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Rupert Murdoch is the founder of News Corp and Fox news who inherited his ‘news’ empire from his father. He now part owns an oil company with Lord (Jacob) Rothschild that is about to start drilling in the Golan heights.
Rupert Murdoch Drills For Illegal Profits While Syria Bleeds
The world’s most powerful media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, is in the oil business nowadays.
Murdoch is the founder of News Corp and Fox news who inherited his ‘news’ empire from his father. He now part owns an oil company with Lord (Jacob) Rothschild that is about to start drilling in the Golan heights.
The Australian born American tycoon loves to promote war, chaos, fear, pleasure and nonsensical ‘talking points’ as news on his media outlets. His influence and power over politicians, and vice-versa, has always been legend.
Examiner reports: Fox News mogul Rupert Murdoch owns oil company poised to drill in Syria
Over the years Fox News has become known for its unflinching support for any and all acts of western military aggression, no matter how deranged or strategically apocalyptic they’ve proven to be. For the most part, the push for war with Syria has fit this pattern more or less identically, with Fox News giving the same pundits the same time in the spotlight that they did for Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and the failed attempt to initiate war with Iran.
Rupert Murdoch’s usual “money over journalism” approach is particularly amplified in Syria, however with his stock ownership in Genie Energy, a subsidiary of Genie Israel HOldings, Ltd, an Israeli oil company which is currently violating international law by taking oil resources from Syrian land illegally occupied by the Israeli government. While this act alone is viewed as insidious by many, Murdoch’s collusion goes much deeper with his infamous news network broadcasting a nearly constant pro war message regarding Syria. The combination of profiting from war while simultaneously promoting it through media puts Murdoch in the select ranks of the world’s most infamous billionaires.
Attempts to gain public favor for a full scale Syrian war have been in full swing for several years now with many seemingly schizophrenic attempts. From 90’s B movie actress Alyssa Milano releasing a fake pro war porn video (Yes, apparently that’s a thing now) to Nobel Peace laureate Barack Obama calling for invasion to support “rebels” who turned out to be ISIS, the range of approaches western war interests are employing to promote their agenda is proving to be quite the spectacle.
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The Road Through Syria: #FreeGolanHeights
Genie Energy. The most important company you’ve never heard of. Members of the Board include: Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, James Woolsey (former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury), and Jacob Rothschild. Currently drilling on the contested border between Syria and Israel.
CIA, Media Mogul, Vice President, US Treasury, Rothschilds central banking family… all pooling money to drill for oil on one of the most contested pieces of land in the world, the Golan Heights region between Israel and Syria. While an active war is going on in Syria.
Wiki about Genie Energy.
Recent oil find in the Golan Heights.
Intention to take over the region and drill.
And we found out recently that Israel ends up with most of the oil ISIS is selling. The $1.5 million a day that funds ISIS. First link on this page has lots of information about this.
So what is the purpose of Genie Energy? Is it really 100% about the oil, or is it about the desire to expand Israel to create “Greater Israel” from the Euphrates to the Nile, just as the Torah/Bible promised the Zionists? (Zionists are people who want Mount Zion in Jerusalem back, aka they want Palestine gone. People of this belief largely run the governments of Israel and the US.) Or is this just another pressure point on Syria to destabilize it so they can set up their own government and banking system? Is it all of these things combined?
In September it added some influential new members to an advisory board that already included a former vice-president, Dick Cheney, and a media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch. One was Larry Summers, who was treasury secretary in the Clinton administration and director of the National Economic Council under Barack Obama. Also added were two other Clinton-era appointees: Bill Richardson, an ex-ambassador to the United Nations and energy secretary, and James Woolsey, a former CIA director.
True it doesn’t seem like they’re company officers after some research… here’s a list of the major shareholders:
Not those guys.
But as you see at the bottom there are a lot of hedge funds that have major holding positions, like Vanguard which I think is owned by Rothschild. So while they have an advisory position, it’s also possible they have voting rights on the actual board of directors, via these mutual funds and investment companies.
Facebook Group: Free Golan Heights:
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