woensdag 16 oktober 2019

Sonja van den Ende: Northern Syria

The Complicated Situation in Northern Syria
16 OCTOBER 2019
The Complicated Situation in Northern Syria
The complicated situation is actually quit simple, but it's the Western MSM that makes it difficult because a closer look reveals that everything is all about the sovereign state of the Syrian Arab Republic where a geopolitical war is raging. 
A lot of demonstrations are going on in different EU cities and the US against the Turkish aggression in Syria. Sadly, the majority who are demonstrating are Kurds and Turks. The MSM is full of it. 
When the Turkish regime attacked the Syrian people (I mean all the Syrian people, not only the Kurds, they are a minority inside Syria), it was quiet on the EU streets, we were alone, because Assad was labeled as the "great" dictator and everyone who was connected to the Syrian government and people were condemned. 
The majority of the Syrians who were against the secular government of Syria were aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey. Turkey already tried to destroy the Syrian Government during the last eight years in cooperation with the EU and the Obama Administration. Now the EU governments are condemning Turkey and the US. The Syrian people are not mentioned in their so-called pity, only the Kurds. 
The EU countries are still focused on one group only and not on the whole picture. I would call it the “Yugoslavia syndrome” where Muslims in Bosnia were favored above the Serbs and Croats. It’s blinding the EU politicians. 
The EU countries are all part of the destruction of Syria because of supporting Turkey, the US, and the Muslim brotherhood, the latter of which has different names by now: FSA, Al-Queda, Al-Nusra, and eventually ISIS. They are all ignoring the fact that Syria is and was a sovereign state and waging war on a sovereign state is a war crime.
The situation on the ground is as follows: The Kurds are a minority group inside Syria. They betrayed the Syrian people and government for their illusive dream a Kurdish State on Syrian sovereign soil where Assyrians and Yezidies also live under the rule and law of the Syrian Government. So the Kurds aligned with the US, Israel, and the EU/NATO to fight against ISIS and the Syrian government. The US government left them, so they had to align again with their actual government, the Syrian Arab Republic with its President Bashar al-Assad.
Turkey, always fighting the Kurds and the Syrian secular government, wants to establish a “safe-zone” to fill them with Sunni fighters, ISIS fighters, and the three million or so Syrian refugees inside Turkey, the majority of which are Sunni and follow the Muslim Brotherhood ideology. This is not new, the EU and Turkey are well aware of that. The EU countries did what they did in Yugoslavia, favor one group like the Sunni Muslim Syrians and the Kurds (the majority of the Kurds are also Sunni Muslim). The EU countries even betrayed their own so-called “brothers and sisters”, the Christians, because the majority of the Christians are aligned with the Syrian government, which is a secular government where religion and state are separated. 
If the EU, eights years ago, had condemned the Sunni extremist uprising and had been favorable of a secular government, the situation would not have escalated.
The next problem, which hopefully will not occur, is that the NATO countries would be obligated to help Turkey if Syrian soldiers enter it because Turkey is a NATO member, but Russia will not allow a confrontation between Syria and Turkey.
Russia and the Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah were asked by the Syrian Government to help fight the terrorists and the illegal intervention of the US and NATO. The so-called International Coalition, which bombed not only Iraq, but also Syria, had no mandate for intervention in Syria. This topic was discussed especially during the debates in the Netherlands. The EU countries who were a part of the so-called International Coalition in Syria triedtoconvince the public that under some circumstances, international law will allow you to intervene, but these circumstances where not present in Syria! It was an ordinary proxy war for oil and power, they fought and killed many Syrian people, there is no excuse to be found, no geopolitical and no human excuse for this huge crime committed in the name of democracy!
Turkey, being part of NATO and aligned with Russia, has also committed war crimes against the sovereign state of Syria by sponsoring terrorists like the FSA and other militias. Turkey can’t occupy the Northern part of Syria because of their troubles with the Kurds, it belongs to the Syrian Arab Republic.
Also, Turkey conducted war-crimes by smuggling oil from ISIS to EuropeAs the president of Syria says; all foreign countries should leave Syrian soil! Syria is for Syrians and not for the games of geopolitical proxy wars!
By Sonja van den Ende
independent journalist


1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

An expert at controlled demolition blowing up the home of a Palestinian family that according to Iraël was built illegally, while all built settlements by zionist entities are illegal according to int. law, and the settler crowd cheering. Many more to come. Try to unhear it.

Countdown to Liberation

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