dinsdag 1 september 2015

Eberhard van der Laan en de Zionistische Terreur

De Amsterdamse burgemeester Eberhard van der Laan wil koste wat kost een vriendenband met de  Joodse gemeente Tel Aviv-Jaffa aangaan. Tel Aviv is verantwoordelijk voor de etnische zuivering van de Palestijnse stad Jaffa in 1948:

On 25 April 1948, Irgun launched an offensive on Jaffa. This began with a mortar bombardment which went on for three days during which twenty tons of high explosive were fired into the town.[35][36] On 27 April the British Government, fearing a repetition of the mass exodus from Haifa the week before, ordered the British Army to confront the Irgun and their offensive ended. Simultaneously the Haganah had launched Operation Chametz which overran the villages East of Jaffa and cut the town off from the interior.[37]
The population of Jaffa on the eve of the attack was between 50,000 and 60,000, with some 20,000 people having already left the town.[35] By 30 April, there were 15,000–25,000 remaining.[37][38] In the following days a further 10,000–20,000 people fled by sea. When the Haganah took control of the town on 14 May around 4,000 people were left.[39] The town and harbour's warehouses were extensively looted.[40][41]
The 3,800 Arabs who remained in Jaffa after the exodus were concentrated in the Ajami district and subject to strict martial law.[42] 

Ter verduidelijking:

A Summary of Zionist Terrorism in the Near East — 1944-1948

Prepared for Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, UN Mediator for Palestine

Foreword: In view of the tragic assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte by identified Jewish terrorists on September 17 of this year, the following report has been prepared for the use of Dr. Bunche, Count Bernadotte’s immediate replacement.
The report is a compilation of all identified terrorist attacks on British, American and Arab individuals and entities from the assassination of the British Resident Minister in the Middle East on November 6, 1944 by members of the terrorist Jewish Stern gang to the assassination of Count Bernadotte on September 17, 1948 by members of this same gang of fanatics.
This information is compiled from reports of the US Department of State, the British Foreign Office and various American and British press services.
New York, October 1, 1948


Anoniem heeft een nieuwe reactie op je bericht "De Israelische Terreur 362" achtergelaten: 

Een video waarop te zien is hoe een gewapende Israëlische soldaat een 12-jarige Palestijnse jongen met een gebroken arm op een brutale wijze arresteert, veroorzaakt heel wat ophef. Video: Palestijnse familie verdedigt 12-jarige jongen tijdens brutale arrestatie 31/08/15 

'The video clearly shows, once again, the truth about a great deal of the IDF’s operational activities: chasing children. What should the soldier have done?  Haaretz 'The images show him having no idea what to do. His commanders probably didn’t have an answer for the situation in which he found himself, and it’s doubtful if the senior IDF brass would know what the soldier should have done.

It’s hard to blame him. An army that fights children and chases them as they flee is an army that has lost its conscience. The only way to change the situation is to change the reality. There is no other way. 
read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/1.673691 

Video: Palestijnse familie verdedigt 12-jarige jongen tijdens brutale arrestatie

31/08/15 om 10:01 - Bijgewerkt om 13:31
Een video waarop te zien is hoe een gewapende Israëlische soldaat een 12-jarige Palestijnse jongen met een gebroken arm op een brutale wijze arresteert, veroorzaakt heel wat ophef.
Video: Palestijnse familie verdedigt 12-jarige jongen tijdens brutale arrestatie
Israelische soldaat houdt Palestijnse jongen in zijn greep © Reuters

Afgelopen vrijdag protesteerden Palestijnse activisten op de Westelijke Jordaanoever tegen de bouw van de Israëlische nederzetting Nabi Saleh, nabij Ramallah. Tijdens de mars werden opmerkelijke beelden gemaakt. 

Israëlische soldaat en Palestijnse jongen
Israëlische soldaat en Palestijnse jongen  © Reuters

In de video houdt een gemaskerde soldaat een 12-jarige jongen in een stevige greep, zodat hij hem kan arresteren. Op dat moment wordt de soldaat aangevallen door woedende familieleden waaronder de moeder en de zus van de jongen. De 15-jarige zus bijt de man stevig in zijn hand. Ondertussen roepen omstaanders: 'Het is een kleine jongen, bovendien is zijn arm gebroken, laat hem.' 

Israëlische soldaat
Israëlische soldaat  © Reuters

'De video van het incident werd gemaakt door de vader van de jongen', vertelt Bassem Tamimi, aan CNN. De familie schiet vaker beelden van demonstraties om deze achteraf op de website Nabi Saleh Solidarityte plaatsen. 'Het is hun manier om het buitensporig geweld aan te kaarten.' Twee dagen na de protesten was de video al 3 miljoen keer bekeken.
Aangezien de familie er alles aandoet om aandacht te krijgen voor de Palestijnse zaak, rijzen er vragen over de authenticiteit de beelden. Het meisje dat de Israëlische soldaat bijt zou een 'Pallywood star' zijn. Iemand die media-aandacht probeert te krijgen door Israël in een slecht daglicht te plaatsen. 

Israëlische soldaat
Israëlische soldaat © Reuters

Volgens het Israëlische leger (IDF) gooiden de kinderen met stenen, waarop de soldaat besloot hen te arresteren. Deze foto lijkt dat te bevestigen.
Maar Jonathan Pollack, een aanwezige activist, weerlegt deze verklaring in de Israëlische krant Haaretz. 'De jongen heeft geen steen aangeraakt. Bovendien was de soldaat zich er goed van bewust dat hij te maken had met een minderjarige.' (AVE) 
A Perfect Picture of the Occupation
The video clearly shows, once again, the truth about a great deal of the IDF’s operational activities: chasing children. And an army that fights children and chases them as they flee is an army that has lost its conscience.

Haaretz Editorial Aug 31, 2015 2:18 AM
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Palestinians try to prevent Israeli soldier from detaining a boy during a protest in the West Bank village Nabi Saleh, August 28, 2015.Reuters
A picture of a headlock that's worth a thousand words
Father of IDF soldier attacked by Palestinians says proud of son's restraint
Palestinian women, children stop IDF soldier detaining a minor
There’s nothing like the video clip broadcast in Israel and around the world this past weekend to show the ugly, crazy and pointless face of the Israeli occupation.
The video was shot last Friday during the weekly protest in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. In it, an Israel Defense Forces soldier is seen trying to forcibly arrest a 12-year-old Palestinian boy who has his arm bandaged. A few Palestinian women are trying to stop the soldier, until his commander instructs him to let the child go.

The IDF claims the boy was throwing stones, but one of the eyewitnesses, Jonathan Pollak – who works for this organization – denies this claim. The IDF also tried to argue that the soldier didn’t realize it was a child, a claim that seems unfounded.

The soldier’s face is masked; the women in the video are seen tearing the mask off. Unlike other recent cases of stone-throwing, the soldier didn’t use his rifle or shoot the child – unlike, for example, Binyamin Brigade commander Col. Yisrael Shomer early last month. Then, the officer fatally shot a Palestinian youth in the back, after the teen had thrown stones at the vehicle in which he was riding.
Spokesmen for the extreme right – like Ronen Shoval, a founder of the right-wing group Im Tirtzu, and Gabi Avital, chairman of Professors for a Strong Israel – were quick to denounce the rules of engagement. “My heart goes out to the soldier and his commanders, and more so to the IDF, whose hands are tied,” Shoval wrote.
But like a thousand witnesses, the pictures show that the soldier’s life was not in danger for a single second. In many previous cases the soldiers’ lives were not endangered, yet they still fired at stone-throwers. The power of the camera is stronger here than anything else.

The soldier should be commended for not firing, and his commander did well to tell him to leave the boy alone – that should have been obvious, but it has not been for a long time.
The video clearly shows, once again, the truth about a great deal of the IDF’s operational activities: chasing children. What should the soldier have done?
The images show him having no idea what to do. His commanders probably didn’t have an answer for the situation in which he found himself, and it’s doubtful if the senior IDF brass would know what the soldier should have done.
It’s hard to blame him. An army that fights children and chases them as they flee is an army that has lost its conscience. The only way to change the situation is to change the reality. There is no other way.

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