donderdag 11 september 2008

De Israelische Terreur 433

Public Lecture Sponsored by Amnesty International (Netherlands Section) Ishai Menuchin, Ph.D. Executive Director of the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel
“Torture, The Ticking Bomb and Impunity:Contradictions and Gaps of Personal Responsibility and Systematic Impunity”
Venue: Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Aula B Kortenaerkade 12, The Hague
Date: 18 September 2008Time: 18.00 hrs
About the Speaker
Dr. Ishai Menuchin is the 2003 Laurent of the Rothko Chapel “Oscar Romero Award for Commitment to Truth and Freedom”. Menuchin is a university lecturer, teaching courses on activism in departments of political science and social work. He is the editor of Occupation and Refusal (Jerusalem: November Books: 2006: in Hebrew); On Democracy and Obedience (Tel-Aviv: Siman Kriah Books, 1990, in Hebrew), co-editor of Can Tolerance Prevail? Moral Education in a Diverse World (Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2005, in Hebrew) and The Limits of Obedience (Tel-Aviv: Siman Kriah Books, 1985, in Hebrew). Menuchin has been a human rights activist in Israel for over 20 years. He was one of the first soldiers to refuse to serve in the first Lebanon war in 1982 and to be jailed for his refusal. He has also served as the spokesperson for "Yesh Gvul" (There is a limit) – an all-volunteer soldiers’ refusal organization, of which he is one of the founding members. About the Organisations The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) is a veteran Israeli human rights organization, which has led the fight against Israel's use of torture for close to two decades. PCATI utilizes legal advocacy serving individual victims of torture in Israel and seeking to bring change by challenging Israel's illegal use of torture in Israel's courts, especially in the Supreme Court. Legal advocacy is coupled with PCATI's efforts to engage the Israeli public and draw it into the fight against torture. Creating social change – in law, policy and in public consciousness –represents PCATI’s tool to fight torture and end the impunity that cultivates it. For more information, see:
Amnesty International (Netherlands Section) is part of a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. Amnesty supporters are outraged by human rights abuses but inspired by hope for a better world - so works to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity. Amnesty has more than 2.2 million members and subscribers in more than 150 countries and regions and coordinate this support to act for justice on a wide range of issues. For more information, see: /

1 opmerking:

Sonja zei

Amnesty Nederland voert in ons land geen acties tegen de mensenrechtenschendingen van Israël. In hun jaarverslag (2007) komt dan ook de hele kwestie niet voor.

Wél hebben ze al twee keer kaarsen staan branden bij de Iraanse ambassade voor een 'fair trial' van 1 persoon, het hoofd van een Iraanse terroristische organisatie (Al-Mansouri), samen met de pro-Israël en Bomb-Iran-lobby. Dat was, volgens Amnesty, omdat iedereen recht heeft op een 'fair trial'. "Amnesty vindt dat mensenrechten onder elk systeem nageleefd moeten worden."

Vervolgens heb ik hen uitgelegd hoe dat met de Palestijnse gevangen (w.o. ook kinderen) zit, en waarom er niet bij de Israëlische ambassade wordt gedemonstreerd. Na drie keer vragen nog geen antwoord gekregen.

Amnesty is een hypocriete organisatie. Stel ze eens wat vragen over de mensenrechtenschendingen van Israël, en waarom ze er in Nederland niets tegen doen. Kun je lachen (of huilen). Mevrouw Amal van Hees:

The Real Terror Network, Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda

De hypocriete suggestie dat het genocidale geweld tegen de Palestijnse bevolking in feite pas op 7 oktober 2023 begon, zoals de westerse mai...