Ukrainian Nazis Pay Private Military Company Academi (formerly Blackwater) for Training, Russian Report
Global Research, January 03, 2015
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The Russian Government’s Tass ‘news’ agency is alleging that “The US private military company Academi (formerly known as Blackwater) ... has confirmed to the Kiev authorities its readiness to start training an experimental battalion of 550 men as of January at the request of Ukraine’s General Staff,” according to an unnamed source, which source is probably one of the few remaining anti-nazi bureaucrats still remaining in the Ukrainian Government. The reported price of this Blackwater (a.k.a. “Xe,” a.k.a. “Academi”) training contract is $3.5 million.
Furthermore, “‘Ukraine has said it is ready to pay the money on the condition of assistance from the Ukrainian association Patriot, providing technical and financial support for the project,’ the source said.”
That organization is Patriot of Ukraine. If this report in Tass is true, then the Ukrainian Government, which now is being funded almost entirely by U.S. taxpayers (inasmuch as it no longer meets the financial requirements of the IMF and EU, both of which receive funding from both U.S. and European taxpayers), and for which the U.S. Congress just passed and the U.S. President just signed into law in December authorization of a $450 million donation, is now co-funding this military training, along with — as wikipedia describes “Patriot of Ukraine” (but with wikipedia’s footnotes removed) —
a Ukrainian nationalist organization with racist and neo-Nazi political beliefs. It constitutes a paramilitary wing of the Social-National Assembly of Ukraine (S.N.A.), an assemblage of neo-Nazi organizations and groups founded in 2008 that share the social-national ideology and agree upon building a social-national state in Ukraine. Both the “Patriot of Ukraine” and the S.N.A. engage in political violence against minorities and their political opponents. The leader of the “Patriot of Ukraine” and of the Social-National Assembly is Andriy Biletsky.
The S.N.A. derived from “the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine,” whose name was derived from the National Socialist Party of Germany — the original Nazis. America’s CIA hides its longstanding support of nazis after World War II (see this and this), but the Bushes and Obama have continued it even decades after the Soviet Union and its communism ended. Consequently, in 2004, the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine was advised by the CIA to, and it did, change its name to the “Freedom Party,” or “Svoboda,” because that sounds better to Americans.
Biletsky has been kept out of high official authority in its post-coup Ukrainian Government, by the Obama Administration, but wikipedia’s article on Ukraine’s racist and overtly pro-Hitler “Azov Battalion” notes that Biletsky was placed in charge of the Azov Battalion, and also that Biletsky “was awarded by Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko with a military decoration, ‘Order For Courage’,” so that the post-coup Ukrainian Government publicly honored this high nazi (‘nazi’ meaning racist-fascist, irrespective of any political party) operative, which Biletsky certainly has been, and is. Even the pro-U.S.-invasion Foreign Policy magazine hasdescribed the Azov Battalionas “fascist.” That propaganda-organ of the American aristocracy says “The conflict in eastern Ukraine has come, in some ways, to resemble a battle between Ukrainian and Russian nationalists,” condemning both sides equally, without even mentioning that this is an invasion by nazis into the Donbass region — as if whom the invaders are, and whom the defenders are, makes no difference (which is a very convenient underlying assumption for today’s United States Government to promote, especially since ours is now a fascist if not outright nazi government, despite the liberal rhetoric from Obama and some others, to fool suckers — and the American public are no longer represented in it).
In a youtube video (with English subtitles), Biletsky describes how he tortures residents in the separatist region (called “Donbass”), in order to extract confessions and other information from them; so, Obama’s conflict with the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee over the release of their torture-report might have relevance to his policies in Ukraine, especially since Blackwater-Academi is a U.S.-based mercenary firm, which Obama hires.
As a politician, Biletsky has switched back and forth between Ukraine’s two nazi Parties, sometimes being withRight Sector, sometimes with Svoboda. (By contrast, Germany never had more than one nazi party.)
According to the Tass report, the purpose of this training will be “marksmanship, operations by assault groups in urban conditions, ... combat, and logistics support for the battalion.” In other words: the purpose is urban assaults against the residents in Donetsk, Luhansk, and other cities, and their surrounding villages. This street-fighting is necessary because merely bombing these people has failed to get them to surrender. But it has caused a vast exodus so that, in one town that was studied, “Before the war, there were 25,000 inhabitants; now there are less than 8,000. Most have fled into Russia.”
Meanwhile, any assistance that Russia provides to the residents, even food and other non-military aid, iscondemned and blocked by the nazis — the pro-ethnic-cleansing Western governments and press — who aresaying, “Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown little interest in ... halting his aggression in neighboring Ukraine.” So: the Ukrainian Government is allowed to pillage, rape, and torture, but Russia would be committing ‘aggression’ to do anything about it.
If what Putin does is “aggression,” then the term that’s appropriate for what Obama does is — well, what is it? And since when is self-defense even “aggression” at all? (No wonder why Hitler called this technique, which since has been refined by the American Government, and which is now used by the Ukrainian and American Governments:“the Big Lie.” Hitler would probably admire Barack Obama, though his rhetoric was very different, and Hitler might have admired Obama as an even bigger liar — especially about himself and his beliefs.)
And when will Americans boycott the U.S. ‘news’ media, for their constant lying? Wasn’t the lying of America into George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq enough for us? Are we now to be lied into invading Russia too, with Ukraine being used as the proxy for the present stage, before NATO missiles start flying from there, at a surrounded Russia?
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
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