vrijdag 17 december 2010

Jewish Peace Activists 15

Dear Stan,
On December 10, International Human Rights Day, in 23 cities across America people of conscience took a historic stand for justice and equality for all people in the Middle East.

Side by side, Jews, Christians, and Muslims went to 23 individual offices of the US’s leading pension fund, TIAA-CREF, and said 
do not use my money to profit from the Israeli Occupation. TIAA-CREF, divest from Caterpillar and other companies that profit from breaking the law, harming others and preventing peace.

You can watch the video for yourself to see people of every age in cities large and small across the United Statesfrom New York City to Iowa City, and from Washington DC to Seattle, Washington—all telling TIAA-CREF to stop profiting from destruction.

TIAA-CREF is one of the largest pension funds in the world, and they have invested over a quarter billion dollars in Caterpillar, which manufactures the bulldozers used by the Israeli government to demolish thousands of Palestinian homes and life-sustaining orchards. Caterpillar D-9 bulldozers are an essential tool of an occupation that steals land, destroys livelihoods and injures or kills civilians.

Every day that TIAA-CREF holds Caterpillar stocks is another day in which the financial giant profits from these human rights violations.

In some TIAA-CREF offices, company representatives received a copy of our divestment petition or met cordially, in others they distributed a form letter in response, and in one office they refused to honor a scheduled appointment with someone who has been invested with TIAA-CREF for 50 years. 

TIAA-CREF simply does not offer participants an option for investments free from supporting the occupation. Even their socially responsible funds invest in Caterpillar.
Last Friday, December 10, was just the beginning. Additional TIAA-CREF participants have scheduled appointments to return to discuss their concerns. Many more continue to gather signatures for our divestment petition--we know that every signature from a TIAA-CREF holder makes a difference.

"We went to the University of Louisville, and together with the local Students for Justice in Palestine we collected 260 signatures for the TIAA-CREF petition in about 4 hours. That’s more than one signature a minute.”
Russ Greenleaf, Jewish Voice for Peace, Louisville, KY

"I was collecting signatures for an hour and a half at SUNY Cortland and was astonished at how easy it was. I thought it would be controversial, but every single person I approached signed. In fact, many thanked me for doing this, and told me how grateful they were that a Jewish organization is finally taking action on this issue. I didn't anticipate that."

Howard Botwinick, Associate Professor of Economics at the State University of New York-Cortland

People want to join you and the thousands who have already signed our petition. Now you can help them. Can you collect signatures? Forward this email? Every action you take matters- until all of TIAA-CREF's investments, and the lives of Palestinians are occupation-free.

This is just the beginning.

Sydney Levy
Jewish Voice for Peace

2 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

ajboekestijn Ik hoop dat mijn pensioenfonds wel in kernwapens belegt. Ik houd nl. van vrede. Ik word ballorig van uitgesproken Vara
about 1 hour ago via Osfoora for iPhone

Opmerkelijk Twitterbericht van Arend Jan Boekestijn, die plotsklaps van vrede zegt te houden. Hij stond namelijk te juichen bij de Amerikaanse aanval op Irak, en daarvoor had hij deze unilaterale aanval doorlopend en enthousiast gepromoot in de media, omdat hij beweerde te weten dat Saddam Hoessein massavernietigingswapens had. Ook noemt Boekestijn "militaire dreiging" een "diplomatiek middel". Dit "diplomatieke middel" wordt echter door internationale akkoorden en conventies officieel aangemerkt als 'Misdaad tegen de Vrede'.

Momenteel verkondigt Boekestijn over Iran "dat [het] binnenkort over een kernbom beschikt", ook weer eenvoudigweg omdat hij dat weet. En daar was hij altijd heel erg op tegen. Maar nu we weten dat hij meent dat kernwapens de wereldvrede bevorderen, zou hij eigenlijk moeten lobbyen om Iran een kernwapen te gunnen.

Anoniem zei

Je moet ergens mee in het nieuws blijven. Triestigheid.


Here We Go Again. The Military Industrial Complex