The US Federal Reserve is making $30bn (£16.1bn) available to central banks in Australia, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, to ease money markets.
The Fed said the aim was to "improve liquidity" globally, at a time when the availability of credit is limited.
The Fed made a similar move with central banks in the UK, Canada, Japan and the European Central Bank last week, making $180bn available.
The Federal Reserve said it would take "further steps" if necessary.
Commercial banks in each country can access the $30bn in the form of loans to increase short-term funding requirements.
The central banks in Australia and Sweden will have access to $10bn and Denmark and Norway will have $5bn each.
Central banks worldwide have been taking initiatives to boost the availability of funds, following a credit crunch that hit finance firms last summer.
With the emergence of the sub-prime crisis and a huge rise in defaults on loans, banks have been increasingly reluctant to lend to each other.
This in turn has made it harder for businesses and individuals to gain access to credit.
The central banks involved in the latest currency swap deal involve the Reserve Bank of Australia, Sweden's Riksbank, Denmark's Nationalbank and Norway's Norges Bank.'
The Fed said the aim was to "improve liquidity" globally, at a time when the availability of credit is limited.
The Fed made a similar move with central banks in the UK, Canada, Japan and the European Central Bank last week, making $180bn available.
The Federal Reserve said it would take "further steps" if necessary.
Commercial banks in each country can access the $30bn in the form of loans to increase short-term funding requirements.
The central banks in Australia and Sweden will have access to $10bn and Denmark and Norway will have $5bn each.
Central banks worldwide have been taking initiatives to boost the availability of funds, following a credit crunch that hit finance firms last summer.
With the emergence of the sub-prime crisis and a huge rise in defaults on loans, banks have been increasingly reluctant to lend to each other.
This in turn has made it harder for businesses and individuals to gain access to credit.
The central banks involved in the latest currency swap deal involve the Reserve Bank of Australia, Sweden's Riksbank, Denmark's Nationalbank and Norway's Norges Bank.'
2 opmerkingen:
???? Wat is dit voor vaag bericht? Currency swap? Swap is ruilen dat is iets anders dan kopen en verkopen. Het is duidelijk dat de dollar door alle centrale banken kunstmatig hoog gehouden wordt. Dus betalen niet alleen de belastingbetalers in Amerika de bailout, maar belastingbetalers wereldwijd. Jonge jonge wat ben k toch blij in de vrije westerse wereld te wonen.
Nu dit weer:
Miljarden steun voor automakers VS
Na de financiële instellingen wordt nu ook de geldkraan opengedraaid voor de gemankeerde Amerikaanse auto-industrie, zo werd donderdag bekend. Autofabrikanten krijgen van de regering een krediet van 25 miljard dollar, bijna 17 miljard euro. ... De leningen zijn bedoeld om met name de drie grote Amerikaanse autoproducenten, Ford, Chrysler en General Motors te ondersteunen bij de modernisering van hun fabrieken en modellen. ... De Amerikaanse auto-industrie heeft zelf geen geld in kas om te investeren in de toekomst. ... Het verbond van belastingbetalers, The National Taxpayers Union, vindt dat de steun een ‘verschrikkelijk precedent’ schept voor andere sectoren in de Amerikaanse economie. ‘Als in moeilijkheden verkerende bedrijven willen overleven, moeten zij niet hun hand ophouden bij het Congres, maar hun zaken herstructureren, net zoals miljoenen Amerikanen nu anders met hun geld moeten omgaan.’
Het is werkelijk de grootste scam ter wereld in de geschiedenis van de mensheid.
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