donderdag 9 juni 2022

Postmoderne Boekverbranding in Oekraïne


Ukraine to destroy 100 million "propaganda books", "including books for children, and romance novels, and detective stories", as well as the Russian classics, like Pushkin and Dostoyevsky:
"Oleksandra Koval, director of the Ukrainian Book Institute, admits that more than 100 million copies of propaganda books, including Russian classics, will need to be removed from public libraries.
“While the process of preparation of regulatory documents is underway, it is difficult to foresee (how long the withdrawal process will last - IF). But according to my calculations, public libraries may now have more than 100 million copies of literature that need to be removed. Of course, we want to do it faster, but it would be good if at least the ideologically harmful literature published in Soviet times (by the way, in two languages, in Russian and Ukrainian), which is very much, as well as Russian literature of anti-Ukrainian content, were completely withdrawn by the end of the year"
"According to her, first of all, we are talking about the removal from public libraries of books with anti-Ukrainian content with imperial narratives and propaganda of violence, pro-Russian, chauvinistic policies.
“The second round of seizure will include books by contemporary Russian authors published in Russia after 1991. And, probably, different genres, including books for children, and romance novels, and detective stories. This is an obvious requirement of the times. Although I understand that they can be in demand,” she said.
"When asked if this process involves the removal of the so-called Russian classics from libraries, the director of the PEC said that there are many opponents on this issue, but, in her opinion, no one gives any arguments why this should not be done.
“We all read these books, in my school years there was a solid Russian classic, which was considered the pinnacle of world writing. Due to the fact that we had a fairly average knowledge of the world classics, many were left with the conviction that this is really the kind of literature without which it is impossible to develop intellect and aesthetic sensations, to be an educated person. In fact, this is not so, ”Koval noted.
"In her opinion, it was precisely such Russian poets and writers as Alexander Pushkin and Fyodor Dostoevsky who laid the foundations of the “Russian world” and Russian messianism.
“This is really very harmful literature, it can really influence people's views. Therefore, my personal opinion is that these books should also be removed from public and school libraries. They should probably remain in university and scientific libraries for specialists to study the roots of evil and totalitarianism,” Koval emphasized.
"Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko said that the seizure of Russian propaganda books from Ukrainian library funds could be used as waste paper."
Full report on Interfax Ukraine, the country's largest news agency: [verified link - DR]
via Jorge Martin

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