Mossad Director Stalked and Hunted Noble ICC Negress Threatening and Intimidating Her Black Ass, the Guardian Reveals
The Jews had this great idea of replacing all white men with black women.
The only problem is, black women are a lot harder to get to go along with the agenda.
You can’t intimidate or threaten a black bitch. She’s gonna be like “uh-uh, sweetie, you ain’t gon do me like dat. Best just step up off that gay shit you be doing right now, for I smack you Jew ass out this place.”
The former head of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, allegedly threatened a chief prosecutor of the international criminal court in a series of secret meetings in which he tried to pressure her into abandoning a war crimes investigation, the Guardian can reveal.
Yossi Cohen’s covert contacts with the ICC’s then prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, took place in the years leading up to her decision to open a formal investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in occupied Palestinian territories.
Fatou Bensouda.
That investigation, launched in 2021, culminated last week when Bensouda’s successor, Karim Khan, announced that he was seeking an arrest warrant for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, over the country’s conduct in its war in Gaza.
The prosecutor’s decision to apply to the ICC’s pre-trial chamber for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his defence minister, Yoav Gallant, alongside three Hamas leaders, is an outcome Israel’s military and political establishment has long feared.
Cohen’s personal involvement in the operation against the ICC took place when he was the director of the Mossad. His activities were authorised at a high level and justified on the basis the court posed a threat of prosecutions against military personnel, according to a senior Israeli official.
Not sure why anyone would be surprised by this.
The Mossad is an international stalking organization.
Sometimes they will try to kill you, but mostly they just threaten and try to blackmail you.
Another Israeli source briefed on the operation against Bensouda said the Mossad’s objective was to compromise the prosecutor or enlist her as someone who would cooperate with Israel’s demands.
A third source familiar with the operation said Cohen was acting as Netanyahu’s “unofficial messenger”.
The other thing is blacks are hard to compromise, even if they did some corruption (which they invariably did).
They’ll just be like “nigga, I ain’t even did that shit, your gay Jew ass ain’t got shit, I didn’t do nothing, up out here, bitch-ass. I ain’t know shit, bitch.”
Cohen, who was one of Netanyahu’s closest allies at the time and is emerging as a political force in his own right in Israel, personally led the Mossad’s involvement in an almost decade-long campaign by the country to undermine the court.
Four sources confirmed that Bensouda had briefed a small group of senior ICC officials about Cohen’s attempts to sway her, amid concerns about the increasingly persistent and threatening nature of his behaviour.
Netanyahu and Cohen.
Three of those sources were familiar with Bensouda’s formal disclosures to the ICC about the matter. They said she revealed Cohen had put pressure on her on several occasions not to proceed with a criminal investigation in the ICC’s Palestine case.
According to accounts shared with ICC officials, he is alleged to have told her: “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”
Yeah, pretty standard threat to kill your family.
That works on white people. White people start freaking out. Blacks be like “you best bring your whole crew if you going to war with my crew, bitch-ass. Out in my hood, we got guns in side of our guns so we can shoot while we shoot, Jew-ass bitch.”
One individual briefed on Cohen’s activities said he had used “despicable tactics” against Bensouda as part of an ultimately unsuccessful effort to intimidate and influence her. They likened his behaviour to “stalking”.
Yeah, they won’t even really kill your family.
Just record the Mossad saying they’ll kill your family and they won’t do it.
The Mossad exclusively assassinates targets they are willing to get caught assassinating, and as of yet, that does not include the families of UN officials.
The Mossad also took a keen interest in Bensouda’s family members and obtained transcripts of secret recordings of her husband, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the situation. Israeli officials then attempted to use the material to discredit the prosecutor.
Her husband is probably a crack-dealing pimp.
They played him the tape and he was like “play that shit in court, bitch, I ain’t done shit, I got lawyers like a mf. I was talking about cracked cornpops. I ain’t did shit, bitch.”
The revelations about Cohen’s operation form part of a forthcoming investigation by the Guardian, the Israeli-Palestinian publication +972 Magazine and the Hebrew-language outlet Local Call, revealing how multiple Israel intelligence agencies ran a covert “war” against the ICC for almost a decade.
According to legal experts and former ICC officials, efforts by the Mossad to threaten or put pressure on Bensouda could amount to offences against the administration of justice under article 70 of the Rome statute, the treaty that established the court.
A spokesperson for the ICC would not say whether Khan had reviewed his predecessor’s disclosures about her contacts with Cohen, but said Khan had never met or spoken to the head of the Mossad.
While the spokesperson declined to comment on specific allegations, they said Khan’s office had been subjected to “several forms of threats and communications that could be viewed as attempts to unduly influence its activities”.
This really should be a crazy ass “24-7 coverage for two weeks” type of news story.
The Mossad literally threatening to murder the family of some black bitch at the UN is something that would cause a normie’s face to melt, global warming style, if the media pushed the issue.
But the media won’t push the issue, so it will just barely register with the normie.
Mad props to the Guardian for doing this story though. The Guardian prints a whole lot of bullshit, but they are the only major paper on earth keeping it remotely real. I want to do my own investigation into why journalistic integrity exists at the Guardian. It’s really shocking.
You do not see this stuff at Le Monde or DW, let alone the New York Times. The Times won’t even print stories about plastic and PFAS, while the Guardian holds that beat down hard, and will even sometimes print stuff about how the warming data is faked.
So, seriously, as a journalist of sorts myself, I have the biggest respect for the Guardian.
I salute them.
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Black Bitch be a funny character in dis boko.
This reminds me of the stalking and other actions by the crazy ex-State Department guy and Obama national security adviser Stuart Seldowitz. He went viral for obsessively arguing with an Egyptian food stand vendor in NYC getting caught on film saying that the Israelis hadn’t killed enough children.
“If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn’t enough.”
Turns out he also stalked Russian embassy and UN diplomats.
These people aren’t just academics who found their way into these roles, they see themselves on a mission.
Here is he with his former boss Albright at the UN. His comment about how the 4000 dead Palestinian children wasn’t enough reminds of Albright’s infamous revelation of just how psychopathic she was.

It’s almost like the war in Ukraine and the slaughter in Gaza/attempted regional war are connected or something…
‘ She’s gonna be like “uh-uh, sweetie, you ain’t gon do me like dat. Best just step up off that gay shit you be doing right now, for I smack you Jew ass out this place.”’ LOL LOL
I would be really really surprised if anything happens to any perpetrators of this genocide. Its just more Dog & Pony Show to keep people occupied while.the killing continues. Shame on all of those who could have done something to stop it. Shame on America for funding this horrible country for so long. Shame on all the US government officials with dual citizenship. We will all pay the price someday. Don’t think they’ll stop with Palestine.
Mossad Director Stalked and Hunted Noble ICC Negress Threatening and Intimidating Her Black Ass, the Guardian Reveals
Anglin, you’re a fucking pig for writing like this! What is it you hate the most: Israelis or niggers, or just everyone?
No wonder the freedom movement, if there is one, is making no progress. With an attitude like this you’re more Jewish than most Jews!
Lol, treating Bensouda from Gambia likes she’s some ADOS black from da ‘hood would only be funnier if someone in Gambia wrote an imaginary conversation in some African blog portraying European leaders as Appalachian whites talking about famous NASCAR wrecks and shooting beer cans off each other’s head after drinking them.
I must admit I am continually surprised by the chutzpah of these Jews.
Francis Wolcott, the Deadwood character written by David Milch had something to say about this:
Past hope. Past kindness or consideration. Past justice. Past satisfaction. Past warmth or cold or comfort. Past love. But past surprise? What an endlessly unfolding tedium life would then become. No Doris…we must not let you be past surprise.
I used to think this was just the mind of this particular character, but now I’m starting to think this is David Milch projecting the actual psychology of a Jew.
American Partisan Wars and the Black runaways of the British raised, Colonial Marines.
Not a slave revolt but an opportunity for a nigger to get paid to fight voluntarily. Excellent anecdotes about the Chesapeake Occupation of 1812-15.
Hilarious anecdote about a run away confronting his old master and politely pointing out to him that the British at least paid a nigger, cheapskate. Then the old master writes a letter of complaint to the newspapers about uppity blacks. No one gets killed in the confrontation. How genteel.
The odd guy in the Sabaton Tshirt is quite funny.
Funny. Just the way they thought importing destabilizing herds of Muslims into western nations would be to their benefit. Kinda like how the old Yankees let in hordes of impoverished Irish immigrants to do the crap jobs, assuming the class system would always keep them in their place.
Well, I must say, AA’s got the negro dialect and word choice down to a T!
I’m reminded of the “big lie” quote from Hitler. The context was Hitler describing a technique that Jews would use of telling such an outlandish lie that people would automatically believe it on the basis that they couldn’t imagine someone lying so brazenly. The Jews later claimed that this “big lie” quote was Hitler describing his own technique of telling lies about Jews. So they actually created a “big lie” about the “big lie!” That’s what they call chutzpah.
Cohen’s mob boss is Marlowe, and if the swarthy Levantine made a move without Marlowe’s approval Iran would get 300 nuke pits the next day.
This will not be over till Marlowe’s in Scheveningen playing Kiss of the Spider Woman with Miss Lindsay, Oh, Lindsay, scrrrub me there, I am such a dirty boy, tee-hee!
The nigs fighting the jews, what’s not to love?
I’m pretty sure Mossad was behind Epstein and other blackmailers here in America, Canada, and Mexico.
You never know when you will need to lean on somebody, and what better way to do that than to have them accepting a bribe or cheating on their wife? Mossad has probably been doing this for 20 years now. I imagine the Judaified Dept. of Homeland Security let’s them know if anyone like local police or state police are onto them since HS are privy to their communications.
Good example. Yes, that quote has now become a well known “Hitler quote” to the goyim!
quite agree
the guardian is just doing what CNN has started doing on a limited scale: “we got caught being so zionist it’s cringe so we’ll pretend to do journalisms now”. check out their reporting on trans stuff and you’ll snap out of it. you’re not really in their “demographic” for environmental stuff since you think the sun is a jewish plot.
and the real reason black folks can stand up to zionist crackers is because they know what real genocide and repression looks like. say “derpa derpa pile of shoes” to a black history major and they’ll say “slavery plus my cousin was killed by a fat cop for breathing too loud in a white suburb”.
and your tired attempts at ebonics for dummies would land better if there weren’t just as many dumb white people who talk like that. been to the south lately?
Anglin now worships the Blacks, because this one is against the Jews.
Quick!! Send Anglin a poster of Al Sharpton!! He hates Jews too. Make sure it’s framed and autographed.
FAT – tou! Nice.
Apparently, Anglin has the hots for the land whale Negress, shaking that index finger, matriarch like against the suited up Mossad operative. Clearly gets Anglin’s blood flowing in all the right places.
Of course, once primed, getting in the right “position” for FAT-tou and her ilk is always a challenge. Ask the brothers. They have the answers.
What isn’t new??
What ever happened to Ye going “defcon” ( or whatever he said) on the Jews?
How about Elon?
US is worse than Nazi Germany
Since US DOJ, DHS and NSA are headed by Israel First Zionist Jews, we can be 100% assured that US is under control by Mossad.
This was a silent coup that took place over an 80 year timespan, many are just now waking up to the reality “WE HAVE BEEN JEWED”.
Its checkmate Goyim, the finale war of attrition is live.
Yet another nigger Anglin says is going to save us from the joooooooozzzzzzz.
This AAA( last A for Asshole)’s sweat of deranged mind is pure Yellow Journalism , full of prejudices and distortins. Topical writing for underclass, as himself . It is desgrace for UR site.
For your information Goldbergsteinowitz, nation subverting Jews have been using nignogs as a cudgel against Whites for years.
Wow !
Nimarata, you filthy slime you.
And how does Black Mischief end? Chaos, of course. That is, until the League of Nations steps in. Fast forward to today and the League of Nations is now the UN and Black Mischief and its Chaos is imported to Europe. And that brings us to AA’s article.
It’s an excellent example of something I predicted long ago. And, although I always thought it was a bit of a no-brainer, I was still surprised that so few saw it that way.
I’m referring to what would happen when Supremacy Inc. top-down, and Identity Politics bottom-up, accomplished their joint mission to put the squeeze on whites and remove them from any and all institutional power. And exactly what would happen? Well, the two trash trucks would hit each other at 100mph. Case in point:
Mossad Director Stalks a Noble ICC Negress
Expect to see a lot more of this in the near future folks!
Life is good!
Mossad agent enters.
“Can we talk?”
“Wut fo?”
“We want you to stop your investigation.”
“Who we?”
“So wut?”
“You need to stop investigating us.”
“Aint stoppin shit.”
“If you don’t stop, bad things could happen to your family.”
“Like wut?”
“You don’t want bad things to happen to little Tani’qua, do you?”
“Tani’qua kin take care of herself.”
“She’s only ten.”
“She weigh 250 pound. She kick yo ass.”
“Maybe me by myself, but what if I send five men?”
“Bring it.”
“So, you’re not going to stop your investigation?”
[no answer]
“So … yes, or no?”
“Yes wut?”
“Your investigation.”
“Your investigation.”
“I’ll be back. Remember, you’ve been warned.”
“I’ll –”
“Uh …”
Mossad agent exits.
It’s all coming out.
Epstein exposed pedophilia and blackmail in high places.
Trump exposed fake news.
The Russia collusion hoax exposed the Deep State.
Covid exposed fake science.
George Floyd exposed manufactured racism and fake outrage.
2020 exposed fake elections.
Ukraine exposed NATO.
Hamas exposed Israel.
Gaza exposed Zionism.
10/7 exposed Jewish dishonesty and psychopathy.
Aaron Bushnell exposed our collective cowardice and moral bankruptcy.
Student encampments exposed the Republican party and fake antisemitism.
The ICJ exposed genocide.
The ICC exposed the Israeli government.
The Guardian exposed Mossad.
Jeffrey Sachs on Tucker Carlson exposed America.
Remove bagel, then remove watermelon.
You have quite the imagination if that’s what you got out of this. Talk about missing the point.
It’s anudda shoah I tell you!
The zionist jews are natural born liars that’s what they do.
Get a load of this crap a fuck’in hindu asiatic sand-nigger with the name nikki like (nikki stixx from Motely Crue) and this asiatic san-niggers last name is Haley like Edmund Haley the famous English astronomer. You talk about a prostitution and perversion of the natural law of identity with these asiatic sand niggers i.e. jews, hindus, even arabs and sub-saharan niggers stealing European ethnic names. A total degeneration.
League of Nations actually.
Zios are still running on baby-killing hoax.
Signing artillery shells—it would have been more obvious if she’d been licking the fuses—is purely symbolic and a promo for her newest porn film, Nikki Does The IDF.
And in the UK, the only method of removing the kebab, is to first use the kebab to remove the bagel.
Not forgetting Russian kikes trying to erase the most attractive, intelligent and cultured Semites, and assume their identity. Talk about Midwich Cuckoos and ‘pod people’…
Ghastly, lying, Talmudic satanists.
I thought you jews were so smart, the coons are putting you in your place. Great concept you had there, lmao!
You Jew haters need to upgrade your insult game. But then again, you spend most of your time wondering if a Rabbi isn’t under your bed, about to drag you off to an organ harvesting party when you are fast asleep, while you are dreaming that special dream, that the Hamas death cult has finally WON!!
And dragged those nasty kikes right into Mediterranean surf!
Um…it is a dream.
I got his point all right.
You, alas, did not get mine. Shocking.
THEY need to pay the price. ASAP
Every Hitler Jugend has a Jewess in an Attic. It’s part of the Jamboree Camp experience.
Video Link
I have to disagree with some of Andrew’s comments. Ms Fatou Bensouda is the first ICC prosecutor who tried to prosecute Israeli Jews for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
You can call the Mossad any thing you like, but Mossad is the world’s most known criminal enterprise. Mossad is a terrorist organisation that operates all over the world. It supported by most Western regimes who provided not only passports and VIP treatment but also arms and cash.
And yet… if one Jan. 6 Defendant or Derrick Chauvin had a shadow group calling and influencing… yes threatening Judges and Corrupt Officials like Keith Ellison
– they would be perhaps free.
Which group do you respect more…. the one who throws their own kind to the wolves – like Whites- or the one who fights like a Dervish for their people?
Who wrote this drivel ?
Bensouda is deserving of more respect than this.
Trump used an E.O. To obstruct her no doubt after Yosdi Cohen sent instructions through Jared
It is US that is the supporter of Genoicide and War Crimes as American-Israelis murder and loot as was done in their own country in 19th Century
Israel is Little Me to Big Me USA
Trump is an Israel Puppet run through Jared. Trump‘s grandchildren can have Israeli passports. He does what Mileikowsky wants and Sheldon Adelson paid him to be on message – but his widow wants compliance
This crap article makes US look even more bozo by trying to assume a Gambian in Africa is like some U.S. Citizen in U.S. culture and Africans are different
This article destroys US as anything more than a trash-talking hoodlum
This would be a great time for a FOIA request to find out how our own agencies helped out on this operation.
Also, great would be an interview with the lady herself.
And speaking of the missing follow-ups from the media, didn’t some US politician tell Kahn that the ICC was meant mostly for Africans and Slavs? Sounds exactly like Lindsey Graham, doesn’t it. Well, how about a group of black US politicians going to The Hague to ask Kahn about that personally?
That would begin to prove that they’ve started getting rid of their chains. But I’m certainly not counting on it.
Insightful, incisive, analytical…
That’s a damn fine inference for which Unz should be paying you!
Well, the two trash trucks would hit each other at 100mph
You had me there until you left out ‘professor’.
Jeffrey will ALWAYS be addressed and referred to as Professor Jeffrey Sachs.
I feel better know.
For someone whose familiarity with American negro-speak relied mainly upon Mark Twain, Mr. Anglin’s updated enhancements are most valuable.
Give it a rest, queerbait.
Yeah, Ima smooth it on up ya, Shlomo the Homo.
Credit where it’s due – that’s some clickbait title!
I can’t believe you don’t know he is a bigoted fucking pig.
? Anglin [I address you so because I cannot discern whether “Mr.” fits you. Your opinions and conduct do not fit the male sex or the female sex — or any sex.
So ? Anglin:
You are a truly disgusting creature.
You despise women — call them “front holes” and insist they are incapable of governing, even voting, rationally. You despise homosexuals and transsexuals (even homosexuals who do not appear such and keep their deviant sexuality utterly to themselves). I cannot expect that you experience sexual release except by masturbating. What sick events must you imagine when you masturbate?
Your language could suggest that you suffer copralalia or Tourette syndrome. But you appear to design your very frequent rude, lewd speech, crude defamations, and vulgar anti-Black slurs. Your Black speech “imitations” are decrepitly puerile much as they are vile.
Your articles are poorly organized. They put sloppy, oft-illogical, sophomoric arguments. So your “journalism” cannot excuse your irrational, ugly, gutter-level, widely antisocial verbal conduct.
You put unpremised, crude, even scum-language defamatory assertions concerning the past chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. That she is Black is irrelevant. Despite she and her family received a death threat from a head of the Mossad, she conducted a muscular, courageous years-long investigation that formed premises of the current chief prosecutor’s request that the ICC issue arrest warrants authorizing arrests of Netanyahu and Gallant.
I dislike most Blacks, despise Black “culture,” and try to avoid Blacks. Since the former Chief prosecutor is Black, I expect she is not a brilliant lawyer. And I dislike her physical appearance. But she did a good job of setting up at least a real possibility of legal justice served against two of the psychopath Jews who run the second worst terrorist state.
You, however, have done naught with you life, except publish crap and character-attack people without rational cause. You ought not malign that Black woman. You ought to direct your very meager ability toward attacking the Mossad and the two psychopaths whom the ICC’s chief prosecutor seeks to prosecute. Or you ought shut up.
Thanks. If it is Nimrata, the bleached hair is odd.
I doubt that Anglin reads comments here, but the increased presence of whiners such as you may make him more interested.
If you want to complain more directly, you might try the BBS site.
Am sure that they will cower from you in ‘desgrace’ and then apologise.
Death to Israel, Death to Mafia Tribe. Biden, Netanyahu and IDF must be ARRESTED now as war criminals.US is equally guilty of GAZA massacre. The hollowcost is FAKE. The real holocaust is in GAZA. Those who created the FAKE hollowcost are involved in the REAl holocaust of Gaza. Death to them all.
We want nothing short of total destruction of these war criminals.
Long live Hamas, death to his enemies.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be FREE
So, why didn’t the Dindu indict the Mossad dude?
And yet another wild irony after the Jews flooded America with Mexicans, to see Mexicans trying to burn down the Israeli embassy in Mexico City. I wonder if they’ll go after synagogues in the US, that would be some hilarious poetic justice.
Yossi Cohen should have signed the United States Senate April 24,2024 letter to the International Criminal Court Office of the Prosecutor.
Here is what God says will happen; “when you see Jerusalem surrounded by enemies, know that its destruction has come.” God will repay all those, according to what they have done.
According to accounts shared with ICC officials, he is alleged to have told her: “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”
Yossi Cohen is a member of the Jewish MAFIA and a thug, like Netanyahu and Blinken. All are war criminals and should be tried at ICC, and few be executed as war criminals. Blinken like Cohen goes around the world and THREATEN people with hunger and destruction if they were not obeyed the Jewish mafia order.
It is the time to destroy this MAFIA TRIBE, a threat to world peace and population.
What do you do to remove an imminent threat to world population?
Fatsoup , missionary style , blackened , POT , Bensouda , îs a heat squirter, of pitch and cool tar , in funky , measure . UMMM , and no pencil neck, Jew,geek … Tip , trick , or treat , gun(A) , z , to THREAT n , MY PLUNGA deep . The , zombie , , Wandering , jig a jew , gonna wiggle, coil , hOT , nd Melo jello , wet , cellulite bitch slit . ”Hey Aladdin boy , ya trayan knob me with that little MEEK screw treat ?????…wait till we JEW YA for slavery and compensation …su ,RHYM mit jew , Fuck ja , white nomad sheik , my sand coin hungry pale nigga , ya missing the helmet and arse , poor victim of dank camel pox …pus , scum … SO , ma , HERO of stiff zero , ya still threaten … …wit tha it’s getting up……rabbit sucked your thumb ……when he sucked ya scum ….poor
kaka , ya Solomon ‘s naval fluff , just blew …. before t touched my quim .SO $ SUM … ARE YA Sure , yes , you’re already done. Pay your master , Jew slave , once , you were rich . NOW , Pay the ….Bitch .
For Rupert the bear and his friend, Tigger the tiger. Apropos of nothing much.
We all know 911 was a fraudster conducted by IzraHELL along with their cronies in the West. By extension war on Terror is a BIG FRAUD. The October Hamas was a False Flag since Hamas is funded by the West and the Mighty IzraHell military was on a stand down. By extension this was orchestrated by the IzraHell and Criminal Psychopath’s from the West.
Folks, these Israeli Terrorists are actually making confessions whilst making accusations. Everything from 911 terror to all other terror in Middle East since IsraHell came into being is orchestrated by these Criminal Cabal of Murderer’s. They will continue to do so until they build their Third Temple to usher in their Anti-Christ Messiah. They are being exposed by their own evil actions.
As in 911 Terror, the October 7 Hamas attack was an inside job-Watch the Documentary and Decide for Yourself
Gawds Chozen people work By Way of Deception! After they are done with Palestine they will be coming for you. Moloch wants your children’s blood in order to usher in the Anti-Christ Dajjal, who will rule the world from Jerusalem.
The Matrix is Collapsing
This cover page from 2012 Economist Magazine clearly shows Hamas on hand gliders with Satanyahoo and the word “wrath” in the middle. These Satanic Criminal Psychopath tell us what they will be doing to the Goyim. These are the same people behind 911 Terror and all other false flag events in modern history. Time to expose these Criminal Sattanist.
” … as a journalist of sorts myself … ”
Well doesn’t that just sum it up? “Sorts”, indeed.
The same way your respect for The Guardian gives the game away. (What? That was sarcasm? OK! The maybe you are a journalist, and sly too).
Thanks to for regularly providing your comic relief, though I admit I’m sort of ashamed of laughing at a retard.
anglin has made ruprecht’s butt hert. lol.
Right you are. Obama’s bunch now runs the Executive Branch of the US Federal government, and he is governing so badly that he losing the “People of Color” (POC) vote. As I see it, Obama is running urban areas for the benefit of his street fighters, giving them freedom to loot as a reward for past and future riots. This is not in the interests of non-street fighters, to include the majority of POC, who find that their jobs are evaporating as retail outlets close from theft and vacant office space that removes retail outlet customers and the “secondary economy” that the office workers of yore supported, and who find that they are not physically safe from the fecal material emitted by homeless camps and the predation of street muggers.
As to the non-POC part of the American population, Obama’s bunch is dismantling its infrastructure and importing drug dealers, predators, and welfare cases. It is reported that all new jobs in the “Biden economy” are going to unskilled immigrants. Given a supply of unskilled, it is actually cheaper to have them work at non-automated jobs than to buy the machines to perform these jobs. Think of a cheap human dishwasher vs. an industrial quality washing machine for a small restaurant. The makework job also reduces policing costs, as the minimum wage worker doesn’t have time to be a predator or shoplifter (and also doesn’t want the danger of those two occupations).
And then there is the inept handling of Gaza/Israel and Ukraine/US and EU/US, and for that matter DOD/Democratic Liberals that is destroying the US Empire.
It doesn’t help, of course, if the above is considered a “liberation” by the Obama bunch.
While the article at URL perhaps overuses Ebonics, the hyperbole is useful in illustrating culture clash. The response of the Ebonics speaking person is exactly what one would expect to a similar threat from a rival gang member: trash talk. The Ebonics speaking person is a participant in a completely different evolutionary game than the person making the threat, and under the Ebonics game the physical threat is assumed constant and conversation about it is considered to be pointless, an opportunity to show defiance and nothing more. Rather like the reply of 101st Airborne to a Third Reich forces demand for the unit’s surrender:
““To the German Commander.
The American Commander.””
“Nuts!” being a euphemism for “Balls!”.
The problem with this Ebonics approach is that, invariably, it precludes a negotiated settlement and leaves open only a recourse to violence (or mutual tolerance). In this case that might make International Criminal Court (ICC) victorious, as Israel’s fortunes appear to be declining ( ).
It is, of course, less likely that an Ebonics defiance response to the Ukraine/Russian Federation conflict or the EU/US developing separation will work out as well as the ICC’s response to Mossad attempted intimidation.
She squats just like her street crapping brothers and sisters in her real country.
So the guilty Jews go full mafia and threaten the judges that should bring them to Justice and NOTHING happens to them? WTF is going on? Are Jews begging us to shoot them? 80 million gun owners vs. 6 million Jews here in the US. Let’s NEVER FORGET the Jews plan to wipe out whites demographically that is simultaneously also happening while bankrupting us.
I’m guessing Haley, who’s in her 50’s, might be dying her hair and under the sun and in that camera angle her hair looks bleached.
According to the article below it captions this photo with the note: “This photo provided by the office of Israeli lawmaker Danny Danon shows Nikki Haley signing an artillery shell while touring Israel’s northern border with Lebanon on Tuesday. (Office of Israeli lawmaker Danny Danon via AP).”
I was listening to the Sammy Gravano podcast and he told a story about trying to get Donald Trump to work with the Mafia in the 80s. They had sent out feelers and he turned them down, so one of the guys suggested they go to Trumps office and “persuade him”.
Gravano said “Are you crazy? The guy has got ex FBI agents working for him, they will arrest us as soon as we step inside the door”.
You would think Israel had other means to pressure officials. Like bring in the ADL for a smear campaign, or get some compromised superior to take care of things behind closed doors.
But no, instead they just send some goon to threaten the life of an International Judge and nobody cares!
Why are few faggot zionist racists angry at this piece where has exposed the true face of the JEWISH
MAFIA members who have ASSASSINATED whoever they viewed as a ‘threat’ to live among civilized people few days longer? These scum of humanity must be wiped off the map NOW.
Death to Israel. Death to Jewish Mafia
Cohen’s behaviour shows that this Tribe runs their affair like a MAFIA, so their pimps like Trump, and Nikki Hally.
Does anyone not hate israelis and niggers? They don’t even like each other. You’d think chicken swingers would stick together.
Yes it is repulsive! However it fits right into the Protocols of Zion for their period of lawlessness. Like the wild BLM Jew pawns, when Jews see they can get away with EVERYTHING including mass murder why would they ever stop? They are laughing as the humiliate white gentiles that are aware of what Jews are doing. It’s either Jews or us.
“You can’t intimidate or threaten a black bitch.”
Examples of dem bitches is, Sheila Jackson Lee, Caryn Johnson (Whoopi Goldberg) and Oprah Winfrey et al.
“She’s gonna be like “uh-uh, sweetie, you ain’t gon do me like dat. Best just step up off that gay shit you be doing right now, for I smack you Jew ass out this place.”
But you see, dem, fat arse buffaloes also know dis too dat if dey mess wid the man (Jew) they is all gonna go bucknakid coz dere ain’t gonna be no mony to git dem fancy dresses to cover dem big larded behinds. So dey is no problem!
Good explanation, thanks. It’s likely grey or white without dye.
Every US government department has a dual isreal/US person in charge. Even the Pentagon
Were you wearing a school marm dress when you posted your comment?
Seriously Wokechoke, how pedantic can you get?
Not to mention inaccurate. Since if you’re going to use League of Nations in a sentence you need the article, obviously. But even if you’re not going to use it in a sentence.
Here are some examples.,of%20its%20Library%20and%20archives.
With no heir to the monarchy, the League of Nations steps in and claims the country as a League of Nations Mandate. Basil returns to England and disturbs his old friends because he has become serious.
May 29, 2024 “Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts” The Criminalization of International Law. Part I
Sounds contradictory? What the ICJ judgment intimates –from a twisted legal standpoint– is that Netanyahu’s Cabinet “appointed” to implement the “prevent and punish” mandate cannot be accused of having committed “Genocidal Acts”.
Thanks for that thoughtful reply! Great comment!
Thank you Ghali, well said.
Great comment!
For me a great comment isn’t necessarily one I agree with on all points, or even at all. It’s one that directs attention to something worth considering and discussing, and does so in an intelligent way.
You definitely did that in your comment.
The USA as well as Canada is done already, 36 trillion debt and counting fast, the only thing holding the USA up is the ropes. Canda is debt laden also in proportion to the USA. We’ll all be speaking Yiddish, genuflecting as those geeks walk by, too afraid to wipe their spit off.
Nikki Haley
I wish disease upon your children
May the suffer from cancer and other horrible things
We have been “paying the price” for a very long time…
Remember the USS Liberty (AGTR-5), deliberately attacked by israel with collusion at the highest levels of the USA government. President Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara planned the attack and Admiral John McCain covered it up.
To this day, there has not been an official investigation utilizing the Naval Board of Inquiry int this act of war against the USA by israel.
Eric I’m having a heart attack overhere
That’s some funny shit
Lol. Just what is that supposed to be a “photo” of? That’s some Schindlers list color effects going on there.
What a filthy murderous street shitter she is.
Nimrata will “get hers” in the next phase of existence. Karma is indeed a bitch.
If reincarnation is a part of existence, Nimrata will return as a cockroach in the next phase of existence, hopefully to be “stepped on” and reincarnated again and again as a cockroach…each reincarnation for each victim in Gaza.
Now THAT would indeed be true “justice”.
The result will be the same for every IOF soldier, and anyone worldwide that supports israel, the jews, or genocide.
Yes, JFK was the last barrier to zionist occupation. From that point AIPAC owned the US of A.
“Out in my hood, we got guns in side of our guns so we can shoot while we shoot, Jew-ass bitch.”
He’s obnoxious but he’s a wordsmith and makes me laugh. Yeah, please tone it down a bit Anglin.
Nimrata is now obsolete. Please ignore her now!
The one we should be paying attention to right now is NY Congresswoman Elise Stefanik who has gone WAY out of her way to solicit the support of the Israel Lobby’s billionaires apparently in an attempt to be chosen as Trump’s running mate. The growing pressure on him to pick her must be increasingly intense.
Stefanik is just as much an avid defender of the ongoing genocide in Gaza as Nimrata ever was. Stefanik knows exactly how to appeal to the Zionist of donors by voicing her support for Israel.
Stefanik is probably the chief supporter of legislation to make criticism of Israel effectively illegal. Remember her browbeating the university presidents about Gaza during the congressional hearings?
If Trump is stupid enough to succumb to this pressure and decide to make her his running mate, he will be effectively (or actually) signing his death warning. Stefanik is just as tough and ambitious as Trump and far brighter than Pence ever was.
I will not support Trump if he chooses Stefanik.
Cheer up mah Son! It may never happen.
Now it’s Jungle Love Andy. You’ve lost any shred of credibility by calling niggers noble.
Any electronic tentacle fangs that Israel or JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) or Mossad has sunk into the American Empire due to the treasonous rats in the American Empire’s ruling class must be ripped out.
Israeli electronic goons have their grubby fingers all over our electronics and they covered up that Israeli Jew kid making threatening phone calls to Jew outfits in the USA. The evil Jew rats at the ADL used the threatening phone calls from the Israeli Jew puke to siphon more loot from the despicable DEEP STATE and the putrid politician whores in the US Congress. This Israeli rat Michael R.D. Kadar also has US citizenship and this multiple-citizenship crapola needs to go dodo pronto!
The ADL knowingly included phone threats made by an Israeli Jew named Michael R.D. Kadar to ramp up the ADL’s bogus fraudulent phoney baloney so-called “hate crimes” statistics in order to clam rake more loot from the rancid politician whores in the US Congress.
The crooked crook Jew liars at the ADL might have been aware of some goddamn monkey business and funny business being conducted by the electronics goons in Israeli Intelligence involving the phone threats made by the Israeli Jew puke, but it seems that the DEEP STATE of the American Empire was aiding and abetting the use of global electronics to coordinate the shakedown racket extortion efforts of the Jew-controlled ADL.
The Jew-Controlled ADL Is Known To COOK THE BOOKS And Use SHAM SCAM FLIM FLAM STATISTICS In Order To Grab More Loot From Donors And The US Congress.
Tweet from 2017:
The one we should be paying attention to right now is NY Congresswoman Elise Stefanik who has gone WAY out of her way to solicit the support of the Israel Lobby’s billionaires apparently in an attempt to be chosen as Trump’s running mate. The growing pressure on him to pick her must be increasingly intense.
I say:
US House Speaker Mike Johnson and US House Representative Elise Stefanik are two treasonous rat Republican Party slobs who put the interests of Israel over and above the interests of the United States of America.
The young people ain’t buying any bullshit about so-called “anti-Semitism” and they think Israel is a millstone client state of the American Empire and they damn well know that the treasonous politician rats who put Israel First are bought and paid for politician whores of JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG).
I want to buy a Fatou Bensouda devotional prayer saint candle.
Yup. Soon we’ll all be Palestinians
A righteous black judge working for a toothless, warmongering, compromised international organization like the UN that has sat around twiddling their thumbs as the empire illegally occupied and waged criminal wars of aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and many other places is not righteous.
Toothless showboating and propaganda for the cameras is what this article is about, whether at the ICC or in the most Russophobic and regime-friendly of UK tabloids.
The ICC is a joke for losers, including losers who still read the Guardian.
Cute gif of the melting face from Indiana Jones though. Way more powerful than a quote from Marcus Aurelius, Camus or Voltaire for sure.
Jewish professor Finkelstein and journalist Abby Martin state that spirit and mentality of israeli population in general manifest in Netanyahu, that hes not anything out of ordinary among israeli, but the norm and common will of israeli in general.
Finkelstein states that according to statistics, 95 per cent of israeli support the genocidal war in Gaza. Israeli might have some minor differences, but when it comes to the state of Israel and its “security,”, as well as palestinian, they all completely agree about them.