De Israelische Terreur 362

'Press release - BADIL and the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign on behalf of the National Committee to Commemorate the Nakba*
Nakba Commemoration - 13 May, 2008
Popular Festival: Palestine, 60 Years of Exile cultural heritage celebrated in Bethlehem and Ramallah
Palestinian protest during Nakba Commemoration attacked while demonstrations all over the world fill the streets
Events in Palestine
Al-‘Awda Camp, Ramallah. Activities: The May 13th ‘Awda Camp activities will include: Art activities for children, photo and heritage exhibits (all day); Eyewitness accounts of the ethnic cleansing of Al-Lydd by Haj Mahmoud Al-Attal (3:30pm); Forum on Internecine Palestinian Fighting and its Effect on the Right of Return Struggle, by Dr. Adel Samara (5:30pm); Dabka performances (7pm); and a film screening (8pm). Contact
“Have We Not Suffered Enough?”: Nakba-60 Commemoration Festival. 1-3pm at the Bethlehem University Auditorium. Events will include music, dance poster and photo exhibit, and talks by three generations of Palestinian refugees. More information at, contact: normah@bethlehem.eduAl-‘Awda Camp, Ramallah Activities. The May 11th ‘Awda Camp activities will include: Art activities for children, photo and heritage exhibits (all day); Eyewitness accounts of the ethnic cleansing of Lifta (Jerusalem District) by Taha Hammoudah and Dawud Salameh (3:30pm); Forum on UNRWA, its role and its history (5:30pm); Dabka performances (7pm); and a film screening (8pm). Conta
Events internationally
Popular Festival: Palestine, 60 Years of Exile; Iraq, 5 Years of War. 12-14 May, Madrid, Spain. Musical, theatrical, cultural, and educational events featuring Rene Aquarone, Azmi Bishara, Leila Khaled, Jaber Suleiman, Teresa Aranguren, Rafael Escudero, Hana Al-Bayati, and many more. For more information, visit
Screening of Ilan Pappe talk 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine'7pm, BCGEU hall v5h2l9, Victoria (BC), Canada. Organized by CAIA-Victoria. [Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid], contact: George Mc Fetridge,
Report on previous events
Nakba demonstration attacked in Shufa: Ten Palestinians were injured on 10 May in Shufa village, south of Tulkarem, when Israeli forces attacked a demonstration on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Nakba. The protestors attempted to dismantle the roadblock that has effectively closed the entrance to the village for the last four years and were fired on. For more information, see:;
Thousands Mark the Nakba and call for refugee return in London on 10 May. Notable participants in the demonstration included Tony Ben and Mustafa Barghouti, in addition to recorded messages by the elected Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Hanieh and Palestinian Legislative Council member from Gaza Dr Jamal Al-Khudairy. The Demonstration was organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in the UK (
Toronto Demonstration to Commemorate the Nakba, and calling for the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees draws over 1000 people. Many of those who participated in the 10 May demonstration were among those who witnessed and survived the Nakba. The demonstration was organized by Palestine House ( and the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid ( Pictures of the demonstration can be found at:
Over 4000 people demonstrated against the Turin book-fair's “celebration” of Israeli writers. The fair has come under a great deal of pressure from progressive authors around the world who have publically boycotted the book-fair, while others have come under pressure from their readers to cancel their participation. One of the media reports on the 10 May demonstration can be found at: Video can be watched at; can be seen at: English language media article at:
Dozens of Palestinians forcibly expelled from their homes in Jerusalem, took to the streets in a silent vigil in Jerusalem on 12 May, commemorating the 60th year since they were uprooted. The vigil took participants on a tour of 1948 occupied Jerusalem, where manty of the Nakba survivors pointed out their homes and described their memories living in them, and being forced out of them. Jerusalem's Nakba survivors can be contacted at: The Reuters report on the vigil can be found at:;
The Palestinian Nakba on the ground
On this day, 1948
Jaffa, the largest city in Palestine, was occupied and its inhabitants forced to leave.
In Gaza, the people of Beit Daras, Sawafir as-Samaliah, Betanyah, Bashit, and Nebi Rubin were expelled with around 7,000 people fleeing the villages. Only a few remained behind.
Zionist forces also carried out attacks in al-Ramla district. In Abu Shusha, the 870 villagers fled from mortar attacks. The village was subsequently occupied and its buildings dynamited.
Nakba Today
Jaffa (The Bride of the Sea) was Palestine's largest and most vibrant metropolis. Its centrality to the Arab Palestinian society and economy forced the UN to include it in the proposed Arab state in the 1947 partition plan. This, however, did not stop 5,000 Zionist troops from besieging the city for three months leading up to Israel's declaration of statehood. The poorly armed and untrained defenders of Jaffa included tens of international volunteers who came to defend Palestine, notably from Yugoslavia. The majority of Jaffa's inhabitants were pushed into the sea, forced to flee using boats and ending up in other Palestinian coastal cities like Gaza, or further in Egypt and Lebanon. Soon after its occupation on this day (13 May) in 1948, Zionist forces blew up and bulldozed three-quarters of Jaffa's Arab section.The remaining Arab areas were officially confiscated by Israel, and the property was transferred to Israel's public housing organization, Amidar. Since then, these areas (the poorest in the Jaffa-Tel-Aviv municipality) have experienced soaring property prices. Amidar now hopes to reap in the profits of the high prices by evicting the remaining rightful Palestinian owners of the homes. Through Amidar, Israel also threatens to sell off most of the land of the historic Tasso cemetery in Jaffa. The result is an escalation of the ongoing Israeli practice of Judaizing and de-Arabizing Jaffa, Palestine's economic and cultural capital just sixty years ago.
For more information, see the Arab Association for Human Rights report at:
Listen to an audio documentary about the Land Day 2008 demonstration highlighting the struggle of Jaffa's Palestinians to stay in their city:
Visit the official website of the Popular Committee to Defend the Right to Housing and Land in Jaffa:
Background Resources:
For resources on the history of the Nakba, information about Palestinian refugees, and their right of return under international law, see the Nakba-60 Resources Info-Packet at:
For information about selected cases of ongoing diaplacement, please visit:
For information, resources and links to organizations working on the growing campaign for Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel until it dismantles its military occupation's colonial apartheid system in the West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights; ends systematic discrimination against its Palestinian citizens; and implements the Palestinian refugees' right to return to their homes and properties, please visit the website of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions Campaign National Committee (BNC):
For more information, please contact:
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall CampaignEmail:, Tel.: +972-2-297-1505
Badil Centre for Palestinian Refugee & Residency Rights:Email:, Tel.: +972-2-277-7086
*The week’s events coordinated by the National Committee to Commemorate the Nakba. The National Committee represents national movements and networks, including the Council of National and Islamic forces, the Global Palestine Right-of-Return Coalition, the Popular Committees and youth centers of the refugee camps all over Palestine, the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, Badil Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), the Civic Coalition for the Defense of Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem and the PLO Department for Refugee Affairs (DORA).'
Palestinian protest during Nakba Commemoration attacked while demonstrations all over the world fill the streets
Events in Palestine
Al-‘Awda Camp, Ramallah. Activities: The May 13th ‘Awda Camp activities will include: Art activities for children, photo and heritage exhibits (all day); Eyewitness accounts of the ethnic cleansing of Al-Lydd by Haj Mahmoud Al-Attal (3:30pm); Forum on Internecine Palestinian Fighting and its Effect on the Right of Return Struggle, by Dr. Adel Samara (5:30pm); Dabka performances (7pm); and a film screening (8pm). Contact
“Have We Not Suffered Enough?”: Nakba-60 Commemoration Festival. 1-3pm at the Bethlehem University Auditorium. Events will include music, dance poster and photo exhibit, and talks by three generations of Palestinian refugees. More information at, contact: normah@bethlehem.eduAl-‘Awda Camp, Ramallah Activities. The May 11th ‘Awda Camp activities will include: Art activities for children, photo and heritage exhibits (all day); Eyewitness accounts of the ethnic cleansing of Lifta (Jerusalem District) by Taha Hammoudah and Dawud Salameh (3:30pm); Forum on UNRWA, its role and its history (5:30pm); Dabka performances (7pm); and a film screening (8pm). Conta
Events internationally
Popular Festival: Palestine, 60 Years of Exile; Iraq, 5 Years of War. 12-14 May, Madrid, Spain. Musical, theatrical, cultural, and educational events featuring Rene Aquarone, Azmi Bishara, Leila Khaled, Jaber Suleiman, Teresa Aranguren, Rafael Escudero, Hana Al-Bayati, and many more. For more information, visit
Screening of Ilan Pappe talk 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine'7pm, BCGEU hall v5h2l9, Victoria (BC), Canada. Organized by CAIA-Victoria. [Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid], contact: George Mc Fetridge,
Report on previous events
Nakba demonstration attacked in Shufa: Ten Palestinians were injured on 10 May in Shufa village, south of Tulkarem, when Israeli forces attacked a demonstration on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Nakba. The protestors attempted to dismantle the roadblock that has effectively closed the entrance to the village for the last four years and were fired on. For more information, see:;
Thousands Mark the Nakba and call for refugee return in London on 10 May. Notable participants in the demonstration included Tony Ben and Mustafa Barghouti, in addition to recorded messages by the elected Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Hanieh and Palestinian Legislative Council member from Gaza Dr Jamal Al-Khudairy. The Demonstration was organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in the UK (
Toronto Demonstration to Commemorate the Nakba, and calling for the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees draws over 1000 people. Many of those who participated in the 10 May demonstration were among those who witnessed and survived the Nakba. The demonstration was organized by Palestine House ( and the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid ( Pictures of the demonstration can be found at:
Over 4000 people demonstrated against the Turin book-fair's “celebration” of Israeli writers. The fair has come under a great deal of pressure from progressive authors around the world who have publically boycotted the book-fair, while others have come under pressure from their readers to cancel their participation. One of the media reports on the 10 May demonstration can be found at: Video can be watched at; can be seen at: English language media article at:
Dozens of Palestinians forcibly expelled from their homes in Jerusalem, took to the streets in a silent vigil in Jerusalem on 12 May, commemorating the 60th year since they were uprooted. The vigil took participants on a tour of 1948 occupied Jerusalem, where manty of the Nakba survivors pointed out their homes and described their memories living in them, and being forced out of them. Jerusalem's Nakba survivors can be contacted at: The Reuters report on the vigil can be found at:;
The Palestinian Nakba on the ground
On this day, 1948
Jaffa, the largest city in Palestine, was occupied and its inhabitants forced to leave.
In Gaza, the people of Beit Daras, Sawafir as-Samaliah, Betanyah, Bashit, and Nebi Rubin were expelled with around 7,000 people fleeing the villages. Only a few remained behind.
Zionist forces also carried out attacks in al-Ramla district. In Abu Shusha, the 870 villagers fled from mortar attacks. The village was subsequently occupied and its buildings dynamited.
Nakba Today
Jaffa (The Bride of the Sea) was Palestine's largest and most vibrant metropolis. Its centrality to the Arab Palestinian society and economy forced the UN to include it in the proposed Arab state in the 1947 partition plan. This, however, did not stop 5,000 Zionist troops from besieging the city for three months leading up to Israel's declaration of statehood. The poorly armed and untrained defenders of Jaffa included tens of international volunteers who came to defend Palestine, notably from Yugoslavia. The majority of Jaffa's inhabitants were pushed into the sea, forced to flee using boats and ending up in other Palestinian coastal cities like Gaza, or further in Egypt and Lebanon. Soon after its occupation on this day (13 May) in 1948, Zionist forces blew up and bulldozed three-quarters of Jaffa's Arab section.The remaining Arab areas were officially confiscated by Israel, and the property was transferred to Israel's public housing organization, Amidar. Since then, these areas (the poorest in the Jaffa-Tel-Aviv municipality) have experienced soaring property prices. Amidar now hopes to reap in the profits of the high prices by evicting the remaining rightful Palestinian owners of the homes. Through Amidar, Israel also threatens to sell off most of the land of the historic Tasso cemetery in Jaffa. The result is an escalation of the ongoing Israeli practice of Judaizing and de-Arabizing Jaffa, Palestine's economic and cultural capital just sixty years ago.
For more information, see the Arab Association for Human Rights report at:
Listen to an audio documentary about the Land Day 2008 demonstration highlighting the struggle of Jaffa's Palestinians to stay in their city:
Visit the official website of the Popular Committee to Defend the Right to Housing and Land in Jaffa:
Background Resources:
For resources on the history of the Nakba, information about Palestinian refugees, and their right of return under international law, see the Nakba-60 Resources Info-Packet at:
For information about selected cases of ongoing diaplacement, please visit:
For information, resources and links to organizations working on the growing campaign for Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions on Israel until it dismantles its military occupation's colonial apartheid system in the West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights; ends systematic discrimination against its Palestinian citizens; and implements the Palestinian refugees' right to return to their homes and properties, please visit the website of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions Campaign National Committee (BNC):
For more information, please contact:
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall CampaignEmail:, Tel.: +972-2-297-1505
Badil Centre for Palestinian Refugee & Residency Rights:Email:, Tel.: +972-2-277-7086
*The week’s events coordinated by the National Committee to Commemorate the Nakba. The National Committee represents national movements and networks, including the Council of National and Islamic forces, the Global Palestine Right-of-Return Coalition, the Popular Committees and youth centers of the refugee camps all over Palestine, the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, Badil Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), the Civic Coalition for the Defense of Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem and the PLO Department for Refugee Affairs (DORA).'
Zionist Terror 127
Mass graves from 1948 war discovered in Jaffa
The skeletons of Palestinians buried in a mass grave in Tel Aviv’s Jaffa district
Sat Jun 1, 2013 1:50AM GMT
The remains of hundreds of Palestinians killed in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War have been discovered in six mass grave sites in a Muslim cemetery in Tel Aviv’s Jaffa district.
An official of the Kazkhana cemetery said on Friday that the gruesome finding took place on May 29, when the ground caved in as workers carried out renovations.
Eighty-year-old Atar Zeinab said that as a teenager he helped collect the bodies of people killed during the final months of fighting in 1948 and brought them for hurried burials in the graveyard.
"I carried to the cemetery 60 bodies during a period of three or four months," he stated. "We used to find the people in the street and most of the time we didn't know who they were."
Due to the danger of being hit by flying bullets or grenade shrapnel, bodies were dumped one on top of the other in family crypts in the cemetery, contrary to Muslim custom, Zeinab added.
"We carried them early in the morning or in the night," he said. "We put women, children, and men in the same place… nobody prayed for these people."
The al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage stated that the new discoveries are the remains of people killed during the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland and the establishment of Israel 65 years ago.
They were killed in the shelling of residential neighborhoods or by snipers located around Jaffa.
Jaffa used to be a Palestinian town. However, it was expropriate, and its Arab population was expelled en masse when the town fell to the Israeli army and militiamen in 1948. It was incorporated into the city of Tel Aviv in 1950.
Palestinians refer to the May 15, 1948 occupation of Palestine as the Nakba Day, which means the Day of the Catastrophe in Arabic, to solemnly commemorate the expulsion of more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homeland in 1948.
Israeli forces have wiped nearly 500 Palestinian villages and towns off the map, leaving an estimated total of 4.7 million Palestinian refugees hoping for an eventual return to their homeland more than six decades later.
Since 1948, the Israeli regime has denied Palestinian refugees the right of return, despite United Nations resolutions and international laws that uphold the people’s right to return to their homeland.
Israel als een Schurkenstaat 320
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Ik heb dit een beetje uitgebreid
Ik heb dit een beetje uitgebreid
Zo begint The Age of Terror, een 3BM Television (Londen) productie in samenwerking met Discovery Europe.
"We didn't mind being called terrorists then, because we actually used brutal force in order to get rid of them." --Yechiel Kadishai, voormalige privésecretaris van Menachim Begin, over de Britten.
Verkleed als Arabieren bliezen de joodse terroristen van de Irgun van Menachim Begin in 1946 het King David Hotel op. 91 mensen kwamen om, waaronder 28 Britten, 17 joden, en 41 Arabieren. 54 doden waren onschuldige burgers, die niets met de Britten te maken hadden.
Zoals we in de video kunnen zien vertelt een van de terroristen trots en lachend hoe hij te werk ging. Dat is niet verwonderlijk, aangezien de daden van de joodse terroristen van weleer in Israël nog steeds worden vereerd.
Er is zelfs een speciaal museum ter ere van de (daden van) de Irgun, genaamd Etzel House. Het museum is gehuisvest in een geconfiskeerd Arabisch huis in de wijk Al-Manshiyya aan de rand van Jaffa, die door de Irgun samen met de Haganah in 1948 in de as werd gelegd (alleen deHasan Beik moskee bleef overeind):
In Israël wordt gesproken over "de bevrijding van Jaffa". Bijna 67.000 van de 71.000 Arabische inwoners van Jaffa werden door de onafgebroken bombardementen letterlijk de zee ingedreven.

Ook in Nederland worden door o.a. door Ratna Pelle in pakketreizen 'uitstapjes' naar het Irgun Museum georganiseerd. Pelle vindt de verheerlijking van joodse terroristen blijkbaar zo belangrijk dat het in een reis naar Israël niet mag ontbreken.

Op dit bord bij het huidige King David Hotel staat bovenaan het embleem van nota bene de terroristen die het opbliezen, de Irgun. Benadrukt wordt dat men vóór de aanslag gewaarschuwd is, maar dat wordt door de Britten ontkend. In de laatste regel staat "...tot spijt van de Irgun werden 92 mensen gedood". Israël ontkent haar eigen geschiedenis.
Lees hier ook » De verheerlijking van joodse terroristen
"We didn't mind being called terrorists then, because we actually used brutal force in order to get rid of them." --Yechiel Kadishai, voormalige privésecretaris van Menachim Begin, over de Britten.
Verkleed als Arabieren bliezen de joodse terroristen van de Irgun van Menachim Begin in 1946 het King David Hotel op. 91 mensen kwamen om, waaronder 28 Britten, 17 joden, en 41 Arabieren. 54 doden waren onschuldige burgers, die niets met de Britten te maken hadden.
The British later captured some responsible and tried and sentenced them to death. Upon the execution day Menahem Beigin told the British if they executed their comrades, the gang would execute two kidnapped British soldier prisoners, who were killed and their corpses hung from trees and booby trapped with grenades. For these multiple acts, Menahem Beigin was wanted on open criminal charges of kidnapping, murder, armed robbery, extortion, bribery, conspiracy to commit acts against the English Crown, as was wanted to respond for these terrorist acts, and therefore he could not travel to any British or British Commonwealth country thoughout his life. There was a second Jerusalem Hotel bombing which also was targeted at civilians, However, Menahem Beigin, said he had,"turned all of Palestine into a glass house, Where the entire world was looking in." (transcriptie videoclip)
Zoals we in de video kunnen zien vertelt een van de terroristen trots en lachend hoe hij te werk ging. Dat is niet verwonderlijk, aangezien de daden van de joodse terroristen van weleer in Israël nog steeds worden vereerd.
Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombersTHE TELEGRAPH | BY HARRY DE QUETTEVILLE | 22 JULI 2006
n the midst of its campaign against Hizbollah and Hamas "terrorists", Israel has been accused by Britain of feting Jewish "terrorists" whose bomb attack killed 28 Britons 60 years ago today.
The accusation, which reopens the debate about the use of politically-inspired violence in the region, follows the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the attack on the King David hotel in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, by the Irgun Jewish "resistance" to British mandate rule in Palestine. The 28 Britons were among 91 people killed.
This week, former Irgun fighters and current Right-wing politicians unveiled the plaque at the hotel, which read: "The hotel housed the Mandate Secretariat as well as the Army Headquarters. On July 22, 1946, Irgun fighters at the order of the Hebrew Resistance Movement planted explosives in the basement. Warning phone calls had been made urging the hotel's occupants to leave immediately. For reasons known only to the British, the hotel was not evacuated and after 25 minutes the bombs exploded, and to the Irgun's regret and dismay 91 persons were killed." [zie laatste foto onderaan]
But Israel's celebration of its "freedom fighters" remains highly controversial at a time when it continues to pound Palestinian "terrorists".
Tzipi Livni, Israel's foreign minister, has found herself deeply embroiled in the debate - her father, Eitan, was Irgun's chief operations officer.
Er is zelfs een speciaal museum ter ere van de (daden van) de Irgun, genaamd Etzel House. Het museum is gehuisvest in een geconfiskeerd Arabisch huis in de wijk Al-Manshiyya aan de rand van Jaffa, die door de Irgun samen met de Haganah in 1948 in de as werd gelegd (alleen deHasan Beik moskee bleef overeind):
In Israël wordt gesproken over "de bevrijding van Jaffa". Bijna 67.000 van de 71.000 Arabische inwoners van Jaffa werden door de onafgebroken bombardementen letterlijk de zee ingedreven.
Het ‘Etzel Huis’, een museum ter nagedachtenis aan de Irgun, waarin de terroristen van weleer worden geëerd.
Plaquette bij de ingang: “Ter nagedachtenis aan de bevrijders van Jaffa”
Eregalerij van joodse terroristen in het museum, die "martelaren" worden genoemd.
Ook in Nederland worden door o.a. door Ratna Pelle in pakketreizen 'uitstapjes' naar het Irgun Museum georganiseerd. Pelle vindt de verheerlijking van joodse terroristen blijkbaar zo belangrijk dat het in een reis naar Israël niet mag ontbreken.
Op dit bord bij het huidige King David Hotel staat bovenaan het embleem van nota bene de terroristen die het opbliezen, de Irgun. Benadrukt wordt dat men vóór de aanslag gewaarschuwd is, maar dat wordt door de Britten ontkend. In de laatste regel staat "...tot spijt van de Irgun werden 92 mensen gedood". Israël ontkent haar eigen geschiedenis.
Lees hier ook » De verheerlijking van joodse terroristen
De Israelische Terreur 570

'Press Release 06.01.09
Jaffa's activists continue with the protests:
"We are not intimidated by all attempts to scare us and we will continue to exert our legitimate and legal right to protest against the killings"Today – Tuesday, 06.01.09, at 18:00
Corner of Yefet St. and Dr. Erlich St. (Ajami park)
In these dark days, we insist together: Jews and Arabs refuse to act as enemies! We demand an immediate cease fire and total withdraw of the blockade. After two years of the siege, in which Israel controls land, sea and air and defines the amounts of food, medicine, electricity and gas that can enter the Gaza Strip, the government has opted for a military operation that has killed over 500 and injured thousands.
The Israeli government is trying to persuade us that the offense is actually a defensive operation to protect the citizens of the south and a reaction to Hamas' aggression – but the facts show us otherwise: the situation in the south of Israel is the result of Israel's policy towards Gaza and the inhuman conditions in which live all of its residents.
Following the demonstration in Jaffa last week, the police and security services have summoned and arrested dozens of Arab local activists and public figures. Some have even been taken from their homes under police escort (among them Municipal Council's representative Omar Siksik). These individuals were investigated on unfounded trumped-up suspicions, such as the incitement of terror and the non-recognition of the state. The sole purpose of these charges was to create an atmosphere of fear and political terror among the Arab Jaffa public. The harrowing parallels of such actions with oppressive regimes throughout history are apparent for all to see, and to us, are deeply disturbing.
Our answer is clear:
We are not intimidated by all attempts to scare us and we will continue to exert our right to protest against the killings, to express our solidarity with the people of Gaza and to call out with a clear voice for the end to the bombings and the blockade!
We call upon all peace activists to join our protest
Today – 18:00, Jaffa, Ajami Park
Stop the killings, end the siege!
For further details:
Fadi Shbeita: 050-4859046 / Hana Amoury 054-2451455 / Einat Podjarny 054-3554815
قائمة يافا סדאקה-רעות
רשימת יאפא صداقة-رعوت
Jaffa's activists continue with the protests:
"We are not intimidated by all attempts to scare us and we will continue to exert our legitimate and legal right to protest against the killings"Today – Tuesday, 06.01.09, at 18:00
Corner of Yefet St. and Dr. Erlich St. (Ajami park)
In these dark days, we insist together: Jews and Arabs refuse to act as enemies! We demand an immediate cease fire and total withdraw of the blockade. After two years of the siege, in which Israel controls land, sea and air and defines the amounts of food, medicine, electricity and gas that can enter the Gaza Strip, the government has opted for a military operation that has killed over 500 and injured thousands.
The Israeli government is trying to persuade us that the offense is actually a defensive operation to protect the citizens of the south and a reaction to Hamas' aggression – but the facts show us otherwise: the situation in the south of Israel is the result of Israel's policy towards Gaza and the inhuman conditions in which live all of its residents.
Following the demonstration in Jaffa last week, the police and security services have summoned and arrested dozens of Arab local activists and public figures. Some have even been taken from their homes under police escort (among them Municipal Council's representative Omar Siksik). These individuals were investigated on unfounded trumped-up suspicions, such as the incitement of terror and the non-recognition of the state. The sole purpose of these charges was to create an atmosphere of fear and political terror among the Arab Jaffa public. The harrowing parallels of such actions with oppressive regimes throughout history are apparent for all to see, and to us, are deeply disturbing.
Our answer is clear:
We are not intimidated by all attempts to scare us and we will continue to exert our right to protest against the killings, to express our solidarity with the people of Gaza and to call out with a clear voice for the end to the bombings and the blockade!
We call upon all peace activists to join our protest
Today – 18:00, Jaffa, Ajami Park
Stop the killings, end the siege!
For further details:
Fadi Shbeita: 050-4859046 / Hana Amoury 054-2451455 / Einat Podjarny 054-3554815
قائمة يافا סדאקה-רעות
רשימת יאפא صداقة-رعوت
Heeft u zich wel eens afgevraagd waarom het Centrum Informatie Documentatie Israel deze documentatie en informatie uit Israel nooit verspreid in Nederland? Het past weliswaar niet in de zionistische propaganda, maar wel degelijk in de informatie en documentatie over Israel. Haaretz noemt het CIDI dan ook terecht een 'pro-zionistische lobbygroep.' Het zou journalistiek fatsoenlijk zijn als mijn collega's dit elke keer weer zouden vermelden, want anders krijgt het Nederlandse publiek de indruk dat alle joods-Israeli's oorlogszuchtige fanatici zijn.
1 opmerking:
As the schoolyear begins in GAZA...
Hoe zat het ook alweer vorig jaar: na 50 dagen? 50 Days of Death & Destruction: Israel’s “Operation Protective Edge” Volgens de VN werden er dus 22 scholen vernield en 118 scholen beschadigd door de schurkenstaat Israël die het kennelijk niet zo opheeft met kinderrechten en onderwijs en internationaal recht meer in het algemeen.
Er hangt een prijskaartje aan om niet verdwenen scholen weer te repareren en operabel te maken en verder worden de klassen drukker, 60 per klas schijnt geen uitzondering, het kan niet anders. Met dank aan de ontregelende, moorddadige, Israëlische zionistsche geweldsmachine.
The Commisioner General van UNRWA (VN hulporganisatie) tweet het volgende bedankje aan donoren: "We express profound appreciation to Saudi Arabia (19m), Kuwait (15), United Arab Emirates (15) and United States of America (15m)." Fondsenwerving, bij totalitaire oliestaten en de USA opdat Palestijnse kinderen weer naar school kunnen.
Hoe bizar is dat!
Palestine Overwhelmed by Illegal American Immigrants - Juan Cole / Truthdig
Large Portion of Israeli Settlers in Palestine are US Citizens - Washingpost
Nog een Avaaz petitie: Politiker aus aller Welt: Die Gaza-Blockade aufheben!
Een reactie posten