vrijdag 4 september 2015


As generation Y struggles to stay afloat, the baby boomers have plenty to answer for

Baby boomers have plenty to answer for.
Baby boomers have plenty to answer for. Source: Getty Images
IF there’s one generation to blame for Australia’s social problems, it’s the baby boomers.
That was the controversial verdict of Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner way back in 1999, and it’s one he stands by today.
As younger Australians struggle with rising house prices and HECS debts, Chris Sidoti, who headed the commission under John Howard between 1995-2000, once famously labelled the generation born between 1946-1961 “the most selfish generation in history”.
They’d “refused to pay their share of tax”, been given a “free ride” through tertiary education and were guilty of imposing enormous debt burdens on those who came after them, most notably through the HECS debt devised by boomer politicians.
Fifteen years on, Mr Sidoti says “the chickens are coming home to roost”.
“I don’t think there’s been a generation like this that has been so unwilling to pay a fair share of taxation to ensure everyone in the community the support that’s required and the services that are needed,” he told The Daily Telegraph in 1999, acknowledging that he himself was a baby boomer.
“We are now the people who are in positions of influence with the media, government, business and most walks of life, and it we are to say there are people in Australia who aren’t doing well, I think we have to look at ourselves as the people who are responsible for that.
“Young people are entering the workforce debt-ridden.”
This week, when asked if he stood by his comments, he was quick to answer.
“Yes,” he said, remembering them as “the most controversial” remarks he’s ever delivered.
“Things have changed in 15 years but I stand by my views about the stinginess of my generation,” he told news.com.au.
He’s right: things have changed. Whatever “free ride” baby boomers were afforded in their earlier years, they are more than making up for it now.
The retirement age is climbing and superannuation desperately needs “a makeover”. The parents of baby boomers are living longer and the children of baby boomers are waiting to deliver on grandchildren. All that leads to a “squeeze”, the irony of which is not lost on Mr Sidoti.
“When I look around at my friends, it seems that the chickens are coming home to roost,” he said.
Former Human Rights Commissioner Chris Sidoti says baby boomers are the most selfish gene
Former Human Rights Commissioner Chris Sidoti says baby boomers are the most selfish generation. Source: News Limited
“Baby boomers are caring for their parents who are living longer. At the same time, childcare needs are greater so we’re being called upon to look after the grandkids, too. Meanwhile, we’re also having to work longer.
“This generation that didn’t pay its way is now being squeezed by longer (working) responsibilities, increased responsibilities for frail parents and increased responsibilities for grandchildren.”
The free ride is well and truly over.
Given his stinging attack on baby boomers, one would imagine Mr Sidoti might have a few barbs for GenY, routinely described as “selfish narcissists”.
Instead, he is entirely sympathetic.
“They’re hard done by,” he said.
“As I said 15 years ago, the generations after us are graduating with enormous debt burdens and prospects are bleak. Couple that with increasing housing prices and you’ve got a real problem.
“The pressures on (generation X), and even more on the one after that, are even greater than they were 15 years ago.”
Chief among them, the median Sydney house price is tipped to hit $1 million by Christmas. First home buyers in Melbourne are having to take out an average loan of $335,000, a figure that shot up by nearly $16,000 in a single month, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
All that while paying off mounting HECS debts.
Mr Sidoti said the pressure is enormous, and often they pile it on themselves.
“I see among the GenY and the Millenials enormous levels of idealism and community engagement but they’re under high pressure and it’s difficult if not almost impossible for them to come near to the expectations placed upon them.”
Well, at least we know who to blame now. Or do we?
Social researcher Mark McCrindle disagrees. He says there’s evidence to suggest they’ve been the “backbone” of the country.
“I wouldn’t say they’re selfish,” he told news.com.au.
Mark McCrindle has rushed to the baby boomers’ defence.
Mark McCrindle has rushed to the baby boomers’ defence. Source: News Limited
“Instead, I’d say they’re the lucky generation. They were just raised in good economic times. They could buy a home when the average house price was five times the average earning income. Today’s it’s almost three times as expensive.”
He concedes gen Y have it tough, but that’s not the fault of baby boomers. In fact, he said, baby boomers have done more than their share of heavy lifting to help out future generations.
“They inherited the times and they benefited from the times. It wasn’t their fault,” he said.
“If we look at what they’re doing now, they’re not selling off empty homes and living in luxury, they’re letting kids stay at home longer, lending their cars. In a sense, they’re taking on the cost of living for their children. The baby boomers have been more supportive of their children’s generation than their parents were of them.”
12/05/2008 NEWS: generic photo of stressed woman
The HECS debt burden comes courtesy of the baby boomers, and it’s having an impact. Source: News Limited

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