultra which led to Senate hearings later that year. Some surviving information regarding MKUltra was declassified in July 2001. In December 2018, declassified documents included a letter to an unidentified doctor discussing work on six dogs made to run, turn and stop via remote control and brain implants.

Het MK-Ultra-complot werd twintig jaar lang, van 1953 tot 1973, gesanctioneerd door wat ik gemakshalve de Deep State noem, de werkelijke macht achter de officiële instituten die als facade fungeren. Ook hier gaat datgene op wat Grunberg ‘samenzweringstheoretici’ verwijt, namelijk de opvatting dat ‘niets is wat het lijkt’ en dat ‘macht’ maar al te vaak ‘absoluut’ is. Als opiniemaker van de ‘corporate media’ beweert de bijna 50-jarige Arnon dat in een parlementaire democratie de ‘macht zelden absoluut’ is, terwijl MK-Ultra juist het tegendeel bewijst. Daarom moest deze samenzwering zo geheim blijven dat de CIA-directeur Richard Helms ongestraft de Amerikaanse democratie buitenspel kon zetten door opdracht te geven ‘alle MK-Ultra dossiers te vernietigen,’ om te voorkomen dat ze in handen zouden vallen van Congresleden. Nog steeds geldt voor de macht datgene wat de Britse aristocraat, historicus en parlementslid Lord Acton al in de negentiende eeuw schreef, namelijk dat ‘power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ Wanneer bijvoorbeeld twee achtereenvolgende Nederlandse kabinetten bewust terroristen in Syrië bleef steunen zonder dat hier politieke consequenties aan werden verbonden door de volksvertegenwoordigers en de 'vrije pers,' dan is dit slechts één van de zichtbare voorbeelden van hoever de corruptie in de parlementaire democratie van zelfs een klein land is genormaliseerd. In de acceptatie van deze corrumpering spelen de mainstream-media een centrale rol. Eind 2019 zette de Amerikaanse voormalige hoogleraar Sociologie en auteur Edward Curtin de zaak nog eens op een rijtje. In ‘The Art of Doublespeak: Bellingcat and Mind Control’ schreef hij:

In the 1920s, the influential American intellectual Walter Lippman argued that the average person was incapable of seeing or understanding the world clearly and needed to be guided by experts behind the social curtain.  In a number of books he laid out the theoretical foundations for the practical work of Edward Bernays, who developed ‘public relations’ (also known as propaganda) to carry out this task for the ruling elites.  Bernays had honed his skills while working as a propagandist for the United States during World War I, and after the war he set himself up as a public relations counselor in New York City.
There is a fascinating exchange at the beginning of Adam Curtis’s documentary, The Century of Self, where Bernays, then nearly 100 years old but still very sharp, reveals his manipulative mindset and that of so many of those who have followed in his wake.  He says the reason he couldn’t call his new business ‘propaganda’ was because the Germans had given propaganda a ‘bad name,’ and so he came up with the euphemism ‘public relations.’  He then adds that ‘if you could use it [that is propaganda] for war, you certainly could use it for peace.’ Of course, he never used PR for peace but just to manipulate public opinion (he helped engineer the CIA coup against the democratically elected Arbenz government in Guatemala in 1954 with fake news broadcasts).  He says ‘the Germans gave propaganda a bad name,’ not Bernays and the United States with their vast campaign of lies, mainly aimed at the American people to get their support for going to a war they opposed (think weapons of mass destruction).  He sounds proud of his war propaganda work that resounded to his credit since it led to support for the ‘war to end all wars’ and subsequently to a hit movie about WWI, Yankee Doodle Dandy, made in 1942 to promote another war, since the first one somehow didn’t achieve its lofty goal.
As Bernays has said, ‘The American motion picture is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world today.’
He was a propagandist to the end.  I suspect most viewers of the film are taken in by these softly spoken words of an old man sipping a glass of wine at a dinner table with a woman who is asking him questions. I have shown this film to hundreds of students and none has noticed his legerdemain (bedrog. svh).  It is an example of the sort of hocus-pocus I will be getting to shortly, the sly insertion into seemingly liberal or matter-of-fact commentary of statements that imply a different story. The placement of convincing or confusing disingenuous (onoprechte. svh) ingredients into a truth sandwich — for Bernays knew that the bread of truth is essential to conceal untruth.
In the following years, Bernays, Lippman, and their ilk were joined by social ‘scientists,’ psychologists, and sundry others intent on making a sham out of the idea of democracy by developing strategies and techniques for the engineering of social consensus consonant with the wishes of the ruling classes. Their techniques of propaganda developed exponentially with the development of technology, the creation of the CIA, its infiltration of all the major media, and that agency’s courting of what the CIA official Cord Meyer called in the 1950s ‘the compatible (aanvaardbare. svh) left,’ having already had the right in its pocket. Today most people are, as is said, ‘wired,’ (op het net aangesloten. svh) and they get their information from the electronic media that is mostly controlled by giant corporations in cahoots with government propagandists.  Ask yourself: Has the power of the oligarchic, permanent warfare state with its propaganda and spy networks increased or decreased over your lifetime. The answer is obvious: the average people that Lippman and Bernays trashed (vandaliseren. svh) are losing and the ruling elites are winning.
This is not just because powerful propagandists are good at controlling so-called ‘average’ people’s thinking, but, perhaps more importantly, because they are also adept — probably more so — at confusing or directing the thinking of those who consider themselves above average, those who still might read a book or two or have the concentration to read multiple articles that offer different perspectives on a topic.  This is what some call the professional and intellectual classes, perhaps 15-20% of the population, most of whom are not the ruling elites but their employees and sometimes their mouthpieces. It is this segment of the population that considers itself ‘informed,’ but the information they imbibe (opnemen. svh) is often sprinkled with bits of misdirection, both intentional and not, that beclouds their understanding of important public matters but leaves them with the false impression that they are in the know.
Recently I have noticed a group of interconnected examples of how this group of the population that exerts influence incommensurate (onevenredig. svh) with their numbers has contributed to the blurring of lines between fact and fiction. Within this group there are opinion makers who are often journalists, writers, and cultural producers of some sort or other, and then the larger number of the intellectual or schooled class who follow their opinions. This second group then passes on their received opinions to those who look up to them.
Het zijn inderdaad juist de ‘opiniemakers’ van de ‘corporate press’ die een, voor de macht, onmisbare bijdrage leveren aan het laten ‘vervagen van de grenzen tussen feit en fictie.’ In dienst van de ‘ruling elites’ bepalen zij wat de waarheid is en wat niet, wie en wat belangrijk is en wie niet, wat acceptabel is en wat niet, wie gevaarlijk is en wie niet, wie een ‘samenzweringstheoreticus’ is en wie niet, wat de werkelijkheid is en wat niet, wat en wie veroordeeld of toegejuicht moet worden en wat en wie niet, etcetera. Altijd zijn de opiniemakers van de commerciële pers hier mee bezig. Hun enige taak is het publiek te vertellen hoe het de wereld moet zien. Zij vormen de Public Relations afdeling van de elite, terwijl het lijkt alsof zij namens zichzelf spreken. Daarom heeft Grunberg zo’n hekel aan zogenaamde ‘samenzweringstheoretici.’ Zij tonen met hun werk aan in welke samenzweringen Arnon zelf impliciet en soms expliciet gelooft. De socioloog Edward Curtin schrijft naar aanleiding van Stephen Kinzer’s boek over de al eerder genoemde Sidney Gottlieb:
the chemist known as Dr. Death who ran the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control project, using LSD, torture, electric shock therapy, hypnosis, etc.; developed sadistic methods of torture still used in black sites around the world; and invented various ingenious techniques for assassination, many of which were aimed at Fidel Castro. Gottlieb was responsible for brutal prison and hospital experiments and untold death and suffering inflicted on all sorts of innocent people.  His work was depraved in the deepest sense; he worked with Nazis who experimented on Jews despite being Jewish himself.
Kinzer writes in depth about this man who considered himself a patriot and a spiritual person — a humane torturer and killer.  It is an eye-opening book for anyone who does not know about Gottlieb, who gave the CIA the essential tools they use in their ‘organized crime’ activities around the world — in the words of Douglass Valentine, the author of The CIA as Organized Crime and The Phoenix Program. Kinzer’s book is good history on Gottlieb; however, he doesn’t venture into the present activities of the CIA and Gottlieb’s patriotic followers, who no doubt exist and go about their business in secret.
Op zijn beurt beschrijft de Amerikaanse journalist en auteur Douglas Valentine in zijn boek The CIA As Organized Crime. How Illegal Operations Corrupt America And The World (2017) talloze andere CIA-samenzweringen. Zijn imnformatie kwam uit eerste hand dankzij de bemiddeling van de oud CIA-directeur William Colby, een  enigmatische man die op 27 april 1996:

set out from his weekend home in Rock Point, Maryland on a solo canoe trip. His canoe was found the following day on a sandbar in the Wicomico River, a tributary of the Potomac, approximately a quarter mile from his home. On May 6, Colby's body was found in a marshy riverbank lying facedown not far from where his canoe was found. After an autopsy, Maryland's Chief Medical Examiner John E. Smialek ruled his death to be accidental… Colby’s death triggered conspiracy theories that his death was due to foul play. In his 2011 documentary ‘The Man Nobody Knew,’ Colby's son Carl suggested that his father suffered from guilt due to his actions in the CIA and committed suicide.
Opmerkelijk is tevens het volgende:

Spycraft… is an adventure CD-ROM game published by Activision in 1996. It details the attempted assassination of the President of the United States and the CIA and SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. svh) attempts to save him. Although the game was not approved by either organization, it tends to favor realism due to its coordination with former CIA director William Colby and former KGB Major-General Oleg Kalugin, who also appear in the game as themselves… The player plays Thorn, a rookie CIA agent. During training, Thorn receives word that the Russian presidential candidate has been assassinated, and during a live-fire exercise, Thorn's instructor is killed. Thorn learns that a former CIA agent… is behind both hits.
Colby zelf ‘recounted that he took from his parents a desire to serve and a commitment to liberal politics, Catholicism, and independence, exemplified by his father's career-damaging protest in The Nation magazine regarding the lenient treatment of a white Georgian who had murdered a black U.S. soldier also based at Ft. Benning.

Het is niet uitgesloten dat de voormalige directeur voor een bepaalde factie binnen de CIA te openhartig werd, en daarmee een gevaar dreigde te worden voor de Deep State, waarvan de CIA een onmisbaar element is. Wel is duidelijk dat zijn ‘desire to serve and a commitment to liberal politics’ niet aansloot bij de illegale activiteiten van CIA-functionarissen die al decennialang met volstrekt criminele complotten bezig waren en nog steeds zijn. In zijn boek vertelt Douglas Valentine, die dankzij Colby talloze nog in dienst zijnde CIA-functionarissen kreeg te spreken:

The CIA’s control of international drug trafficking is America’s darkest secret, and after the Webb scandal (zie hieronder. svh), the old boy network imposed even more restrictions on the media. The pressures the CIA imposes on the media amount to political warfare directed against the American public. It’s no different than how the CIA mounts counter-subversion operations overseas. 
Nowadays, the only way you can discern what is going on is by studying and understanding the historical arc of these bureaucracies. Where did the CIA come from? Where is it going? If you look at it historically, you can see beyond the spin and it becomes de-mystified. And that is not a happy story. As power gets more concentrated in the security services, the media is no longer simply compliant, it’s functioning as their public relations arm. It simply ignores anything that contradicts the official line.
Veelzeggend in dit verband is de affaire Webb. Daarover zegt Valentine het volgende:

Gary Webb was an investigative journalist whose ‘Dark Alliance’ series in 1996 exposed the link between the CIA’s ‘Contras’ in Central America and a crack cocaine dealer in Los Angeles. The story rattled the CIA. Members of the black community were up in arms. Then the CIA’s old boy network sprang into action and Webb was nit-picked to death by fellow journalists for minor inaccuracies in his work. But his real sin was revealing the CIA’s criminal involvement in systematic racial oppression through the war on drugs. Webb committed suicide in 2004.

De CIA bezit een speciale afdeling voor illegale praktijken, genaamd ‘Special Activities Center (SAC),’ waarover weinig bekend is. Wel meldt Wikipedia over het SAC dat het ‘a division’ is: 

responsible for covert (geheime. svh) operations and paramilitary operations. The unit was named Special Activities Division (SAD) prior to 2016. Within SAC there are two separate groups: SAC/SOG (Special Operations Group) for tactical paramilitary operations and SAC/PAG (Political Action Group) for covert political action.
The Special Operations Group (SOG) is a department within SAC responsible for operations that include high-threat clandestine or covert operations with which the U.S. government cannot be overtly associated. As such, unit members, called Paramilitary Operations Officers and Specialized Skills Officers, do not typically carry any objects or clothing, e.g., military uniforms, that would associate them with the federal government.

If they are compromised during a mission, the government may deny all knowledge. SOG is considered the most secretive special operations force with less than a hundred operatives.  The group often selects former service members from the U.S. special operations forces such as the Green Berets, Rangers, Delta Force, Raiders, Navy SEALs, STOs, CCTs, PJs, and other U.S. military forces.
SOG Paramilitary Operations Officers account for a majority of Distinguished Intelligence Cross and Intelligence Star recipients during conflicts or incidents which elicited CIA involvement. These are the highest and second highest valor awards within the CIA in recognition of distinguished valor and excellence in the line of duty. SAC/SOG operatives also account for the majority of the stars displayed on the Memorial Wall at CIA headquarters indicating that the officer died while on active duty. The motto of SAC is Tertia Optio, which means ‘Third Option,’ as covert action represents a third option within the realm of national security when diplomacy and military action are not feasible.
The Political Action Group (PAG) is responsible for covert activities related to political influence, psychological operations, and economic warfare. The rapid development of technology has added cyber warfare to their mission. Tactical units within SAC are also capable of carrying out covert political action while deployed in hostile and austere environments. A large covert operation typically has components that involve many or all of these categories as well as paramilitary operations. Political and ‘influence’ covert operations are used to support U.S. foreign policy. Overt support for one element of an insurgency would often be counterproductive due to the impression it would potentially exert on the local population. In such cases covert assistance allows the US to assist without damaging these elements in the process.

Gezien de recente Corona Virus pandemie die ineens uitbrak in Wuhan -- waar het Wuhan Institute of Virology is gevestigd, die na de uitbraak ‘checked its coronavirus collection and found the new virus was 96 percent identical to a sample its researchers had taken from horseshoe bats in southwest China’ -- is het van belang te weten dat de Amerikaanse hoogleraar Internationaal Recht, Francis Boyle, auteur van het boek Biowarfare and Terrorism (2005) midden april 2020 er publiekelijk voor waarschuwde dat: 

after 9/11 the entire offensive biological warfare industry has been reconstituted (opnieuw in werking gesteld. svh) here in the United States, with well over 13.000 so called scientists, sort of dr. Mengele’s, working there.

Het spreekt voor zich dat zowel in China als in de VS de bevolking ook niets weet van deze geheime experimenten die de dreiging van een biologische oorlogsvoering vergroten. En als vanzelf ben ik weer terug bij Arnon Grunberg, de opiniemaker voor wie complotten domweg niet bestaan. Wat moet deze naïeve of juist doortrapte, nauwelijks geïnformeerde opiniemaker nu doen? Gezien de talloze complotten van de machtigen heb ik een concreet voorstel voor hem. Maar daarover de volgende keer. 

1 opmerking:

Mvk zei

Gisteren las ik het vuistdikke boek van ronen bergman -rise and kill first- uit, wat een deprimerend boek en nog vol halve propaganda en desinformatie als je het door jou aan te raden artikel in unz review leest https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-mossad-assassinations/ diezelfde bergman schreef voor nyt hoe de mossad mengele maar liet lopen https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/06/sunday-review/israel-mengele-auschwitz-holocaust.html ik vermoed, maar daar ben ik nog op zoek naar, dat de mossad en cia informatie uitwisselden en uitwisselen omtrent biochemische wapens, in mainstream media wordt een dergelijke vraagstelling uiteraard nooit gebezigd, maar op basis van bergmans beschrijving dat de cia en mossad op een gegeven moment 'helemaal naakt' gingen voor elkaar en elk elkaars geheimen gingen delen in combinatie met het feit dat naast nazi wetenschappers ook japanse unit 731 wetenschappers met hun geheimen in de verenigde staten warm welkom werden geheten, vermoed ik dus dat gottliebs joods amerikaanse legacy zich voortzet helaas https://www.globalresearch.ca/biological-warfare-and-the-national-security-state/14708 het is afgrijselijk te zien dat de groep nederlanders die meent weldenkend te zijn omdat ze nrc lezen en een universitaire opleiding hebben genoten al die quatsch van grunberg voor zoete koek slikt, sowieso kijken veel van die zogenaamde vrijdenkers en d66-ers niet verder dan hun navel, ik ben blij dat jouw blogs een onderbouwd tegengeluid bieden!

Jackson Hinkle delivers a POWERFUL speech in Yemen!

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