vrijdag 27 oktober 2023

US Wants War

🇮🇷🇮🇱 Iran is testing the combat readiness of its army. Large-scale ground forces exercises "Ektidar 1402" began in the central part of the country. Artillery, armored and airborne units are involved in the maneuvers. And this is a response to the strengthening of the American (Western) group of forces in the region. The Americans are building up elements of their air defense system. Apparently, Tel Aviv is delaying the start of a ground operation so that Israel’s allies can prepare for a possible attack on Iranian targets not only on the territory of the 3 countries, but also directly on Iranian territory. And air defense is being tightened up in case Tehran decides to massively use missile systems. - Intel Slava Z

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Anoniem zei

Dat is de grote vraag.

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