donderdag 1 maart 2007

De Volkskrant 18

Zo opent een kwaliteitskrant als The Independent:
'Education class war.
What the battle of Brighton over a lottery for school admissions really means for...
Published: 01 March 2007

The introduction of a lottery to determine school admissions would mean children from less well-off families were more likely to be able to obtain places at England's top performing state secondary schools. Many of the places currently go to children whose families can afford higher priced housing near the school. It would mean that some children living on the school's doorstep would not be able to secure a place at their nearest school.
In theory, the ruling would allow parents from any social class to get their child into the school of their first choice. But some better-off parents who live in more expensive homes nearer to the school may be tempted to opt for the independent sector rather than risk having their child allocated to a school which does less well in a poorer neighbourhood. But for many parents of poorer children it will offer a clear chance of a better education.
Critics will argue that a school's performance could be affected if disruptive children are allowed in. Supporters will say that top-performing schools will prevail irrespective of the intake. Education chiefs believe that, by allowing children from deprived homes into top-performing schools, they will break the cycle of deprivation which has led to many of these youngsters not staying on in either education or training once they reach the age of 16.
House prices
Surveys have shown that houses near best-performing schools can rise in value dramatically, with some fetching more than double the price of homes farther away. A Hometrack report claimed that homes within the catchment areas of England's 10 most-improved state schools had risen in value by 76 per cent since 2001. Experts warn that the move by Brighton Council could lead to a slump in house prices near affected schools.
Politicians have always feared a backlash if the methods of allocating places were changed. Parents might turn on any local authority - or government - that attempted reforms seen to deny parents the places at popular schools they wanted. But the Government's new code cracked down on selection by stealth and opened the door to lotteries like the one in Brighton. The Tories have backed Labour's reforms and floated the idea of scrapping catchment areas.
Inequality... '

En zo opent een provinciale krant als de Volkskrant op internet:

'Duitse verdachte kindermoord aangehouden
Van onze redactie
AMSTERDAM - De Duitse politie heeft vannacht in de buurt van Leipzig de man aangehouden die vermoedelijk een 9-jarig jongetje heeft misbruikt en vermoord. De verdachte werd opgepakt nadat hij probeerde zelfmoord te plegen door zich in de buurt van Leipzig voor een rijdende tram te gooien. Hij is zwaargewond naar een ziekenhuis overgebracht.
Dit meldt de website van de Duitse krant Bild donderdag.'



In beide kranten gaat het over het kind, alleen heeft het bericht in de Volkskrant geen relevantie, behalve dan dat het sensationeel is. Men kan er lekker van huiveren en er verder over lezen in Bild Zeitung. Daarentegen heeft het bericht in de Independent sociale en politieke relevantie, niet alleen voor het Verenigd Koninkrijk, maar voor alle landen waar een aanzienlijke scheiding is tussen arm en rijk, dus ook voor Nederland. Maar voor de Volkskrant-redactie is dit minder relevant dan een gruwelmoord in Duitsland. Men denkt dat de gemiddelde Volkskrant-lezer meer in sensatie is geinteresseerd dan in zijn eigen leven. Het gaat de Volkskrant alleen om oplages, verkoopcijfers en winst.

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