zaterdag 26 oktober 2013


Stop Watching Us: Largest privacy rally in US history hits DC

Published on Oct 26, 2013

Crowds are flooding Capitol Hill in Washington DC, venting their fury against the NSA's sweeping surveillance practices. The organisers say it's the largest pro-privacy rally in US history. LIVE UPDATES:

Bug Off! EU leaders 'lack trust' in US after spying claims

Published on Oct 25, 2013
EU leaders have admitted in a statement that a 'lack of trust' with America could affect the fight against terrorism. In a brief statement heads of state said that diminishing trust could complicate future collaboration between countries. This follows the latest leaks by whistleblower Edward Snowden, that revealed the National Security Agency had been spying on 35 world leaders. For more on this RT talks to former UN diplomat Lode Vanoost. READ MORE:

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'Heartland Centraal-Azië doelwit voor bedreigingen, omkoping en kleurrevoluties van de VS en de EU.’

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