zondag 30 januari 2011

Arab Regimes 38


The Tunisian people and the Egyptian people
have shown us that democracy can be reached
without the help of the USA.

as seen in Afghanistan and Iraq
did not produce any fruits
nor produce any democratic regimes , either.


PS :
The looting in Egypt is done 85%
by the securety-agents in civilian clothes.
And 15% by Egyptians who were kept hungry
by the same regime who has sent his agents.


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Neil van der Linden, consultant on cultural exchange North-Africa, Middle-East, Central Asia, Subcontinent, the West
Amsterdam, 0031 616612420
Never take the same road twice - Ibn Battuta, 14th century Moroccan Berber traveler, philosopher, medic, theologian
I want to pour water into hell and set paradise on fire, so that these two veils disappear and nobody shall any longer worship God out of fear of hell or hope of heaven, but solely for the sake of God's eternal beauty - Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyya,  8th century woman saint from Basra, Iraq  
The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility Albert Einstein, 19th/20th century German physicist
If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician - Albert Einstein
He or she who says it cannot be achieved should not interrupt him or her achieving it - Chinese Proverb

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