U.S Media Acknowledges that Kiev Is “Massively Outgunned”

Instead of clinging to the discredited information warfare narrative that Kiev’s supposedly winning against Russia, the West’s perception managers are now telling the truth about how badly it’s being beat, though with the ulterior motive of generating grassroots support for more arm shipments that couldn’t possibly turn the tide in their proxy’s favor but would allow the military-industrial complex to squeeze at least a few billion dollars more out of taxpayers.
The Associated Press contributed to US-led Western Mainstream Media’s (MSM) decisive shift in the “official narrative” on the UkrainianConflict by admitting that Kiev is outgunned in its latest piece on the topic that was published on June 20. The outlet quoted that former Soviet Republic’s Ambassador to Spain who earlier this month said that his host country’s 200 tons of military aid “was enough for only about two hours of fighting” while a filmmaker-turned-militant tweeted a video describing the guns sent by America as only being worth “like 15 minutes of a fight.”
Curiously, while accurately reporting that Kiev’s Deputy Minister of Defense for procurement told the world’s top military-industrial complex magazine last week that foreign aid only meets 10-15% of his side’s needs, it omitted mentioning what its land forces command logistics commander also revealed in that same interview. He complained that two of the US-provided M777’s six pieces of equipment are damaged “after every artillery contact” and that “This happens every day” even though the Associated Press cited an unnamed lieutenant who praised this equipment for allegedly “demoralizing the enemy”.
Despite that conspicuous piece of disinformation within their article, the Associated Press nevertheless mostly told the truth about how outgunned Kiev actually is, which is hugely humiliating for the West’s military-industrial complex. Be that as it is, however, it can also be spun to support another round of information warfare pressing those governments to contribute even more billions of dollars’ worth of aid to their proxy. After all, they can claim that the NATO proxy war on Russia through Ukraine is “too big to fail” and that years of support are needed exactly as that bloc’s Secretary General recently wrote.
The problem is that this potentially unlimited financial-military commitment to Kiev is becoming increasingly unpopular as proven by an opinion poll published by the European Council on Foreign Relations last week which showed that more EU citizens favor peace over punishing Russia. The Associated Press’ efforts to support the military-industrial complex’s potentially forthcoming information warfare campaign against the West’s own citizens might therefore not bear the fruit that the outlet expected.
In fact, it could even have the opposite effect of making Kiev come off as ungrateful after quoting those from its side who mockingly referred to the aid that they’ve already received. Not only that, but the facts cited within their piece might also be eye-opening for the average European, who had no idea that Kiev was burning through 200 tons of military aid in just two hours. This statistic, which was shared by its Ambassador to Spain who nobody could credibly describe as a so-called “Russian propagandist”, confirms just how wasteful this entire proxy war has become for those taxpayers who are funding it.
The more that the military-industrial complex recruits their allies in the MSM to churn out information products in support of Kiev receiving even more billions of dollars’ worth of military aid from the West, the more likely it is that this might be met with a hostile reaction from their target audience. Some folks might understandably believe that enough is enough since it’s more important for their taxes to be used to help their own people weather their countries’ self-inflicted economic crisis caused by the EU’s compliance with the US’ anti-Russian sanctions demands.
Even the most brainwashed Americans might be disheartened to hear that the earlier cited filmmaker-turned-militant mocked their country’s literally tens of billions of dollars’ worth of arms shipments as only giving Kiev “like 15 minutes of a fight” more than before.
The “official narrative” of the conflict isn’t just decisively shifting but is on the brink of being decisively shattered by none other than the MSM itself in its craze to convince its target audience that they need to sacrifice even more for Kiev than ever before. Quite clearly, their proxy was never winning to begin with despite prior claims to the contrary.
Instead of clinging to that discredited information warfare narrative, the West’s perception managers are now telling the truth about how badly it’s being beat, though with the ulterior motive of generating grassroots support for more arm shipments that couldn’t possibly turn the tide in Kiev’s favor but would allow the military-industrial complex to squeeze at least a few billion dollars more out of taxpayers. As the European Council on Foreign Relations’ latest opinion poll shows, however, people are wising up, realizing that the proxy war is lost, and are no longer interested in definitely supporting it at all costs.
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This article was originally published on OneWorld.
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