The mainstream media in the NATO-memberstates don't mention now the so-called western 'responsibility to protect,' after NATO-intervention created total chaos in Libya:

By Magharebia
By Monia Ghanmi
Tunisia is moving to keep the chaos in Libya from bleeding across the border.
Ansar al-Sharia has set up training camps along the shared frontier, Interior Minister Lotfi Ben Jeddou told Al Aan television on Tuesday (December 23rd).
Abou Iyadh (aka Seif Allah Ben Hassine) and other Tunisian members of the terror group live in Libya.
And while the creation last year of a closed military zone at the border reduced the smuggling of weapons, there have still been attempts by terrorists “to carry out operations in Tunisia”, Ben Jeddou said.
Such developments on the ground and increased turmoil near the border prompted Tunisian authorities to be on high alert.
“The Tunisian army has taken all necessary precautions, as per the instructions of the prime minister’s security cell, against any dangers threatening the country, by stepping up sea and aerial surveillance and air sorties in co-ordination with the internal security forces,” Defence Ministry Spokesman Belhassen Oueslati said.
The border region has been especially tense since the Libyan army launched airstrikes against Islamist “Libya Dawn” militias. The battle has been raging over control of the Libyan side of the Ras Jedir crossing.
“If the situation becomes worse, Tunisia will have to close its border,” Foreign Minister Mongi Hamdi told the press on December 6th.
“The security measures taken in southern Tunisia are not only aimed at preventing the spillover of the ongoing battles between Libyan sides to Tunisia, but also at preventing Tunisians from crossing the border to go to Syria to take part in combat with armed groups,” he added.
To Mohamed Ben Zekri, a professor of international relations, the neighbour states are inextricably linked.
“Enhancing Tunisia’s security and stability can only be realised when political and security stability is realised in Libya,” Ben Zekri said.
“There can be no talk about stability in the region in view of this turmoil in Libya, where the situation is becoming increasingly dangerous,” he added. Tunisia and other neighbouring countries could be drawn into “confrontations with the terrorist groups that are based in some Libyan cities”, he said.
According to security analyst Mazen Cherif, Tunisia must be prepared to face down the terrorist groups perched across its border.
He expects to see more of the recent bloody confrontations between the Libyan army and Libya Dawn forces.
“This poses a threat to Tunisia,” he said. “The Islamist Libya Dawn forces that are allied with other terrorist organisations, such as Ansar al-Sharia, will try to bring the war closer to the Tunisia border or inside Tunisian soil,” he warned.
But another threat may be even worse, Chief noted.
“The state must also take into consideration what a Tunisian ISIS leader said – that ISIS is based just 60 kilometres from the Tunisian-Libyan border,” he told Magharebia.
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