donderdag 11 september 2008

De Commerciele Massamedia 136

Media Tenor - 9/11: Stereotypes Dominate TV News
By Media Tenor. 11 Sep 2008-->
The Media Image of Islam in the Year 2008

Zurich, 09/11/2008:

Even seven years after the attacks on the World Trade Center media coverage has not changed at all: Religion is primarily associated with terrorism. Almost half of all statements about Islam have been negative on the American ABC, CBS and NBC network news. In the UK, BBC and ITV news showed a slightly less negative tone towards Islam, but violent attacks dominated the news. Thus high awareness is triggered by the news value of conflict. In Germany, Muslims accordingly receive 20 times the coverage of Buddhists or the Jewish communities, as the latest analysis of the Zurich-based research institute MEDIA TENOR shows. But the religious life of Muslim plays no major role in the news reports – which is very much in line with the TV coverage of other religious groups.
“When TV stations broadcast the footage from the terrorist attacks on the seventh anniversary again and again, the German public will not be able to find out whether these dead conformed to the rules of the Koran or not,“ explains Roland Schatz, editor-in-chief of MEDIA TENOR, the long-term analysis of the coverage of religion in German main evening TV news shows. “As long as the news selection conforms to those existing stereotypes, the people have no chance to develop a balanced opinion on the merits of Islam.” Schatz therefore recommends additional lecture of daily newspapers and the weekly press.
The results of MEDIA TENOR’s continuous and comprehensive media content analysis are corroborated by regular domestic and international polls. Most people name print media as their favored source of information about Islam. For this study MEDIA TENOR has analyzed 11,294 statements in three US main evening TV news for the period from 01/2007 to 03/2008, and 12,861 statements in three British main evening TV news. In Germany, 6,550 news stories have been analyzed between 2001 and 2008 that dealt in-depth with a religious institution.
Since 1994, MEDIA TENOR monitors the news coverage of opinion-leading German media outlets. For this study in the US, MEDIA TENOR analyzed ABC, CBS and NBC news; in the UK, BBC and ITV; and in Germany, all broadcasts of ARD TAGESSCHAU and TAGESTHEMEN, ZDF HEUTE and HEUTE JOURNAL and RTL AKTUELL from January 2001 until July 2008. A detailed description of the methodology can be found at

** Download the report in pdf format here.

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Stan, ik was toch nog steeds benieuwd waarom je de waarheid rond 9/11 (de false flag terreuraanslag en de coverup) niet vermeldt.

Je hebt er een boek over geschreven met een bepaalde invalshoek, de Chomsky-invalshoek zeg maar, en daar valt veel voor te zeggen. Is het echter niet de taak van de journalist om de feiten op tafel te leggen, ook als ze wellicht niet politiek opportuun zijn?

Er is geen twijfel over dat "9/11" een zelftoegebrachte wond was. Anderhalf dozijn fundamentalistische grotarabieren (naast het feit dat ze geen nachtclubs bezoeken) houden NORAD niet aan de grond, maken geen 3 stalen wolkenkrabbers met de grond gelijk, saboteren geen interne FBI-onderzoeken, organiseren geen war games, besturen niet op verbijsterend feilloze wijze vier gekaapte vliegtuigen, en schrijven geen coverups als "onderzoek" achteraf.

Ik ben gewoon even benieuwd wat je strategie is Stan, hele volksstammen die bezig zijn met hun internetguerrilla wachten op steun van erkende journalisten. Duitse, Italiaanse, Britse ex-ministers durven zich hierover ook uit te spreken.

Anoniem zei

Mm.. anoniem? Voorgaande bericht was van mij.

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