maandag 29 december 2014

Blik op NOSJournaal 6

maandag 29 december 2014

Odessa. Het nieuwsmoment van het jaar dat in Nederland doodgezwegen wordt

ENGLISH BELOW after first paragraph.

Officieel gaat het om 48 mensen die 2 Mei in Odessa gedood zijn, maar ook een getal van 56 wordt genoemd, plus een 50-tal vermisten, waardoor het totaal aantal doden over de 100 zou kunnen gaan. Los van het aantal, is het vooral de manier waarop, die shockeert. 48 Mensen worden opgejaagd en in en om het vakbondsgebouw in koelen bloede, één voor één, doodgemaakt, afgeslacht, vermoord (* gebruik zelf uw woord van voorkeur). Om in de termen van de politicus van het jaar, Frans Timmermans te spreken, wat waren de laatste worden van de mensen die hun fascistische beul in de ogen keek? "Dood mij niet!", of "Bel nog even met Hans van Baalen om te vragen of dit is wat hij bedoelde met "Keep fighting for Democracy!"?" Wat het verder nog macaberder maakt, is dat ook hier de schuld grotendeels vanaf het begin in de schienen van (pro-)Russen is geschoven. Aangezien er geen beelden zijn die dat ondersteunen heeft de massamedia het thema direct ook maar gelaten voor wat het was. Ook in de overzichten van het jaar komen deze beelden en dit nieuws, in Nederland, niet aan bod. "Het past niet in het plaatje". En het past ook helemaal niet in het plaatje om de volgende reden: Als je namelijk begrijpt wat er in Odessa gebeurd is, dan begrijp je ook wat voor een "nieuw, verlicht" regime er nu in Kiev zit. En dan begrijp je ook waar een dusdanig regime nog verder toe in staat is.

02.05.14. Odessa, Ukraine.

Burning of people in Odessa, Ukraine, 02.05.14 - #1 - The fight in the city center. 

Burning in Odessa, 02.05.14 - #2 - Nationalists prepare Molotov's cocktails. In this video: Young girls prepare Molotov's cocktails that were used in street fights as well as to the burning of people.

Burning of people in Odessa, 02.05.14 - #3 - The panoramic view on the accident place.

In this video:

The video of the camp destroying and the fire in the Building was made from a distance. It halps to see the accident as a whole. The details are in further parts. 

Burning of people in Odessa - #4 - Nationalists enter into the Trade Unions Building before the big fire.

In this video:

Fragments of events near the Trade Unions Building

1. The women, the federalist, is in the middle of nationalists group.

2. Nationalists gather round the building.

3. Nationalists enter into the building using the lateral entrance. The the big fire is absent yet. What did they do there? There are suspicions that people were killed before the fire. It will be shown further.

4. The militia is a distance from the building and is inactive. 

Burning of people in Odessa - #5 - Nationalists burn the Trade Unions Building 

Burning of people in Odessa - #6 - The man kills people fallen from the window

In this video: People trie to escape from the fire and fall down. The man beats fallen people by the rod. 

Burning of people in Odessa - #7 - The man shoot to people that try to escape the fire. Nobody stops him. 

Burning of people in Odessa - #8 - Nationalists beat people that left the building

In this video:

People having left the building are convoyed to the van. After that these people will be deported to militia station and arrested. Nationalists beat people having survived so far.  Remarks:

1. Autozak - the byname for the van to transport of arrested people.

2. Kulikovo Pole - the name of the camp square. The camp was established 2 months ago, so federalists are often named "activists of Kulikovo Pole".

3. Militia - official law-enforcements to provide the local safety.

4. "Send the best to Putin" - the Ukrainian propaganda insists protesters are mainly from Russia or Russia pays for them. Nevertheless, Russian citizens were not catched anywhere in meetings. There are no evidences Russian government organizes protests. And now: all murdered as well as arrested are from Odessa or region.

5. "Who shot from your side?" - several eyewitnesses tell the shooting was also from the federalists side. Nevertheless, all injured and killed by firearm are namely federalists.

6. "They are above [on the roof]" - the last federalists remained on the building roof. They had not guns.

Burning of people in Odessa - #9 - Nationalists search corpes inside the Trade Unions Building

In this video:

After the firefighters extinguished the fire in the Trade Union Building, nationalists returned. They search corpses, look for documents and contacts with other federalists. Note the skill of nationalists. 

Burning of people in Odessa - #10 - Officials came into the Trade Unions Building until the next day

In video: Officials came into the Trade Unions Building until the next day. They begin the inspection, but nationalists had a lot of time to hide evidences of their activities. 


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