vrijdag 18 oktober 2019

Thierry Meyssan: Western Terrorism in Syria

France torches Lafarge cement plant in Syria

On 16 October 2019, the International Coalition set fire to the French-owned Lafarge Cement Factory in Jalabiyeh (on the Turkish border, north of Aleppo) before the arrival of the Syrian Arab Army in the area.
Thus, the traces of a secret operation of crucial importance have literally gone up in smoke.
The plant had delivered 6 million tons of cement to jihadists for them to build underground fortifications from which to wage a war of position against Syrian government forces, drawing on the strategy described by Abu Musab "The Syrian" in his 2004 book, The Management of Barbarity. Subsequently, the factory was used to shelter the Norwegian and French special forces who torched the building before fleeing.
In 2016, the Turkish website, Zaman Al-Wasl, published an e-mail exchange between Lafarge executives themselves, attesting to the links that existed between the multinational and Daesh. A complaint lodged by a group of aggrieved Syrian employees led to the opening of a formal investigation in France. The daily newspaper Le Monde lated published its own version of the facts intended to conceal :
- the relationship of the Lafarge group with the CIA in the context of various operations, including arms transportation during the war against Iraq;
- the link between the multinational and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (formerly on the Lafarge board of directors);
- the Lafarge group relationship with the DGSE (France’s external intelligence services) during the war against Syria; and
- the construction of jihadist infrastructures in Syria.
It took the Russian aviation six months and the deployment of penetrating bombs to destroy these fortifications - the largest on any battlefield since the Second World War - enabling the Syrian Arab Army to liberate its territory.
Revelations – Lafarge-Holcim’s jihad”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 24 March 2017.
Ajout au 17 octobre : le porte-parole de la Coalition internationale contre Daesh, le colonel Myles B.Caggins, a tenu à préciser que deux avions avaient frappé la cimenterie Lafarge, pensant dédouaner ainsi la France de ses responsabilités. Il se serait agi de détruire un dépôt de munitions abandonné par les Français durant leur fuite. Sur place, on indique que l’usine a brûlé, puis que l’on a entendu des explosions et que l’incendie a redoublé. Ce scénario est donc possible sans infirmer notre narration. Il serait intéressant de connaître la nationalité des avions qui auraient frappé la cimenterie durant l’incendie.

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