zaterdag 3 maart 2007

De Commerciele Massamedia 39

'Fool Me Thrice?
by Gordon Prather

Way back on 26 May 2003, more than a month before the Cheney Cabal
outed Valerie Plame as a covert CIA operative – running agents in
Iran, Iraq and elsewhere, seeking information on weapons of mass
destruction, under cover of Brewster-Jennings, a CIA-front "energy
consulting" firm – the New York Times published an editorial, calling
on the CIA, the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and
Congressional Intelligence Committees to investigate how, inter alia,
the Bush-Cheney administration came to rely on forged documents to
make the case that Iraq was trying to import uranium from Africa.

"The failure so far to find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,
the prime justification for an immediate invasion, or definitive
links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda has raised serious
questions about the quality of American intelligence and even dark
hints that the data may have been manipulated to support a pre-
emptive war."

Within days, Slate’s Jack Shafer called on the New York Times to
investigate the quality of its own reporting, and more than suggested
that its reporters may have been manipulated to support a war of

Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post had that same day revealed that
an internal NYT e-mail sent by Judith Miller – then still "embedded"
with the Iraq invasion force – to her NYT bureau chief acknowledged
that her main source for her WMD articles over the years had been
Ahmad Chalabi, a darling of the Cheney Cabal, but a persona non grata
of the CIA.

By now, the NYT ought to – but apparently doesn’t – realize that much

of its reporting on Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Syria, Lebanon
and elsewhere has been – and still is being – manipulated by the
Cheney Cabal.'

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